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What Chinese Pens Are You Using Today?


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Got my Baoer 79/"Skywalker" (checked, not solid black) in the mail this morning :thumbup:


Been playing around with it all of today.


I've got just one complaint with it, and that's that there's a hard edge where the barrel meets the section, and it's rather uncomfortable to hold.


Doesn't really make sense when the cap lip is rounded; it's not like a rounded barrel lip would be aesthetically unappealing or anything.

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hero 704 with black ink duke cartridges

hero 7022 with hero blue black ink (number 202) in a rubber sac converter


regards from shanghai


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Kaigelu 316 in charcoal today and once again I have Richard to thank for that recommendation, I'm liking it so far. I've got Noodlers Air Corps Blue Black in it which it seems to like, what inks are you using in your Kaigelus?

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In my K316 I have Parker Quink Black, in the K356 I have Diamine Imperial Purple. In the K306 it's Visconti Burgundy and in the K323 it's Pelikan 4001 Turquoie with 1:1 dilution of bolied water (to get rid of the hardness of the water where I live).





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Kagelu 316 with Sailor Jentle Grenade and a Hero of unknown model number loaded with Iroshizuku Asa-Gao.

http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png Life's too short to write with anything but a fountain pen!
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I think I need to get some Sailor ink at some point. My 356 is quite a dry writer whereas the 316 is laying down a much wetter line akin to a Parker medium nib. I have to say the colour of the charcoal 316 is so gorgeous!

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I've just ordered two Jinhao 1008's. One here: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221144270620 and one here http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/390490964972

I hope they are as nice as they look in the e-bay photos.


Today's pen is my K316 in Charcoal.





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Jinhao Century Mark I, loaded with Diamine Ancient Copper. (Finally got it back from my daughter, who appropriated it immediately, when I received it). She's now using my Hero 5028, with a 1.5 stub. Nothing's safe around my house !

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Ok, guys... I have a request for suggestions, advice, opinions or just plain help.


I'm having hip replacement surgery on Monday, and I was gettin' a small accumlation of pens to take with me. I plan to keep a journal, especially for my thoughts (possibly a little drug induced scribbling) and writing about the experience in the hospital and recovery process. While I was topping of the ink supply in my pens, I spied a Baoer Skywalker in my pen box, and thought, "That just looks like something an old country Doctor would carry". So, I'm gonna make him a gift, before they put me to sleep. What ink do you think a surgeon would use, if I can convert him to FP's ? I'd like to make a good impression, with a nice professional ink.


I have Aurora Black and Quink Washable Blue, and all the rest are Diamine. Blue, Black, Bl/Bk, red, green, brown ? I have a few more subtle colors, like Bilberry, Merlot, Teal, Ancient Copper, Chocolate ?


All suggestions are appreciated.


Take Care, everyone


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Ok, guys... I have a request for suggestions, advice, opinions or just plain help.


I'm having hip replacement surgery on Monday, and I was gettin' a small accumlation of pens to take with me. I plan to keep a journal, especially for my thoughts (possibly a little drug induced scribbling) and writing about the experience in the hospital and recovery process. While I was topping of the ink supply in my pens, I spied a Baoer Skywalker in my pen box, and thought, "That just looks like something an old country Doctor would carry". So, I'm gonna make him a gift, before they put me to sleep. What ink do you think a surgeon would use, if I can convert him to FP's ? I'd like to make a good impression, with a nice professional ink.


I have Aurora Black and Quink Washable Blue, and all the rest are Diamine. Blue, Black, Bl/Bk, red, green, brown ? I have a few more subtle colors, like Bilberry, Merlot, Teal, Ancient Copper, Chocolate ?


All suggestions are appreciated.


Take Care, everyone



Good luck with the surgery. Hopefully you are up and about and pain free soon.


I would recommend either the Bl/Bk or the Bilberry. Both are conservative enough that a doctor could easily use them in the course of their day.

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Thank you, sir. It's my 2nd hip replacement, so I pretty much know what to expect, in the form of "down-time", etc.


I was, personally, leaning towards the Bilberry myself... since it and the Merlot have become my current favorites. But, I know that I don't know much, so I appreciate the 2nd opinion.


Take Care,


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Ok, guys... I have a request for suggestions, advice, opinions or just plain help.


I'm having hip replacement surgery on Monday, and I was gettin' a small accumlation of pens to take with me. I plan to keep a journal, especially for my thoughts (possibly a little drug induced scribbling) and writing about the experience in the hospital and recovery process. While I was topping of the ink supply in my pens, I spied a Baoer Skywalker in my pen box, and thought, "That just looks like something an old country Doctor would carry". So, I'm gonna make him a gift, before they put me to sleep. What ink do you think a surgeon would use, if I can convert him to FP's ? I'd like to make a good impression, with a nice professional ink.


I have Aurora Black and Quink Washable Blue, and all the rest are Diamine. Blue, Black, Bl/Bk, red, green, brown ? I have a few more subtle colors, like Bilberry, Merlot, Teal, Ancient Copper, Chocolate ?


All suggestions are appreciated.


Take Care, everyone



Good Luck with the Op J.R. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery... :thumbup:


I'm not sure how it 'works' in the States, but here in the UK I think only Blue & Black are considered 'proper' colours for legal forms and such like (at my work place we can only use Black) :( My surgeon in the UK lent me his FP to sign my Consent Form (he asked me if I knew how to use one....which seemed a wise precaution :thumbup: ).....he used Blue ink.

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Thank you folks, thank you... having been thru this once, I'm startin' to wish it were already behind me ! Tried to put this one off, as long as I could - but that was a mistake. Shudda had it done 2 years ago, and avoided all this pain.


I'm gonna take a bag o' Chinese pens with me, and try to convert the staff at the hospital. Koofle, I'm pretty heavily impressed ! It looks like you've done a great job, with the Hero. 51sh, I spent the biggest part of my life at the phone co., and they wasted no time, telling me that 'workers' wrote with Black, only the 'bosses' could use blue. Of course, when I first went to work, I was so far down the totem pole, they gave me a pencil !


I tried the Baoer, w/Bilberry. It's a sorta wide M nib, and really doesn't show any purple, until you actually compare it to black. If the Doc doesn't care for it, I'll squirt him with it.


Gonna be busy the next couple of days, so I'll check back with everyone, in about 4 weeks.


Take care, everyone !


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Best of luck. I have that Baoer, and it's a great little pen. :thumbup:


I'd give Doc some Blue-Black, too. See you when you get back!

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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JR, I'd say blue-black. I've never seen a doctor use anything other than black, so you don't want to push him too far.

Best of luck with the OP. My wife works with a gent who had one put in by our local hospital. Just before the op they discovered the ball & socket were different sizes, but went ahead anyway (this is the NHS what did it). So he was left with a hip that literally dislocated every time he sneezed, one leg half an inch shorter than the other and MRSA in the wound. His 3 week recovery turned into 2 years of agony, regular swabbing of the open wound because it wouldn't heal with the MRSA and was stuck in a wheelchair before another hospital felt he had recovered enough to operate again. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned this just before an op...





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Sounds like the efficacy of my Chinese pens.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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