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What Chinese Pens Are You Using Today?


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Today's pen is a Hero 9033, a rather delicate slim pen with a hooded EF nib. The nib seems more like a F than an EF, but I have little experience with EF nibs so I am no expert. Originally filled with DC Super Violet, but the more pens I put it in the less I like it, just too runny and over saturated, and every one of the Chinese pens I have so far are wet writers, this one's no exception. So now it filled with Fast Dry American Blue and it is behaving much better.


Image stolen from eBay seller


This was the cheapest of the pens I have recently purchased and other than the small size, everything else about it is fine. This was purchased at the request of my daughter who holds every pen so close to the point that Fountain Pens without hoods leave her hands all filled with ink.

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Hero 187 brown w/black "blotches". It was nicknamed "the cigar" pen!

I liked it because it did not resemble a Parker Pen!

But, I do have to admit that it uses Parker carts! In fact, I have a P45 converter in it currently!

(Noodler's Dark Matter)


Frank :)



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Funny you should ask . . .


Today I received 3 Hero pens from ahai006 on e-bay (great seller, by the way). They're a 736 (thin and shiny), a 5020 (a little thicker, brushed steel), and a 7030 (thicker yet, and glossy black with chrome(?)). Inked all 3 of them (Noodler's Navy, Green Marine, and Bulletproof Black, respectively), and love all 3.

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Funny you should ask . . .


Today I received 3 Hero pens from ahai006 on e-bay (great seller, by the way). They're a 736 (thin and shiny), ...

I've got the same pen from the same seller on the way.

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Today I'm in Duofold mode. I have my Parker Duofold International Pearl & Black paired with my gorgeous Kaigelu 316 in Charcoal. I wish Parker did a pearlised Charcoal International, that would be amazing.





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today i was usinf the jinhao 11. in case no one has seen it -it's not mentioned here much, maybe never- it's this one:


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Today's pen was a Baoer Eight Horses inked with Caran d'Ache Amazon. I had to do a bit of polishing on the nib to get it to not bite so much. It took quite a few swirls on the back side of a legal pad to get it to the point that it didn't feel like it was gouging the paper every time the nib moved from left to right. It works well now.


It is a solid pen and fairly well balanced once posted, not too heavy either. So far I have had success buying inexpensive Chinese fountain pens, I hope my luck continues as I am waiting on 5 more pens in the mail.

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Being a bit boring here, back to the Kaigelu 306. It's a really good pen and growing on me more & more. It's very attractive:


I just wish that nib was a medium... Then I could change the ink more often too :thumbup: .





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Today was a Yiren 823. Inked with PR Black Magic Blue.


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today i'll be using the Hero 732. it's an ugly pen that i bought from isellpens a couple of years back, just because i wanted to try the 10k nib. quite good nib, too!!! it's what some might call "springy" i say it is semi-flex. i got inked up with R&K Verdigris.




PS. the clip and the cap band are, IMO, dead ugly. the body is actually quite nice black resin with white veins!!!

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Since I'm always using at least one Hero, let's get that right out of the way: 329, Noodler's Bad Green Gator to match the barrel.


I was also using a Duke 2008 with J Herbin Rouge Caroubier. Love the looks, a little bit of a hard starter.

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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Today was a Yiren 823. Inked with PR Black Magic Blue.


Wow! That one is really eye-catching. How does it write?


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Today was a Yiren 823. Inked with PR Black Magic Blue.


Wow! That one is really eye-catching. How does it write?




As you can see I have had to re-ink and this time I put in PR DC Super Violet!

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Today I've got my Amber & Grey Kaigelu 316 with me, and have just paid for a Kaigelu 323, which will be with me in a week or two.


That Yiren 823 looks rather BRIGHT, I'd be tempted to blink before using it...





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Hero 616 with Noodler's Black. Boldly going where Parker 51's dare not go.

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and be thy guide,

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by thy side.


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