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FPN Ink Ordering Information


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Yes: we are transitioning, most of it has been done already, and ink has been transfered and received. We are currently setting up the ink store :D. It needs to be separate from the pen store for now as the standard store can't handle two currencies and/or two tax systems simultaneously.


There will be an annoucement soon, hopefully in the week ahead.


HTH, warm regards, Wim

the Mad Dutchman
laugh a little, love a little, live a lot; laugh a lot, love a lot, live forever

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Yes: we are transitioning, most of it has been done already, and ink has been transfered and received. We are currently setting up the ink store :D. It needs to be separate from the pen store for now as the standard store can't handle two currencies and/or two tax systems simultaneously.


There will be an annoucement soon, hopefully in the week ahead.


HTH, warm regards, Wim


So, being new, I wasn't aware of the transition yet and when I saw an older thread on how to order Tulipe Noire, I sent in an email doing so. Will the new person receive that and contact me or should I resend my order after the announcement is made?



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You'll resend after the announcement. THere will be a store.



I, too, sent in an order and received no reply. Will I still get the sale price?



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Changing of the guard


The Ink sale is over, however if you sent an order prior to today the sale price will be honored.


The remainder of the stock is being transferred to the new ink person and he will also be getting a new case of the van Gogh Starry Night Blue.


There will be a new ordering system and information on that should be coming soon. Please do not send order until the new system is set up.


Thank you all for your patience.


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Hello -

When the new Ink person takes over the reins, Will there any 4.5 oz. eyedropper bottle ink available? (With or without the free pens previously offered)? also what colors will be available in that size bottle?

thank you in advance.

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We don't know yet whether any new 4.5 oz. bottles will be available yet. What I do know is that we will have some Galileo Manuscript Brown, Dumas Tulipe Noire, and a whole new case of Van Gogh Starry Night Blue - and I happen to know that that has arrived already, as well as plenty of packaging materials :D.


Unfortunately we are very, very busy right now with the FPN LE Pens, and that takes up so much time we haven't been able to finalize the new store yet.


We will make an offical announcement when all is set up.


HTH, warm regards, Wim

the Mad Dutchman
laugh a little, love a little, live a lot; laugh a lot, love a lot, live forever

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Increase your IQ, use Linux AND a Fountain pen!!http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk11/79spitfire/Neko_animated.gif

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I have to chime in, adding my request for an update on the ink order backlog: the holiday travel season is rapidly approaching, and the weather is going to start dropping below freezing eventually here in Chicago. If I'm home to receive the shipment, it's not a problem. But if it sits between the inner and outer house doors for a few nights and we have a cold snap, I could return to find my awaited Galileo Brown spread all over my doorstep.

If I know the approximate ship date on my August order, I can either change the ship to address to relatives in a warmer clime, or request a deferment to a time I'll definitely be in residence.

Frozen ink bottles may be an earlier problem for those who live further North than me.

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What is the update on the Bottled Fountain pen ink? Is the new system up and running yet?

What are the inventoried inks and quantity in the bottles?

When can new orders be placed?


It seems that i can get a cow to produce ink faster than this changeover is taking place.

i thought this was to be a money making endeavor for this club.

regards to all involved -- Manny D.

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Apologies, I am the person responsible to set up the store stuff for the inks, which is the only thing holding us back. Right now I am deep into the FPN LE Pens stuff however, and that leaves very little time (none whatsoever, actually), to deal with setting up and testing the payment and security parts of the ink store.


The way it is now, I won't have time to contnue with this until the last week of November. I'll do my utmost to speed this up, but don't have your hopes too high. We do have all inks available again, however, from the moment the ink store opens.


Warm regards, Wim

the Mad Dutchman
laugh a little, love a little, live a lot; laugh a lot, love a lot, live forever

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