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Investigation New Montblanc 146P Real Nib Size: Is An F Or M?


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The standard 4001 - Royal blue, blue black are ones I use. They have dropped the line width a half size on some pens.




Tomorrow I'm going to buy them and I will let you know. :thumbup:

pens: Aurora * Delta * Esterbrook * Goldfink * Kaweco * Leonardo * Montblanc * OMAS * Parker * Pelikan * Pilot * Sheaffer * Stilnova * Stipula * TWSBI * Visconti * Waterman


inks: Aurora * Delta * Diamine * J.Herbin * Leonardo * Pelikan * Pilot Iroshizuku * MB * Noodler's * Omas * Sailor * Visconti * Waterman

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MB blue black (olderformula) is also dry. Not sure about the latest MB Midnight blue .


Please, do you know if Noodler's ink (Black and Baystate Blue) stain in the MB 146 barrel window, if you've experience with those inks?


pens: Aurora * Delta * Esterbrook * Goldfink * Kaweco * Leonardo * Montblanc * OMAS * Parker * Pelikan * Pilot * Sheaffer * Stilnova * Stipula * TWSBI * Visconti * Waterman


inks: Aurora * Delta * Diamine * J.Herbin * Leonardo * Pelikan * Pilot Iroshizuku * MB * Noodler's * Omas * Sailor * Visconti * Waterman

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Although many are happy with Noodlers and Private Reserve, II do not use them due to periodic reports of various problems. I've used MB, Pelikan, Aurora, and Waterman with no problems. Modern Parker inks have been problem free for me except for Quink black which had terrible flow problems (a known problem), so I will not use Parker black.

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MB blue black (olderformula) is also dry. Not sure about the latest MB Midnight blue .


Please, do you know if Noodler's ink (Black and Baystate Blue) stain in the MB 146 barrel window, if you've experience with those inks?




Unfortunately yes.....it (BSB) can stain a clear ink view window.


I was going to say something earlier when I noticed you did a writing sample with BSB but....you had already done the writing sample.


There are a multitudes of threads here in FPN concerning BSB and it's propensity to stain, usually a very hot topic and watched carefully by the mods..



MY-stair-shtook eyn-HOON-dairt noyn und FEART-seeg (Meisterstuck #149)

"the last pen I bought is the next to the last pen I will ever buy.."---jar

WTB: Sheaffer OS Balance with FLEX nibs


Porkopolis Penners Blog

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Unfortunately yes.....it (BSB) can stain a clear ink view window.


I was going to say something earlier when I noticed you did a writing sample with BSB but....you had already done the writing sample.


There are a multitudes of threads here in FPN concerning BSB and it's propensity to stain, usually a very hot topic and watched carefully by the mods..





Thanks for the answer


Do not be afraid I have not loaded the MB with the BSB, for the test I just dipped the nib in the bottle and wrote a few lines that you read ... Thankfully!


I read on the bottle of BSB that still stains come off with bleach. Perhaps, filling the barrel of the pen with water plus a little amount of bleach, the stains can be removed ... Or the BSB irrevocably fix on the ink level window of any 146/149 MB??

pens: Aurora * Delta * Esterbrook * Goldfink * Kaweco * Leonardo * Montblanc * OMAS * Parker * Pelikan * Pilot * Sheaffer * Stilnova * Stipula * TWSBI * Visconti * Waterman


inks: Aurora * Delta * Diamine * J.Herbin * Leonardo * Pelikan * Pilot Iroshizuku * MB * Noodler's * Omas * Sailor * Visconti * Waterman

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Thanks for the answer


Do not be afraid I have not loaded the MB with the BSB, for the test I just dipped the nib in the bottle and wrote a few lines that you read ... Thankfully!


I read on the bottle of BSB that still stains come off with bleach. Perhaps, filling the barrel of the pen with water plus a little amount of bleach, the stains can be removed ... Or the BSB irrevocably fix on the ink level window of any 146/149 MB??


In bold above:


1. Thank goodness....


2. I would venture to guess yes.


I love BSB myself but have 1 or 2 pens that I use it in exclusively, nothing vintage and nothing that I would be afraid to stain. I do have it in a Twsbi 540 Demonstrator......go figure that!


Sorry to get off topic to your original question of MB 146 nib size...for what it's worth, I believe your nib is F, not just from the writing samples but from the shape of the iridium tips when viewed from below/feed side. The iridium is ground in more of an elongated shape. All my F/EF are shaped like this. Mediums in my experience have a more rounded contour to the iridium tipping.



MY-stair-shtook eyn-HOON-dairt noyn und FEART-seeg (Meisterstuck #149)

"the last pen I bought is the next to the last pen I will ever buy.."---jar

WTB: Sheaffer OS Balance with FLEX nibs


Porkopolis Penners Blog

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In bold above:


1. Thank goodness....


2. I would venture to guess yes.


I love BSB myself but have 1 or 2 pens that I use it in exclusively, nothing vintage and nothing that I would be afraid to stain. I do have it in a Twsbi 540 Demonstrator......go figure that!


Sorry to get off topic to your original question of MB 146 nib size...for what it's worth, I believe your nib is F, not just from the writing samples but from the shape of the iridium tips when viewed from below/feed side. The iridium is ground in more of an elongated shape. All my F/EF are shaped like this. Mediums in my experience have a more rounded contour to the iridium tipping.





Thank you very much Rick :thumbup:


Your experience and help on the size of the nib of my 146 has been very valuable!



Unfortunately, I cannot decide to keep this Fine nib in my MB 146P or replace with an EF size (for change I must sent my pen to MB factory), and finally get an EF size that's + / - with the same result ... Since to find the right and have pleased with an hand-made nib, is like winning the lottery! :crybaby:




pens: Aurora * Delta * Esterbrook * Goldfink * Kaweco * Leonardo * Montblanc * OMAS * Parker * Pelikan * Pilot * Sheaffer * Stilnova * Stipula * TWSBI * Visconti * Waterman


inks: Aurora * Delta * Diamine * J.Herbin * Leonardo * Pelikan * Pilot Iroshizuku * MB * Noodler's * Omas * Sailor * Visconti * Waterman

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I also find a nice tight paper weave like Rhodia or Clairefontaine really helps tone down a bold or wet nib.



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In discussng the effect of different inks on line width, just a note on Omas Blue, in case it should turn up as an option: In my experience it the most flowy ink I have ever used and widens the line at least one size broader. I have a bottle that I use ony in pens with nibs that are too fine.

Edited by Joane

Happiness is a real Montblanc...

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generally the MB will have a generous flow compared to some of my pens, try different ink and paper as some paper/ink will put a thick line then others.

Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,


I'm back to update this thread, hoping that the topic is interesting!



I begin this post with my thanks to Mr. Stephen of P & P Gallery shop in Padova ITALY, which, to help me kick all my doubts with MB nibs and, as promised, he sent to me another MB 146P with an EF nib to try to my home!


Having said this, it's time to talk of my persanal test, because I'm really undecided on which one MB146 to keep...

First, looking the paper is a pleasant to look at the colors of the wider line left by the ink with Fine nib that, with some colors like a Baystate Blue, for example, is a pretty sight, but, although the finer width line of the Extra Fine nib is more slender, is another thing ... With one word it's "FINE"!

Obviously, the Fine nib is a little smoother, and the EF version is a little less butter, and it "feels" more on paper with a little feedback but, not going into overdrive ... Always EF remains an excellent nib.


So I do not know which nib have to choose, both have good and bad points and unfortunately I cannot buy both!


While, the Aurora Optima Mini with Medium nib, if necessary, and for emergency (for example to use smaller fonts), allows to write with both sides of the nib, with the front part of the latter give a more finer width line... Unfortunately, the MB have the front end "flat" does not allow to use this little "trick"! Too bad.



I am attaching this pictures, in order to give you an idea of ​​what was said, the test was carried out without loading the ink in to the barrel, but only by dipping it:



















... And if you want, I'm here waiting you for some advice and / or suggestions!


Thank you guys,


Edited by colex

pens: Aurora * Delta * Esterbrook * Goldfink * Kaweco * Leonardo * Montblanc * OMAS * Parker * Pelikan * Pilot * Sheaffer * Stilnova * Stipula * TWSBI * Visconti * Waterman


inks: Aurora * Delta * Diamine * J.Herbin * Leonardo * Pelikan * Pilot Iroshizuku * MB * Noodler's * Omas * Sailor * Visconti * Waterman

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colex: just to make your decision more difficult, keep in mind that, varying pressure, MB nibs allow quite a good variation in line width. I'm including an example, made by my daughter with her 146P EF nib, and MB Violet (now discontinued). As you can see, a lot of line variation with an EF nib.




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I personally prefer the look of the fine.





+1 on the fine.


It just gives a little extra life to the ink.



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I'd read modern nibs, including MB are wider than before.

I was after a 'B' MB nib. I bought a Woolf with a M, that wrote B on the poor paper in the B&M.

At home on a tad better paper it wrote M. :headsmack:

I sent the nib in for a B nib...and did not specify I wanted a true B...not a modern B.

(If you send your pen in for a new nib, do tell them you want like a skinny B or a fat M, or a skinny F or a fat EF...if you want 'true' nib widths. I should have told them I wanted a narrow B or a fat M...then I'd not be thinking of sending it off to be brought down to vintage B size.


I got a B=BB modern nib. Measured on Richard's chart.


My vintage MB 234 1/2 semi-flex KOB is a true B, a writing nib....not a signature nib. Compared to that modern nib, it looks like an M...

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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I thought I had become "strange" and did not know even distinguish the line width of a nib! MB calibrates her nibs up of one o two size: Fine as Medium, EF as like a Fine nib on other brands, and there is nothing to do, look at these charts:










Well, I finally decided so, free you also from my doubt....




...And the WINNER IS


So after I view the charts on the "true" nib size of MB published above, the pleasure of fine stroke that makes the writing less "mixed" if you use normal characters / small, I preferred this EF nib size... Lose a little in the smoothness of the pen on paper compared to the Fine, which is still good the same and, I believe, a good ink fluid should help a little, at last, a wider section of the nib F (actually in a Medium side) contributed the pleasure of admiring the "nuances" of the ink, but, unfortunately, given their cost, both stylus I could not keep with me!!!


However, I do not regret buying at all and, I believe, that the Montblanc 146 or 149 are a Must To Have for any fan or collector of respect, if only, for the quality of materials, finishes and writing feedback/sensation... Although the list price, I think, it's priced too high but, if you buy one of this masterpiece at a great discounted price, like me for this 146P, it is a real bargain!!



Thanks for reading!




Bye from Italy

pens: Aurora * Delta * Esterbrook * Goldfink * Kaweco * Leonardo * Montblanc * OMAS * Parker * Pelikan * Pilot * Sheaffer * Stilnova * Stipula * TWSBI * Visconti * Waterman


inks: Aurora * Delta * Diamine * J.Herbin * Leonardo * Pelikan * Pilot Iroshizuku * MB * Noodler's * Omas * Sailor * Visconti * Waterman

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Not sure where these charts are from (actual manufacturers data?) but it plainly shows that there is no REAL standard in nib description (Fine-Medium etc..) and much less any correlation with actual line width. Line width laid down has multiple variables, of which only one is the size of the tip......paper, ink, user pressure, speed of writing, flexibility...


If you ever get a regrind from one of the master's...when you say I want it ground to a "Fine"...they write back and say what does that mean? Do you mean a .4mm or .5mm line tip? What's a BB?..1.2mm???


Simplest solution.....get a nice vintage flex, wet noodle, that goes from a XF-BBB (.2mm-1.5mm for me)....problem solved! :bunny01: :bunny01:




MY-stair-shtook eyn-HOON-dairt noyn und FEART-seeg (Meisterstuck #149)

"the last pen I bought is the next to the last pen I will ever buy.."---jar

WTB: Sheaffer OS Balance with FLEX nibs


Porkopolis Penners Blog

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  • 4 months later...





Not sure where these charts are from (actual manufacturers data?) but it plainly shows that there is no REAL standard in nib description (Fine-Medium etc..) and much less any correlation with actual line width. Line width laid down has multiple variables, of which only one is the size of the tip......paper, ink, user pressure, speed of writing, flexibility...


If you ever get a regrind from one of the master's...when you say I want it ground to a "Fine"...they write back and say what does that mean? Do you mean a .4mm or .5mm line tip? What's a BB?..1.2mm???


Simplest solution.....get a nice vintage flex, wet noodle, that goes from a XF-BBB (.2mm-1.5mm for me)....problem solved! :bunny01: :bunny01:




or using private reserve fast dry can be a bonus if he is wants an ink without a too generous flow

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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Not sure where these charts are from (actual manufacturers data?) but it plainly shows that there is no REAL standard in nib description (Fine-Medium etc..) and much less any correlation with actual line width. Line width laid down has multiple variables, of which only one is the size of the tip......paper, ink, user pressure, speed of writing, flexibility...


If you ever get a regrind from one of the master's...when you say I want it ground to a "Fine"...they write back and say what does that mean? Do you mean a .4mm or .5mm line tip? What's a BB?..1.2mm???


Simplest solution.....get a nice vintage flex, wet noodle, that goes from a XF-BBB (.2mm-1.5mm for me)....problem solved! :bunny01: :bunny01:




or using private reserve fast dry can be a bonus if he is wants an ink without a too generous flow



Thanks for suggestion, it's hard to find in Italy... For now I use the Noodler's Bulletproof Black (buyed in USA), it has a less generous flow of Aurora Black ink.

pens: Aurora * Delta * Esterbrook * Goldfink * Kaweco * Leonardo * Montblanc * OMAS * Parker * Pelikan * Pilot * Sheaffer * Stilnova * Stipula * TWSBI * Visconti * Waterman


inks: Aurora * Delta * Diamine * J.Herbin * Leonardo * Pelikan * Pilot Iroshizuku * MB * Noodler's * Omas * Sailor * Visconti * Waterman

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