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Got Some Real Sepia From Squid Ink Sac


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Interesting. Thanks. It's now on my ink wish-list!

Sincerely, beak.


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WOW! :yikes:

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I did not realize that Hakase Sepia is in fact a real sepia squid ink. It's a lovely color.


Did you order directly from Hakase? Did you use a translator or does someone there speak English? How was the ink delivered? A forwarding service?

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OK, the squid recipe makes me hungry and I just eat breakfast. I saw the prices to so the difference is light and dark. Ouch! I'll check out De Atramentis Havana instead. The water resistance of all these inks was impressive.

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Are you going to use it to make


Just......eww. I am not watching that.



SAM! What a beautiful colour.


You haven't noticed any clogging or anything since loading up?

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I did not realize that Hakase Sepia is in fact a real sepia squid ink. It's a lovely color.


Did you order directly from Hakase? Did you use a translator or does someone there speak English? How was the ink delivered? A forwarding service?


I have to give credit to the past thread where they mentioned this company. I did use google translate, and sent an email via their online contact form to which Mr. Yamamoto (who someone here said used to live in the USA) responded with details. They use a local Yamato Transport courier that is a mainstay in Japan, who hand it off to DHL once it passes customs.

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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That's a beautiful ink color and perhaps the closest I have seen to J. Herbin Lie de The and Diamine Golden Brown inks.

Thanks for posting this information.


Always an honor to contribute back to you, Mauricio, "my flex pen master." :notworthy1:

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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Are you going to use it to make


Just......eww. I am not watching that.



SAM! What a beautiful colour.


You haven't noticed any clogging or anything since loading up?


Not yet. Although I verified fountain pen safety with Mr. Yamamoto-san, just to be on the safe side, I started out in the new (prototype) Noodler's Ahab Flex pen. It has been in it for 3 days, and just picked it up now, and started up immediately, flowing great.

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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Hmm...I expected the ink to be a little darker.


By the way, squid ink pasta is delicious! Can't quite describe it...just imagine a hint of sea water saltiness and freshness...err...lost my line of thought there. You'll just have to try it. It sounds and looks weird but trust me, you have no idea what you're missing out on. But the squid has to be fresh....otherwise I just can't help you there.The first time I tried it was in a small cafe in Melbourne. The waiters were probably thinking I won't be able to stomach it because the first thing they asked me after I wolfed down the plate was, "How do you feel?" roflmho.gif


What's next, Sea Urchin Roe Creme Yellow? That'd make for one expensive bottle of ink!

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I love squid ink pasta and Risotto-Nero, but I think I wouldn't eat it in a place where the waitress asks such questions, lol.


I see that ignoring most bottled ink in Japan might have been a mistake.

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The Truth is Five but men have but one word for it. - Patamunzo Lingananda

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I see that ignoring most bottled ink in Japan might have been a mistake.


Japan makes some of the finest modern inks, Pilot and Sailor are some of my favorites. :thumbup:

Gobblecup ~


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Oh, I bought a lot of Pilot/Namiki, Platinum and Sailor inks, I've been thinking more about those inks not easily obtainable in the west. I used to travel to Japan in order to get new stick inks, ink stones, brushes aso., but I always ignored bottled ink, except two kinds of bottled Sumi ink I use a lot. I am left now with a growing list of things I always ignored and it will be a "long" time until I have the chance to get those items.


I thought about ordering them, but it's not that easy.

Edited by Chevalier

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The Truth is Five but men have but one word for it. - Patamunzo Lingananda

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Oh, I bought a lot of Pilot/Namiki, Platinum and Sailor inks, I've been thinking more about those inks not easily obtainable in the west. I used to travel to Japan in order to get new stick inks, ink stones, brushes aso., but I always ignored bottled ink, except two kinds of bottled Sumi ink I use a lot. I am left now with a growing list of things I always ignored and it will be a "long" time until I have the chance to get those items.


I thought about ordering them, but it's not that easy.


Yeah, it seems like it would be both a hassle and very expensive to get inks like this sepia ink. Now I get what you're talking about! :thumbup:

Gobblecup ~


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It's not hard....just use google translate and fill out the online query form, and Mr. Yamamoto-san contacted me with the payment details. This dark version was the most expensive ink I will likely ever get, but I always wanted to see what REAL squid sepia ink looked like...which has been a part of history. This also has the advantage of being being safe for FP's I got the impression that this is a low volume item, and they may make just a few bottles at a time. If you look at videos of how they remove the squid ink sac, and how little they get, you begin to appreciate the unique labor leading to the expense.

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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The color is very similar to Rohrer & Klingner Sepia -- it would be wonderful if you could get hold of some, Sam, and show us a comparison. There were a couple of interesting comments in Jean Elie's interview with R&K: on the one hand, they said, "All inks could be mixed with each other. Mixtures with sepia should be use immediately and not be stored." In explanation of this, they said, "Sepia contains a dye that is not compatible with the dyes used in the other inks. This could lead to flocculation." (That means gunk precipitating in clumps.) I wonder whether this dye might be actual cuttlefish ink like the Hakase ink?

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R&K Sepia is no real Sepia afair, but the color is quite close to the organic color of real Sepia. Black, Sepia and Bister ("Ausziehtusche", hence and Indian Ink) are the three of the most traditional R&K inks.


I just noticed that I really miss the distinction between Tinte and Tusche in English.

Edited by Chevalier

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The Truth is Five but men have but one word for it. - Patamunzo Lingananda

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