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Cross Logo

Robert T

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I just got an older cross townsend and I notice that the writing on the clip (Cross) is in script and not the normal print. Can anyone tell me when they changed or started the script writing to the print ??

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I don't know what you exactly meant by Script, but I've seen the following types of engraves on cross pen clips:


Upto mid 1980's:



Upto 2000:



Current logo:


The 2nd version is still used in many models (nibs of Century fountain pen, clip of higher end pencils; I also noticed CII medalist in website currently bears this version though mine has the printed version).


Of these, which logo does your pen clip bear, any photographs?

Edited by sriramoman
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Think the script logo went beyond mid-80s :unsure: My mother bought me my Cross USA Townsend FP in 1994. it has the script logo and green hang tag... as you can see...



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  • 3 weeks later...

The script vs print logo has nothing to do with the era of the pen. I believe the script is reserved for pens that cost more so i dont think its available on the chrome or medalist models. They can be found on modern cross pens with 10k, 14k, 18k and sterling silver. I could be wrong though but this seems to be the case for all of my cross pens.

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I think the script logo meant at one time (and perhaps even now) that the pen had a gold nib. This would agree with Batman's observation, because it would be precisely the 10K gold and otherwise more precious cap and barrel material that would go with having a gold nib.


Although I've bought Classic Century fountain pens that had gold nibs but didn't have the gold-filled or sterling silver cap and barrel, I don't know whether Cross sold e.g. a matte black or burgundy pen with a gold nib, or the nib was changed at some time before I bought the pen.

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I believe they did script up until about the mid 90's, after that they changed to Print. More current ones with script are probably new old stock. However, a lot of the current sterling silver Townsends and Century II still have the script Cross logo with "Metal" written on the very top of the clip.

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The script vs print logo has nothing to do with the era of the pen. I believe the script is reserved for pens that cost more so i dont think its available on the chrome or medalist models. They can be found on modern cross pens with 10k, 14k, 18k and sterling silver. I could be wrong though but this seems to be the case for all of my cross pens.

They were... As you can see above, mine is a Townsend Medalist with script logo. And it was bought new in 1994, i still have my store purchase receipt in the box.


I don't think it had anything to do with precious metal :unsure:

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I agree with Pingu, it didn't have anything to do with precious metal because mine is a ballpoint rolled gold pen, which is not "precious" metal. Precious metal pens just have insignia and hallmarks and not different logos.

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I agree with Pingu, it didn't have anything to do with precious metal because mine is a ballpoint rolled gold pen, which is not "precious" metal. Precious metal pens just have insignia and hallmarks and not different logos.


Sorry if I used the term precious metal too loosely, when I refer to precious metals for cross I'm thinking of sterling silver, 10K rolled gold, 14k rolled gold, and 18k rolled gold. Perhaps cross only placed the script logo on my definition of precious metals, and as for the cross medalist Townsend with the script, I could only assume that because the Townsend is the flagship pen cross probably offered the scrip logo on that line of pens.




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I think the answer is not easy.


My Townsend fountain pens in rolled gold (14Kt gold nib) and sterling silver (18Kt gold nib) all have script but so too does one in black lacquer (14Kt gold nib) whereas the Medalist I can't remember. It has a stainless steel nib and I think it is in block capitals.


But, for the (original slim) Century ballpoint, fountain pen, Selectip and pencil, my maroon and grey ones are in block capitals as too are the 10Kt and 12Kt rolled gold and the silver plated examples but the 18Kt rolled gold and the sterling silver equivalents are in script.


So, if there is or was a rule, I am not sure whether it relates to the material of the pen(cil) or the material of the nib and whether the rule is the same for all ranges and whether it might have changed over the years.



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