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Parker 51 Ink Flow Problem

Andreas Smith

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I have a Parker 51 that is cosmetically excellent but has no ink flow, not even after being flushed through with water. I've run a piece of camera film between the tines to clear any blockage, and the ink sac is able to take in and expel ink. Is it likely that there is old ink from a previous user dried up in the feed? If so, is it possible to clear this by soaking for a day or two, or does it require a more drastic operation? I've just bought the pen from an ebay seller and would rather give the pen a chance before sending it back. This is a replacement, from the same seller, for a pen that had a leaking sac, so I don't seem to be having much luck with Parker 51s, alas.

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Whenever I restore a Parker 51, I disassemble the entire pen and clean the collector, nib, feed and breather tube in an ultrasonic machine. There are a number of reasons why the pen will not put ink down on paper. Some thoughts, and perhaps not all that I can think of at this minute are: Hopefully, the breather tube is still inserted in the feed and is not clogged. Sometimes, the shell needs to be heated and molded to the nib so that there isn't any space between the two. I have also had luck putting a thin razor blade between the tines and clearing that area out and opening the slit a tiny, tiny bit. Most times, the above will get the pen writing again.


Other repair or former repair people (like I am) will have some other ideas for you.





Michael Quitt


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Thanks for the advice. Could you tell me if it is possible for an amateur, that is, an ignoramus in my case, at least in this respect, to disassemble a Parker 51? I'm not sure if the filler unit unscrews - I've never dared try it with a Parker 51. Do you think it is safe to run diluted washing liquid through the pen first?

Best wishes


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If you shake the pen do you hear a rattling noise, if you do likely that the breather tuse has corroded and broken offf and need replacing. Probably not a job for an amateur.


If there is no noise then soak the nib overnight possibly longer as P51 collectors can retain a lot of dried ink.


Good luck



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Thanks for the advice. Could you tell me if it is possible for an amateur, that is, an ignoramus in my case, at least in this respect, to disassemble a Parker 51? I'm not sure if the filler unit unscrews - I've never dared try it with a Parker 51. Do you think it is safe to run diluted washing liquid through the pen first?

Best wishes



To totally disassemble and clean the pen you do not need to remove the filler unit.

All you need to remove is the hood.

But first I would recommend purchasing some technical pen cleaner (most hobby shops have it) and filling the pen with it and allowing it to sit nib down for a day or two in a vial of it so it covers the hood.

If there is any dried ink in the collector this should disolve it ... multiple flushing might be required, followed by multiple flushings of cool water...

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Andy and Old Griz

Thank you for the advice. I've shaken the pen and as there's no rattling I assume there's nothing loose or broken. I'll try to hunt out the technical pen cleaner, though I'm not sure there will be any within 100 miles of where I live. I'm currently soaking the pen in water and will leave it overnight. To remove the hood, do I just twist it beneath the silver-coloured ring?

Best wishes


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Andreas, the hood on a 51 does unscrew, however you need to apply heat with a hairdryer to melt the shellac that seals it to the threads otherwise it will not shift. If the hood comes off in one piece it will need some shellac to reseal it to the threads when it is refitted or you run the risk of having ink seep out by the clutch ring.

Iechyd da pob Cymro

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