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Ink Review - Noodlers Green


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Here's an example of a green that I don't really like. I hate to start out a review saying that, but I try to be as honest as I can.


Noodlers green is not a "bad" ink, but it has some quirks that I find annoying. It is also not (this is totally my opinion) a good shade of green. It has too much yellow in it, and not enough blue.


I'll jump right in with the text-review. Enjoy!


Remember, the underlined parts are added in after the review was written. :)




Ink review: Noodlers Green


Pen and nib: Pelikan M805 with a 777 Pen Repair Cursive Italic (BB).


Dry time: 20+ seconds. Very slow dry time...


Smear when dry: NO


Lubrication: Decent - about normal for Noodlers.


Shading: Good - shades between a dark green and a light yellow/green.


Feathering: Not bad at all. Not much feathering even out of this big nib.


Bleedthrough: Moderate - no better or worse than any average ink.


Notes: This is a pretty decent green, but I don't personally like the yellow undertone. The super-slow dry time is a problem too. Also, the ink has a VERY strong chemical smell. It is so strong, that every time I uncap my pen, I can smell it. It is a sweet-ish smell, and I find it rather nasty.


Do note: The swab is very accurate to the color of the ink. The text looks more like that in real-life, but the scan made it look a bit darker than it really is. Just thought I'd let ya' know.



Overall I don't think this is a bad ink, but I MUCH prefer my favorite green -PR Sherwood Green. Check out the review of that too, if you've got the time! Sherwood green has that deep solid green that I expected from this color. Noodlers green might have been better if it didn't have the strong chemical smell, and slow dry time. Still, if you REALLY like the color, it might be worth it for you. I just tihnk there are better greens out there.


Thanks for reading! I do hope you've enjoyed this review! Please let me know your thoughts, and do me the favor of leaving a comment. I'd love to hear from you.

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777 - Tyler Dahl

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Colossians 3:17 - And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

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Do you have Noodler's Green Marine? I find that it is very well behaved, and although it also has the problem of drying reaaaallly slowly (on Rhodia paper, at least), the shading is great, and there's less bleed through than I get for my other Noodler's inks (except for Bulletproof Black).


The colour looks pretty similar to the standard green, from my screen, with perhaps a little more shading, and not as dark.

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I like the dark green, especially in comparison to my usual PR Spearmint. Coincidentally, I just placed an order for the darker PR Sherwood Green from Goulet, and am expecting it any day now. On screen it looks very similar to your ink sample of Noodler's. As noted elsewhere, this may be because my monitor is not a good way to judge ink colors.


Anyway, nice review.

It is easier to stay out than get out. - Mark Twain

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I love this colour! Green is my favourite colour, so I love most green inks :) I much prefer green inks with yellow undertones, rather than blue.


I wish we had Noodlers in the UK.

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Do you have Noodler's Green Marine? I find that it is very well behaved, and although it also has the problem of drying reaaaallly slowly (on Rhodia paper, at least), the shading is great, and there's less bleed through than I get for my other Noodler's inks (except for Bulletproof Black).


The colour looks pretty similar to the standard green, from my screen, with perhaps a little more shading, and not as dark.


No, never tried marine-green. Sounds interested though. There are quite a few inks that are really slow, and I never really like them, unless they're exceptional colors.


I like the dark green, especially in comparison to my usual PR Spearmint. Coincidentally, I just placed an order for the darker PR Sherwood Green from Goulet, and am expecting it any day now. On screen it looks very similar to your ink sample of Noodler's. As noted elsewhere, this may be because my monitor is not a good way to judge ink colors.


Anyway, nice review.



You should LOVE Sherwood Green. At least I do. It's my ideal green color (so far). I just got another bottle. :)


I love this colour! Green is my favourite colour, so I love most green inks :) I much prefer green inks with yellow undertones, rather than blue.


I wish we had Noodlers in the UK.


Ah well, there you go! I knew some people would like it, and of course, I understand that totally. I'm waaaaaaaaay to picky about my ink colors I think... rolleyes.gif

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Colossians 3:17 - And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

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Ah well, there you go! I knew some people would like it, and of course, I understand that totally. I'm waaaaaaaaay to picky about my ink colors I think... rolleyes.gif


Probably a good thing, as it'll keep you from wanting to buy all of the thousands of different inks available!

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The more I look at this Green the more I like it. The yellowish undertone adds an enticing luminosity to your writing.

sinistral hypergraphica - a slurry of ink

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if you don't want to keep it - I'll take it off your hands. ;)


If I had some left, It'd be all yours. But I just bought a sample to try it out. :)

Need a pen repaired or a nib re-ground? I'd love to help you out.


Colossians 3:17 - And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

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Ah well, there you go! I knew some people would like it, and of course, I understand that totally. I'm waaaaaaaaay to picky about my ink colors I think... rolleyes.gif


Probably a good thing, as it'll keep you from wanting to buy all of the thousands of different inks available!


Yea! Even with my pickiness, there are SO MANY I want to try...


I'm still searching for a blue that can compare to Iroshizuku Kon Peki... cloud9.gif



The more I look at this Green the more I like it. The yellowish undertone adds an enticing luminosity to your writing.


YMMV. :)


It certainly isn't an ugly color at all. I suppose just not my style!


The yellow undertones are certainly attractive, if they are indeed what you're looking for.


For me, I want a green that feels like the deep, lush, amazon forest. PR Sherwood green fells like that to me. :)

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Colossians 3:17 - And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

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