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Montblanc Ink Of Friendship


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Please take a moment to adjust your gear to accurately depict the Grey Scale below.

As the patches are neutral gray, that is what you should see.


Wintel PC

Grey Scale:


~ ⊕ ~

Figure 1.

Swabs & Swatch

Paper: HPJ1124 24 lb.



Figure 2.

NIB-ism ✑

Paper: HPJ1124.

Depicts nibs' line-width and pens' relative wetness.



Pens: L ➠ R: Sheaffer, TWSBI, NPS.

Figure 3.

Paper base tints:


L ➠ R: HPJ1124, Rhodia, G Lalo white, Royal, Staples 20 lb.



Ruling: 8mm.


Figure 4.

Paper: HPJ1124.



Figure 5.

Paper: Rhodia.



Figure 6.

Paper: G Lalo, Verge de France, white.



Figure 7.

Paper: Royal - 25% rag.



Figure 8.

Paper: Staples 20 lb. multi-use


Figure 9.

Grocery List

Paper: Pulp. One-a-Day calendar page.






Figure 10.

Smear/Dry Times.

Wet Tests. ☂








  • Dye-based fountain pen ink.


  • Bottle.


Released Summer 2011.

  • Limited Production - bottles not numbered.
  • At time of writing, it is OOS at most Vendors.

Daily writer?

  • Not quite.

A go-to ink?

  • When one is feeling more than just convivial.




(From the office of Ms Blue-Black.)

  • It's an LP ink, so I would be more likely to use a standard Turquoise instead. (Nor have I invited rikyu-cha to the office.)

Illustrations / Graphics:

  • It's an LP ink, so perhaps [commercial] artists might hold some in reserve for specific uses where a stock Turquoise doesn't quite have what it takes.
  • That said, it appears that IoF does not have any unique or exceptional performance properties that would make it precious. And the colour could likely be emulated with ease if needs be. (See Swab Swami below.)


  • It's an LP ink, so settle for a stock Turquoise instead.


  • In my world, this is where most LP inks would be used: for 'personal' personal writing.
  • Given the low potential for shading, one could use all manner of shaped nibs; and ultra wide nibs could appear nimble.
  • This is the colour for Beach Parties.
  • Billets doux? IoF is not the 'Ink of Friends With Benefits', so it gets a by for billets doux.



Flow Rate:

  • Middling.

Nib Dry-out:

  • Not seen.


  • Immediate.
  • With confidence.


  • Very nice indeed.
  • Ever so slightly lean; feedback from the nib is not muffled.

Nib Creep:

  • Not seen.

Staining (pen):

  • Not seen after five days contact.


  • Not seen.
  • Seems unlikely.

Bleed- Show-Through:

  • Staples 20lb: Slight.
  • Royal: All - two-sided use not possible from pens used.

Feathering / Woolly Line:

  • The NPS was slightly woolly on the Royal.


  • Not noticed.

Hand oil sensitivity:

  • Not evident.

Clean Up:

  • Quick and thorough with plain water.


  • No stated prohibitions.


  • Not claimed.

Smear/Dry Times & Water Resistance:

  • As shown in Figure 10 above.




  • More than enough energy to catch the eye.
  • The wind playing with one's hair.


  • A bit low.


  • Can be encouraged.
  • Attractive when it appears.


  • Pen+nib combos used:
    • About as expected.

    [*]Papers used:

    • Less than expected.


    • Rather low.
    • If shading is desired, a wider nib holds greater promise, as do papers with a hard smooth finish.

Hi-Res Scans:

Originals are an idiotic 53.3x33.9mm.


As I do not wish to be known as 'Queen of The Bandwidth Bandits', these are IMG-thumbs only.


Sheaffer on HPJ1124




TWSBI on Rhodia




NPS on Rhodia




NPS on G Lalo




Sheaffer on Royal






Is the name appropriate?

  • Works for me.

Are swabs/swatches accurate?

  • N/A




  • A comparison with Sheaffer Skrip Turquoise may be seen here: LINK

Swab Swami:




Left ➠ Right: Sheaffer Turquoise, Noodler's Navajo Turquoise, OMAS Turquoise, Lamy Turquoise.




Lovely papers:

  • Ran very well on all papers.

Trip-wire Papers: ☠

  • Those that are highly absorbent and/or have a low-calendered open surface.

Tinted Papers:

  • Due to the rather low saturation, I would steer clear of most tinted papers as the paper colour will almost certainly be added to the exquisite appearance of the ink.

Pre-Printed Papers:

  • Forms, etc.
    • Easily, but not with my ink!

    [*]For charts & graphs:

    • Ditto.

Is high-end paper 'worth it'?

  • When one is pursuing shading and/or increasing ink density by use of a wet writer.




  • I'm afraid not - the ink is just not sufficiently malleable.

Personal Pen & Paper Pick:

  • NPS on the Rhodia.
  • A Pink Safari, a Turquoise ink from MB, and one of my favourite papers . . . :cloud9:

Yickity Yackity:

  • This ink was received as a Christmas gift from a dear friend. As always, I cherish the thought behind the gift more than the gift itself.
  • There is a certain something to this ink, but I'm not sure if it has earned the special status that its name would confer. But it is absolutely wonderful stuff!!
  • Ah kushbaby, unless you know something I don't, I'm not going to let the hounds loose to track down another bottle.

= = = = =








Written Samples:

  • Sheaffer wide cap band + 14K Triumph nib. *swoon*
  • TWSBI 530 + steel M nib.
  • Notorious Pink Safari + steel B nib.

Lines & labels:
  • Waterman Havana from a Pilot Penmanship.


  • HPJ1124 24 lb. Laser Copy.
  • Rhodia.
  • G Lalo, Verge de France, white.
  • Royal, 25% cotton rag.
  • Staples 20 lb. multi-use.
  • Pulp. One-a-Day calendar page.


  • Scans were made on an Epson V600 scanner; factory defaults were accepted.
  • Figures shown were scanned at 200 dpi & 24 bit colour.
  • HiRes Images linked were scanned at 300 dpi & 24 bit colour.
  • Scans were not adjusted post-capture, other than dumb-down by Photobucket and IP.Board s/w.

Densitometer Readings:


  • Red 107
  • Grn 197
  • Blu 247
  • Lum 187

Fine Print

The accuracy and relevance of this Review depends in great part upon consistency and reliability of matériel used.

Ink does not require labelling/notice to indicate (changes in) formulation, non-hazardous ingredients, batch ID, date of manufacture, etc.

As always, YMMV, not only from materials, methods, environment, etc., but also due to differences between the stuff I used, and that you may have.

Also, I entrust readers to separate opinion from fact; to evaluate inferences and conclusions as to their merit; and to be amused by whatever tickles your fancy.



Tags: Fountain Pen Ink Review Montblanc Ink of Friendship MBIoF Turquoise Cyan Limited Production Edition LE LP 2011 Sandy1

Edited by Sandy1

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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wrong thread. :embarrassed_smile:

Edited by Bo Bo Olson

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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As always a brilliant review Sandy1.


Have to pass on this one though, no insane urge to run down and buy it and put it in my glass menagerie.

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I bought the last 2 bottles at the MB boutique here, and I use it in an Ahab Flex pen. The shading is quite impressive. I understand it is no longer available in the States.

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Wonderful review! Here's a quick, Lo Res comparison between MB Ink of Friendship and the older MB Turquoise (which I love too):




Edited by stevesurf

Best regards,
Steve Surfaro
Fountain Pen Fun
Cities of the world (please visit my Facebook page for more albums)
Paris | Venezia

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As always a brilliant review Sandy1.


Have to pass on this one though, no insane urge to run down and buy it and put it in my glass menagerie.



Thanks for the compliment!


I agree that IoF is not so very exceptional, even though it is very nice indeed.


However, if this were to become a regular member of the MB line-up, then it would certainly earn a shoe-size spot on my ink shelves.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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I bought the last 2 bottles at the MB boutique here, and I use it in an Ahab Flex pen. The shading is quite impressive. I understand it is no longer available in the States.



Thanks for letting us know about the shading achieved from a flexi. :thumbup:


Was IoF able to 'hold together' when the tines separated? or did you encounter railroading?




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Wonderful review! Here's a quick, Lo Res comparison between MB Ink of Friendship and the older MB Turquoise (which I love too):

✄ snip ✄







Two very different variants of Turquoise, both of which are appealing.


Why do I feel that I'm being tempted?




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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I bought the last 2 bottles at the MB boutique here, and I use it in an Ahab Flex pen. The shading is quite impressive. I understand it is no longer available in the States.



Thanks for letting us know about the shading achieved from a flexi. :thumbup:


Was IoF able to 'hold together' when the tines separated? or did you encounter railroading?






Hi Sandy,


I am not very adept at using a Flex nib, and no matter what ink I use, and I have MANY, I always get railroading. I don't know how to change this. I have 4 different Ahab pens and each one is the same, and I have flushed them and cleaned them and scrubbed the feeds with a toothbrush. Maybe I just don't have the technique down.


Any suggestions?

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Hi Sandy,


I am not very adept at using a Flex nib, and no matter what ink I use, and I have MANY, I always get railroading. I don't know how to change this. I have 4 different Ahab pens and each one is the same, and I have flushed them and cleaned them and scrubbed the feeds with a toothbrush. Maybe I just don't have the technique down.


Any suggestions?



Well, there is the Penmanship Forum, https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php?/forum/12-penmanship/


Clearly, I do not participate . . . :blush:




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Lovely indeed, but I'll stick with my kon-peki. It's more than enough turquoise for me :)

But . . .

Are you really sure?

Really really sure??

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Lovely indeed, but I'll stick with my kon-peki. It's more than enough turquoise for me :)

But . . .

Are you really sure?

Really really sure??


Hehehehehehehehehehe...yep, I'm sure.


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Even if I don't like the ink, I still enjoy your reviews: there's always a small gem in there somewhere. "Ink of Friends With Benefits" indeed...snort :roflmho:

"I was cut off from the world. There was no one to confuse or torment me, and I was forced to become original." - Franz Joseph Haydn 1732 - 1809
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Even if I don't like the ink, I still enjoy your reviews: there's always a small gem in there somewhere. "Ink of Friends With Benefits" indeed...snort :roflmho:




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