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What Is The Smoothest Nib You Have Tried?

Pen Is Mightier

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So I have been wondering after looking through my pens what is the smoothest nib I have ever tried, mine would be a Sheaffer Balance upturned nib smooooth as glass!


So my question is what is the smoothest nib you have ever tried?


Also as a side note what is the most economical and smoothest nib out there?

The Pen Is Mightier than the sword.

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I gotta agree on the Sheaffer Waverly type tip, my Gold Imperials are probably my smoothest stock nibs. So far as consistently good nibs across a whole product range, I give Cross pretty high marks.


Bruce in Ocala, FL-I can imagine some saying those Sheaffer nibs are too smooth

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I gotta agree on the Sheaffer Waverly type tip, my Gold Imperials are probably my smoothest stock nibs. So far as consistently good nibs across a whole product range, I give Cross pretty high marks.


Bruce in Ocala, FL-I can imagine some saying those Sheaffer nibs are too smooth

Bah! No such thing as too smooth, give me all the smoothness I can handle!

The Pen Is Mightier than the sword.

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In the surprise of the year, my Binderized Aurora Optima EF. Not surprised because of the make, model, or nibmeister, but that the EF point flows so smoothly. I'm sorry that he discontinued it.


In the Irish Channel of

New Orleans, LA

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Out of almost 60 pens:


Omas Milord Old Style

Esterbrook 2442 nib

Visconti Voyager 18k nib


Not that the others are inferior. I can like nibs that do have some feedback that some would call "toothy".

sonia alvarez




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Sailor 21k M-F on a pro gear.......like butter

"how do I know what I think until I write it down?"

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I would have thought someone would have spooled up the nuclear smoothness adjective generator by now.






Bruce in Ocala, FL-no greased icy buttahry smoothness?

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I would have thought someone would have spooled up the nuclear smoothness adjective generator by now.






Bruce in Ocala, FL-no greased icy buttahry smoothness?


Smoother than a gamma ray penetrating lead foil?

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The medium nib on my grey Sheaffer Snorkel Clipper is the smoothest nib I have ever tried. My green Sentinel is almost as good, but I swear I think the PdAg nibs are smoother.

Edited by Jimmy James

<a href="Http://inkynibbles.com">Inky NIBbles, the ravings of a pen and ink addict.</a>

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Smoothest is my springy 18 K nibbed wet writing MB Woolf B, that actually writes to a BB. It is my #12 nib. I want more than just smoothness. It waltzes superbly. It should, it's a wide nib. I want more from an nib than just smooth. I want tango and foxtrotting.

Tied at # 13 is a regular flex'56-65 nib. Pelikan 120 school kid gold plated steel F that is a joy to write with.


Geha 725 M = # 3,790 wet writing KM = both semi-flex, #4/5/6, Osmia-Farber-Castell 540 M with a Supra nib.It is maxi-semi-flex/'flexi' .

Not in my top # 15 nibs but smoother than some in the top 15, P-51 F, Cross Townsend M both smooth steel nails.



My # 1 nib is MB 234 1/2 Deluxe KOB (52-55 only)sort of a Waverly tip more than a round ball; semi-flex. It dances the Tango or Foxtrot too, besides being smooth. How ever it depends on what ink to exact how smooth it is, it has with a dry ink a just a bit of tooth. The Geha 725 also.

Paper could matter to these nibs, but I'm still a paper noobie.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Of the 21 fountain pens I've owned, the smoothest is my modern Parker Duofold with F nib. It has no feedback, it has to barely touch the paper, it gives no hint about the nature of the paper or what it is doing and it is totally silent. However, I prefer a pen with more feedback and that requires more force - so smooth does not, for me, equate with writing pleasure. My favorites are my 2 Auroras.



Pelikan 100; Parker Duofold; Sheaffer Balance; Eversharp Skyline; Aurora 88 Piston; Aurora 88 hooded; Kaweco Sport; Sailor Pro Gear


Eca de Queroiz: "Politicians and diapers should be changed frequently, and for the same reason."

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a Nakaya I sold for a guy


Testify! I was lucky enough to try that out at Pen Posse -- AMAZING! It was like melted butter on melted butter.


Other smoothest nibs: Vintage Sheaffer (pick one, pick any one), Sailor 1911 14kt H-EF, the Sailor Music nib I tried at the Flax Pen Fair earlier this year -- these are the ones that pop into mind immediately.


etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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