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Diamine Denim


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Please take a moment to adjust your gear to accurately depict the Grey Scale below.

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Grey Scale:



Figure 1.

Swabs & Swatch

Paper: HPJ1124 24 lb. Laser Copy.



Figure 2.

NIB-ism ✑

Paper: HPJ1124.

Depicts nibs' line-width and pens' relative wetness.



Pens: L ➠ R: PCP, S21, 530, 330, Phileas & Safari.



Ruling: 8mm.


Figure 3.

Paper: HPJ1124.



Figure 4.

Paper: Rhodia.



Figure 5.

Paper: G Lalo, Verge de France, white.



Figure 6.

Paper: Royal - 25% rag.



Figure 7.

Paper: Clairefontaine Triomphe



Figure 8.

Paper: Staples 20 lb. multi-use



Figure 9.

Grocery List

Paper: Pulp. One-a-Day calendar page.






Figure 10.

Smear/Dry Times.

Wet Tests. ☂






  • Dye-based fountain pen ink.


  • Bottle.


  • Available when Topic posted.

Daily writer?

  • Quite likely.

A go-to ink?

  • When a warm stable Dark Blue is desired.




(From the office of Ms Blue-Black.)

  • There is gravitas aplenty in the wee bottle, so could be used for all communication if so desired.
  • Unlike some dark inks, DDen has just enough warmth to make the use of a more convivial Medium Blue an optional extra. But a more energetic Blue may come in handy. e.g. Herbin Eclat de Saphir.
  • Well suited to all manner of personal work product.
  • Really not suited for mark-up or editing, nor error correction / grading of assignments.

Illustrations / Graphics:

  • Seems to invite application by brush and other non-FP implements.
  • DDen is a possible candidate for stable figures; and if well diluted, it could serve as a ground.
  • May also do well as a transitional colour from Dark Blue to Purple.
  • While it could be used as a foil to colours approaching Dark Teal, that use seems a bit clumsy or somehow overstretched. (?)
  • Line quality remained high on all papers used - even the non-absorbent textured G Lalo! Consequently, that attribute combined with the general lack of appreciable shading makes DDen a very good option when executing tight narrow lines, diagrams, labels, crosshatching, etc. :thumbup:


  • Hmm.
  • While the appearance of the ink is well suited to many tasks, it seems rather likely that bleed- show-through may prevent using both sides of low-cost paper unless a dry-ish [narrow] nib is used.
  • The water resistance does not inspire confidence, so one should safeguard work where DDen was used.
  • However, if such shortcomings are acceptable, then it would be a nice step away from a default Dark Blue ink.
  • Should be considered for hand-written assignments.


  • Well, I'm yet to be convinced. :hmm1:
  • DDen is too too close to my business daily writer ink, the discontinued Parker Quink Permanent BlBk with SOLV-X. Yet when I had but one pen and that ink, I used it for all purposes - setting aside Quink Permanent Blue and even Turquoise!
  • Obviously DDen is a new ink, so I have yet to fully explore those inviting tones.
  • For personal pro forma business writing, DDen may be too nice - use-up the Diamine Indigo instead.
  • I would certainly not rule-out DDen for 'personal' personal writing, but it would have to slip into something more comfortable and bring something special to the party.
  • If I were to receive personal correspondence written with this ink, I would think a certain something was left out. (Am I too fussy? Or just over-caffeinated and jet-lagged?)
  • Suitable for use in a casual carry pen.
  • As ever, when there is little shading, an ink seems to invite the use of shaped nibs to add some line variation. And the stable nature of the ink seems to invite experimentation. *goes to ink-up the Sailor+Zoom*
  • The high line quality and good flow make DDen a good pairing with very narrow nibs.
  • Billets doux?



Flow Rate:

  • Generous.
  • Controlled.

Nib Dry-out:

  • Not seen.


  • Immediate.
  • With confidence.


  • Quite good.
  • Seemed a bit 'thick' - muffling nib feedback.

Nib Creep:

  • Not seen.

Staining (pen):

  • Not seen, though contact time was brief.


  • Not seen.
  • Given the flow rate, it seems unlikely.

Bleed- Show-Through: :(

  • HPJ1124: 530, 330, Safari.
  • Royal: 330, Safari.
  • Staples 20lb.: 330
  • Pulp: Inconsequential.

Feathering / Woolly Line:

  • Not seen.
  • (I've lowered my standards.)


  • Very faint.

Hand oil sensitivity:

  • Not evident.

Clean Up:

  • About normal speed with plain water.


  • No stated prohibitions.
  • Slight dilution may be considered as a means to reduce bleed- show-through, and to open-up the ink just a bit.


  • Not claimed.

Water Resistance & Smear/Dry Times:

  • As shown in Figure 10 above.




  • Stable.
  • Warm.
  • Not quite all-business.
  • Reminiscent of a person who quietly tells a brief tasteful joke in a crowded elevator - causing some who overhear to ride beyond their intended floor.


  • Medium.


  • Only a few samples showed slight variation in density. (See the 330 on HPJ1124.) Yet some shading was seen from the dip pen on Clarefontaine (!), so the Phileas was used to generate another FP sample, which showed that DDen can produce subtle shading. (See HiRes scan below.)

Glitter & Glow:†

  • Not seen - even with the use of a dip pen on Clairefontaine Triomphe; that single low-saturation instance should not dissuade others to go for the glitter and glow.


  • Pen+nib combos used:
    • Not so much - typical of a moderately saturated dark ink.

    [*]Papers used:

    • Quite low.


    • Low.
    • The consistency of The Look across the wide variety of pens and papers encourages one to consider DDen for use as a daily writer ink.

† Avoid such inspection in departure lounges or other similar security/sanity zones. Trust me on this one, OK? See Post № 3 LINK


Hi-Res Scans:

Originals are 60x30mm.


PCP on HPJ1124


530 on Rhodia


330 on G Lalo


Safari on Royal


Phileas on Clairefontaine Triomphe





Is the name appropriate?

  • Profoundly vague - ink has nothing to do with cloth. LINK
  • The Diamine ink-naming crew team scored an own goal with 'Denim'.
  • It seems that 'Indigo' was taken. LINK

Are swabs/swatches accurate?

  • Diamine site sample is a reasonable depiction. LINK
  • Pre-release sample graciously posted by fuchsiaprincess in Inky Thoughts: Post № 69 LINK




  • To enable ad hoc comparison, my Reviews of Blue inks from August 10 2010 onward share the same Written Sample layout, atrocious handwriting, and some papers & pens. Manipulation of web browser windows supports simultaneous viewing of Written Samples of several inks. That said, if you feel a specific aspect deserves to be depicted/documented as a stand-alone Topic or Post, your PM will be welcomed.




From Left to Right: Herbin Bleu Nuit, Cd'A Blue Night, OMAS Blue, Parker Quink Blue-Black with SOLV-X (discontinued).



Lovely papers:

  • Many.
  • I like the cooler whites.

Trip-wire Papers: ☠

  • Dirty whites.
  • Those which cannot suppress bleed- show-through.

Tinted Papers:

  • While the ink is dark, the saturation is only medium, so the tint of the paper may well alter the colour of the ink. Consequently, to generate the desired Look, it is important to consider the wetness of the pen.

Pre-Printed Papers:

  • Forms, etc.
    • At low-to-medium density, forms work should be OK: good separation between the Black ink typical of most forms, and the warmth of DDen brings what is written slightly forward, enhancing ease of reading.
    • The high line quality makes DDen a good match for crowded ill-designed forms requiring [inverted nib] tiny writing.

  • For charts & graphs:
    • Very possible - but if narrow lines are anticipated, DDen may not have enough separation from Black, so may be used in place of Black. (YAY!)

Is high-end paper 'worth it'?

  • Not so much, but not to be dismissed out-of-hand.
  • Smooth hard surfaced papers may be needed to avoid bleed- show-through; and may be explored to see if shading can be invoked.




  • I'm afraid not - the ink is just not sufficiently malleable.

Personal Pen & Paper Pick:

  • I'd like to pick the dip pen on Clairefontaine, but as this is not DPN, I feel compelled to choose an FP, so its the 530 on HPJ1124.
  • The paper is cool, providing good contrast to the warmth of DDen. The nib is quite wide and wet, giving a good % coverage, the density seats the ink solidly upon the page.

Yickity Yackity:

  • I think there is something going on in the bottle that offers a welcome increment shoe-horned between the Dark Blues, Dark Purples, and Blue-Blacks.
  • Perhaps it is not something new, but will certainly attract those looking for something that is a step aside from most dark inks.
  • Not quite a 'must have', but DDen is certainly not so generic as to be overlooked.
  • Ah kushbaby, can it wriggle into an opening on your ink shelves?








  • Platinum Carbon Pen + g-p steel über narrow nib.
  • Parker Super 21 + Octanium F nib.
  • TWSBI 530 + steel M nib.
  • Sheaffer Imperial 330 + steel M nib.
  • Waterman Phileas + Steel B nib.
  • Lamy Safari + goosed 1.1 steel nib.
  • A dual-reservoir Brause Ornament dip pen nib was used in Figure 7.

  • For lines & labels: Pilot Penmanship + steel XF; inked with Visconti Green or Havana.




  • HPJ1124 24 lb. Laser Copy.
  • Rhodia.
  • G Lalo, Verge de France, white.
  • Royal, 25% cotton rag.
  • Staples 20 lb. multi-use.
  • Clairefontaine Triomphe.
  • Pulp. One-a-Day calendar page.




  • Scans were made on an Epson V600 scanner; factory defaults were accepted.
  • Figures shown were scanned at 200 dpi & 24 bit colour.
  • HiRes Images linked were scanned at 300 dpi & 24 bit colour.
  • Scans were not adjusted post-capture, so went straight to the file sharing thingy.



Densitometer Readings (FWIW):


  • Red 94
  • Grn 101
  • Blu 142
  • Lum 107



Fine Print:

The accuracy and relevance of this Review depends in great part upon consistency and reliability of materiel used.

Ink does not require labelling/notice to indicate (changes in) formulation, non-hazardous ingredients, batch ID, date of manufacture, etc.

As always, YMMV, not only from materials, methods, environment, etc., but also due to differences between the stuff I used, and that you may have.

Also, I entrust readers to separate opinion from fact; to evaluate inferences and conclusions as to their merit; and to be amused by whatever tickles your fancy.




Tags: Fountain Pen Ink Review Diamine Denim Blue Sandy1


Edited by Sandy1

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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I have been using this ink for a couple of days now and I love it. Also, great review!!!

Yes I confess, I am still using my Jotter

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Thank you for the review Sandy - wonderful as usual.


You mentioned dilution to open up the ink - could you not just use Diamine Prussian Blue to experience a lighter shade instead of diluted Denim?


I have Denim on the way to me early next week and will also review it once I have the Diamine GreenBlack out of my Onoto.

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I have been using this ink for a couple of days now and I love it. Also, great review!!!




Thanks for the compliment!


Lots to be found in the bottle - mostly good stuff so far.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Thank you for the review Sandy - wonderful as usual.


You mentioned dilution to open up the ink - could you not just use Diamine Prussian Blue to experience a lighter shade instead of diluted Denim?


I have Denim on the way to me early next week and will also review it once I have the Diamine GreenBlack out of my Onoto.



You're welcome!


Thanks for mentioning the Prussian Blue, even though I was hoping to dodge that one!

Indeed, when swabs are the means of comparison, there is more than a passing similarity between the two inks. I believe the difference becomes [more] apparent when written samples are compared.


I consider Prussian Blue to have one foot squarely in the dusky Blue-Black arena. Whereas Denim seems a not-quite BlBk.

Obvious that I haven't settled with DDen - I don't think I've written an IR with so many instances of the word 'something'! Actually I like that - I have no sense of a 'final word' on this ink, and I think there's more to it than I've shown.


Perhaps we find ourselves in danger of hair-splitting nuanced phrases - so let's all get bottles/samples and see for ourselves. Whee!!




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Oh my gosh! It's my favorite pair of jeans - turned into ink! :clap1:



I thought that one of Diamine's previous inks - Indigo - would have captured the natural colour of that name, but such was not the case.


Here is another look at a sample of cotton dyed with the natural ancient Indigo dye-stuff, which is very very dark:




Here is a cropped version of that sample, which has also been lighted in tone - the colour remains the same:



Not so close, but it is within hailing distance, sort of . . . ;)







The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Empty post - please ignore. (My bad.)

Edited by Sandy1

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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That's a handsome blue. Denim is a perfect color name for it. As always, everything I would ever want to know about this ink is covered by the ink Guru, Sandy. Fabulous review!!! . :notworthy1:

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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perfect color name for a change (umber, jade?????)


on my way to order it... thx, sandy. nice review -as always!

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The swab colors look great.

The written colors look "subtle".


I guess subtle is lost on me and I don't feel compelled to switch inks.

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Well the great thing, Glenn, is that Sandy likes saving someone from wasting money on an ink almost as much as he does in helping them discover a new favourite.

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That's a handsome blue. Denim is a perfect color name for it. As always, everything I would ever want to know about this ink is covered by the ink Guru, Sandy. Fabulous review!!! . :notworthy1:




Glad you liked the Review! And that someone thinks the name is appropriate - it just doesn't 'connect' for me.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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perfect color name for a change (umber, jade?????)


on my way to order it... thx, sandy. nice review -as always!



You're welcome!


Yet another person thinks the name is OK . . .




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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The swab colors look great.

The written colors look "subtle".


I guess subtle is lost on me and I don't feel compelled to switch inks.



Indeed - Denim does not have the 'look at me' attribute of a more animated ink, such as Herbin's EdS, which also has less gravitas.


Subtle inks seem to lend themselves to unusual nibs and papers - the ink plays harmony in the background. The subtle aspect also makes an ink great for long-haul writing / reading, where the ink should not be fatiguing to read, yet be of enough interest to encourage extended effort.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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I've always liked that dark shade in jeans, so I'm not surprised that I like it in ink as well. The name works for me, but I think it's because of my clothing preference. It's far darker than most of the denim I actually own, which are closer to Prussian Blue.


I like the ink in any event. Thanks for the review.


BTW, I really like the inclusion of the grey scale in all your reviews. One of our cats (who passed in July) was a master at hitting the keyboard combination which changed the contrast on my monitor. More than once, I've brought up one of your ink reviews when I needed to fix that contrast.

I came here for the pictures and stayed for the conversation.

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Reminiscent of a person who quietly tells a brief tasteful joke in a crowded elevator - causing some who overhears to ride beyond their intended floor.


I love this description!

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The swab colors look great.

The written colors look "subtle".


I guess subtle is lost on me and I don't feel compelled to switch inks.



Well the great thing, Glenn, is that Sandy likes saving someone from wasting money on an ink almost as much as he does in helping them discover a new favourite.




Within a Review, I believe the images of the ink and the Performance Profile are the key aspects. An effort is made to depict an ink using pens and papers with different characteristics, giving a well rounded view, and enhancing 'objectivity' though extended sampling. The vast majority of what's written is my subjective observation / opinion, so should be taken with however many grains of salt as seems appropriate. I do not include a 'bottom line', a recommendation nor a rating.


I like to use the example of Diamine Twilight: I did not care for that offering, yet in his Review our dear Sean Colfer clearly depicted the same ink in the images, and noted much the same performance profile, then went on to adopted Twilight as his 'signature' ink. (!?!) A sizable difference of opinion about the same thing - which I like about FPN: many people = many ideas. :)


The most I can hope for is that a reader gathers a bit of hard and soft information which may be used for decision making. If it avoids a regrettable purchase, so much the better. If it leads to a more wonderful experience, that's fine too.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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I've used this ink a couple of times now and I'm not compelled to move ahead with it. Sandy, I'm always amazed at how "spot on" your reviews are and this one is a "bullseye." Thanks for your thoroughness and wonderful flair for memorable and accurate descriptions!

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I've always liked that dark shade in jeans, so I'm not surprised that I like it in ink as well. The name works for me, but I think it's because of my clothing preference. It's far darker than most of the denim I actually own, which are closer to Prussian Blue.


I like the ink in any event. Thanks for the review.


BTW, I really like the inclusion of the grey scale in all your reviews. One of our cats (who passed in July) was a master at hitting the keyboard combination which changed the contrast on my monitor. More than once, I've brought up one of your ink reviews when I needed to fix that contrast.



You're welcome!


My condolences on the passing of one of your cats.


I hope you will continue to read my Reviews even when your monitor is not in need of adjustment ;)


Perhaps like a pair of blue jeans that gently fades over time, Denim may well keep its character at various densities. (?)




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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