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Mabie Todd Swan Minor Repair


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I recently acquired Mabie Todd Swan Minor (marked SM1/60 at the bottom of the barrel) that I would like to restore.


1) How do I replace the inner sac? It seems to me that the only way to access the inside of the barrel is to take out the nib/feeder section. However, I am not sure how to do it. Can I simply grab the feeder and rock it out?


2) The tines of the nib are problematic. The tines can be adjusted by fingers so that they push one against the other and stay more or less aligned (see photos below):





But when small pressure is applied (e.g., during writing) they tend to pop out of the aligned position and twist (see photos):





Is it possible to repair the nib and how?


Thank you.

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Hi superpyrin,


It's always best to apply heat when removing a section. It frees it up and makes it less likely that the barrel will crack. I always use dry heat - a hair dryer will do. Rotate and pull the section, rather than rocking it.


The nib will certainly repair. Apply a little more force to adjusting the right tine and you should be able to realign it permanently. However, in one photo it looks as if the nib may have been badly straightened before. If that's the case, it may be necessary to remove the nib and burnish it straight.









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