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San Francisco Penmanship Contest ~ For An Amazing Prize!


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  • smk


  • pb2


  • andybiotic


  • fuchsiaprincess


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Great new-news! A nifty thought inspired by the FP Queen herself, Susan Wirth, has involved several of the San Francisco Pen Show entreprenuer/dealers to contribute prizes for runners up. thumbup.gif bunny01.gif bunny01.gifbunny01.gif thumbup.gif

Thanks to, Bertram's Inkwell, John Mottishaw and iPenStore !

Bert (Bertram's Inkwell) who is the sponser/host of the San Francisco Pen Show has offered 2 prizes: Monteverde Invincia Carbon Fiber and Sheaffer Intensity Carbon Fiber

John Mottishaw (Nibs.com) will donate a Namiki Falcon customized to a crisp left oblique, suitable for calligraphy of a special kind.

Jim Evers (iPen Store) is donating an Over Size Rosetta Coronado Mosaic and I will grace it with my specialty: a Pendleton Point Elegant Butter-line CI Stub. wink.gif

Winners from 1-5 get their choice.

~ Pendleton Point ~ elegant custom nibs ~

See you in San Francisco !

Edited by pb2



~ May the Lord smile on you ~

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Thanks to all of those who are contributing prizes!!



+1 - awesome generosity - seriously need to see if I can come up with another entry - alas, I don't think it will be up to the par of those who have already entered their wonderful examples.

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." ~ Ben Williams


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As promised, here is my "improved" version and probably the last entry of the Roundel. This time written with the Batarde Swash Majuscule script, a lovely new hand I just learn for a day or two, which I think fits the circular shape better. :happyberet: The pen used is a Osmiroid calligraphy pen with a B4 italic nib, Lamy Blue and Mont Blanc Black on 90g Calque Satin Canson tracing paper.


Just so everyone know how to read this, the ring is divided into 4 sections, it should always be read from top to bottom and from left to right. Each section goes half way around the circle, not 360. It starts from the left of the outer ring of the top half (Lord...peace) then the inner ring of the top half (Whererthere is hatred...love.) then the inner ring of the bottom half (Wherethere is injury... Wherethere), then the outer ring of the bottom half (is doubt.....hope) and lastly finishes at the centre.




And I quite like this shot on an angle, it is the same piece of writing but just thought I'd post it anyway. :thumbup:



Edited by andybiotic
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Very nice Andy. The script fits this arrangement beautifully.


Have you tried placing the first line in the middle and all the 'where there is...' lines around it?





Actually, I have tried it but I didn't like the resulting arrangement. If I put the first sentence of the text in the centre, that means there are six "Wherethere is..." sentences to place around and it is hard to fit them all in the four lines (note that the outer circle is bigger than the inner circle) and make them balance at the same time.


If I put the first two sentences in the centre "Lord, make me....let me sow love", then there are five "Wherethere is..." sentences to fit over four lines of the circle. It is doable but then all four lines would contain a part of another broken up sentence and I didn't like that.


In the one I posted, we have two complete single sentences on the top two lines as well as in the centre, only the bottom half of the circle has to break up the sentences. It feels more "balanced" this way.


Plus, the last two "Wherethere is..." sentences are actually my favorites, so placing them in the centre is quite nice for me.

Edited by andybiotic
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Andy, I agree that an idea and its execution are two very different things. You have explained the process very well and it helps one appreciate the arrangement that much more.


I especially like that the outer circles are balanced with the verses going in opposite directions. Very nice indeed.



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Wow! The entries so far are amazing! I finally completed my entry and here it is:








Strathmore Calligraphy Paper (8.5" x 11", 75g)



Speedball Super Black India Ink

Windsor & Newton Gold Ink

Windsor & Newton Gouache in Ivory Black, Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine, Zinc White, and Gold



Speedball: A-5 and C-4

Brause: Citofein and Pfannenfeder


It looked a lot better in my head then I was able to achieve on paper but I'm satisfied with the result. It was fun to do and excellent practice working with gouache.


PS: I didn't realize how large this file was until I previewed this post. I must have picked the highest resolution when I scanned it. Oh well, now you can enjoy zooming all the way in and checking out all my mistakes!

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Wow!!! Love it :notworthy1: :notworthy1:


Thank you for sharing!


By the way, may I ask how you managed to get the white lines on the ultramarine background without them smudging?

http://i1027.photobucket.com/albums/y331/fuchsiaprincess/Fuchsiaprincess_0001.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/036/2/2/Narnia_Flag_by_Narnia14.gif

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By the way, may I ask how you managed to get the white lines on the ultramarine background without them smudging?


I just let the ultramarine parts dry completely then wrote over it with the white. Most of it was okay after the first pass but some of the squiggly lines needed two coats.

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By the way, may I ask how you managed to get the white lines on the ultramarine background without them smudging?


I just let the ultramarine parts dry completely then wrote over it with the white. Most of it was okay after the first pass but some of the squiggly lines needed two coats.


Thank you for the tip!

http://i1027.photobucket.com/albums/y331/fuchsiaprincess/Fuchsiaprincess_0001.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/036/2/2/Narnia_Flag_by_Narnia14.gif

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Good afternoon,

Wow, there are some great pieces in here!


After reading PB2's post on ink flowing from the heart of the pen, I felt the need to do something more … organic.


The below piece is made from exactly one long long line.


It starts in the circle just below "Lord" and flows over and around and goes through all the text (and a bird in a nest) and comes out at the circle to the right of "Lord." The line doesn't overlap itself, so the text is rather… unusual/stylized… but it's there if you look for it. This was just something I thought this group might enjoy. (Anyone that follows the line from start to finish deserves a dancing bunny.)


I'll probably post something a bit more classical next week to make up for this week's whimsy — thanks all again for doing such great work.

PB2: this contest is wonderful!

Salman: I can't wait to see your arrangement.

Andybiotic: That circle is a true inspiration.



the Flexistentialist


This is INCREDIBLE! Wow! Love it!


Check out my wish list on my profile.

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I'm not sure what makes me smile most as I read through this thread.

The generosity of the new prizes is outstanding.

The new pieces being posted are wonderful.

The support of the posters is... well, they've made my week and then some.


Thank you so much SMK, dcpritch, mlknlasi and smoores for all your kind words - I really can't say how much I've appreciated them.


Thanks again to everyone! And keep up the fantastic work!!!

the Flexistentialist

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My penmanship is not anywhere close to the amazing caliber of those first two entries, so I'm not even going to try for this! But I've never seen or heard about this nib, and it's incredible! Can someone tell us a little more about it? (I Googled it, but no real info.) And where does one go hunting for such a nib? Thanks, and good luck to all the contestants!



I have same question as Tom and likely worse penmanship, so I will leave contest to those with talent. Where does one find a Sheaffer nib like this????


Edited by travberg
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This Sheaffer FS3Z nib is incredible; it is flexible like a brush, yet not really a "wet noodle". thumbup.gif


It has been provided as a prize for this penmanship contest.


Contest begins Thursday September 1, 2011 here in the FPN Penmanship Forum.


Final entry must be made by Midnight (anytime zone in the world) Wednesday October 12


Pen will be on display and winner will be announced at the San Francisco Pen Show Sunday 3 PM at October 16th, 2011. You need not be present to win, but it will be presented to the winner if present.

Results will be posted on this thread that day after the official announcement.


Rules are simple:


1) The written material must be by your hand with pens and inks only.


2) All entries must use chosen text. Established variations of the chosen text and use of any language permissible as is artistic license.


3) Please indicate pens, inks, papers used.


The chosen text is from words attributed to Saint Francis (San Francisco):


Lord,make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love.

Where there is injury, pardon.

Where there is doubt, faith.

Where there is despair, hope.

Where there is darkness, light.

Where there is sadness, joy.






Here is the prize:






































Silly me. I'm so enthralled by the nib, I forgot to take pic of the whole pen. rolleyes.gif


Simple black Sheaffer Balance. Photos to come. ... any anything else I may have forgotten.




The judges will remain anonymous at least until after the winner is announced. I will not be among them. vbg.gif













~ Pendleton Point ~ elegant custom nibs

~ Next Pen Show ~ San Francisco !




Above sketch done with this prize nib; sorry I could not bring out it's best as I know the winner shall. ~ pb2



PB2 did you make this nib? Where can someone purchase one like this? Thank you.

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This rare nib was a gift from someone who wished to remain "in the wings". They left it with me to offer in this contest. Cool, huh?


More info in this link: Sheaffer Fans Will Want To See This Nib ~

And this one even more: Some Of You Will Want To See This Nib....

The latter link has a cool photo from Jim Baer, Sir Richard's assistant (yes, I do consider Richard Binder worthy of knighthood). thumbup.gifthumbup.gif











~ May the Lord smile on you ~

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This thread is truly inspiring! I haven't had the chance to play with my pens much lately. Work has had me living in the brush and paint world for a while.


Thank you to everyone who has submitted pieces thus far! I am floored with the caliber and creativity in here.


;) Swavey

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