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146 Vs. 149: Ink Capacity And Comfort


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Dear fellow FPN members,


Currently, I am contemplating treating myself with (another) Meisterstueck fountainpen. I was thinking of either getting a 146 with platinum trim or a 149 with the regular gold trim. Nib size for both would be fine. I was wondering what most people's impression on ink capacity and comfort is with these pens. How many pages do you get out of one ink load using a regular A5 page format? Is either one causing earlier fatigue/hand discomfort than the other when writing a lot?





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I have a large hand and prefer the size and feel of the 149.


With both I have not noticed a problem with ink capacity, I assume the 149 holds more.


My problems with the 146 is the smaller size plus realizing that my writer limited editions are basically enhanced 146s, thus the 146 plain is very redundant.

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I do believe a MB forum member has actually done ink capacity measurements of these two pens. Can't remember who or the threaded topic...was it hari maybe??



MY-stair-shtook eyn-HOON-dairt noyn und FEART-seeg (Meisterstuck #149)

"the last pen I bought is the next to the last pen I will ever buy.."---jar

WTB: Sheaffer OS Balance with FLEX nibs


Porkopolis Penners Blog

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Many years ago I had a 146, but for the last 17 yrs I've used 149 and every time I try something else (Montblanc, of course!) I go back to 149. Few times I was tempted to 'upgrade' one of my collection pens to working status (I don't ink my collection embarrassed_smile.gif ) but every time ended up deciding that 149 is still the best ... and having to flog 'used' one and replenish the collection (well, not alwaysrolleyes.gif) So, I stop doing that!

To the person who reported me for copyright violation in my WANTED ad in the classifieds section for a 75th LE 149:

Really? An 80x80 pixels avatar-type picture in the heading of a wanted advert is threatening your well-being?

My apologies then. Thank you. Goodbye.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Reading through the above link it is obvious that the difference in the ink capacities of the 1466 qnd 149 series is a function of the barrel length rather than width as we generally assumed. So that should not be much different.


Most above post that 149 is the best size. It is the flagship size for the MB but 146 I find is more ergonomic, despite my big hands. I have a few 146s for sale in the classifieds here if you are interested.

Enjoy your pens

Have a nice day


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I'd forget about ink capacity - they're both piston fillers and you can always carry extra ink in a small glass or Nalgene bottle, if necessary. What's important is how the pen fits your hand. FWIW, I have both a 149 and a 146 but the 146 is a better 'fit' for my hands than the 149. Try both out in a store/MB Boutique and see which one feels better for you, then worry about the ink situation...

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I have both and love both

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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What surprised me when I first held the 149 was that it was lighter than I assumed from seeing pictures. The 146 has a bit more heft to it, so I was expecting the 149 to be even heavier. Initially, I favored the 146 because I was used to brass and lacquered barreled pens coming from being a Waterman user. I have since come to appreciate the lightness of the 149, which makes sense since you don't want an overly heavy big pen. That being said, the 146 is the right sense of balance, not too heavy, for extended writing. I love both, you may as well. Definitely hold and write with each to see what you like. You may come to like and own both as many of us do....

Regards, Stephen

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Dear fellow FPN members,


Currently, I am contemplating treating myself with (another) Meisterstueck fountainpen. I was thinking of either getting a 146 with platinum trim or a 149 with the regular gold trim. Nib size for both would be fine. I was wondering what most people's impression on ink capacity and comfort is with these pens. How many pages do you get out of one ink load using a regular A5 page format? Is either one causing earlier fatigue/hand discomfort than the other when writing a lot?





I don't recall what the exact size of an A5 sheet is, but I was able to get five pages of journal writing in my Levenger Ledgerdomain journal, which is 7 5/8 x 10 3/4 while using my MB 149 which has a B nib and only had used up about half of the ink in the pen.


I do have a 146 as well, but it has an EF nib and generally sees more writing time when I am editing something at work with tables. I use my 149 as a general writer a lot of the time. Comfort as to how a pen feels in the hand is something that varies from person to person. My 146 Citrine is heavier than my 149 -the barrel is metal- so I cannot judge how much fatigue I might feel based upon the individual model.

Smith Premier No. 4
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