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What Chinese Pen Would You Buy

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If you had to pick one (or a few) inexpensive Chinese pens to buy, what would you chose?


Let's assume you are buying them from ebay, and want something less than $25.


Also, besides the Hero 616 / Parker 51, are there any that closely resemble famous pens?


I don't know about famous pens, but I'd look at speerbob if you were getting them off fleabay.


One pen I really like is the Hero 1026, a heavyish, medium-nib black pen with silvertone trim. It's a smooth writer and I think isellpens still has these. It's under $25 - may even be under $20.


All I know is that I use it again and again when I want something that writes smooth and has a certain look to it.

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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You, sir, are a very bad influence. :lol:


Lol, apologies for missing this. Well, here is another one for you. :)



Hero 383 Fountain Pen by IvanRomero, on Flickr

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I purchased the Sun Tse pen off of Ebay - it has the Art of War written in Chinese script on a small wooden scroll. I teach for the Naval War College and we teach this material - so it's is interesting to me - I also purchased one for a friend who teaches there.


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Baoer 801 is on my list of pens to get soon.

It is one of the few Chinese pens that I could find with a Chinese M nib. Most others are Chinese F or even XF. The F nib I can deal with, the XF is too fine for me.


I have the Baoer 388 and am happy with it.

Happy enough that I plan to get a flighter version in the near future.

San Francisco Pen Show - August 28-30, 2020 - Redwood City, California


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I'll second the Baoer 388 - I use them for give away pens (after a little nib work - aligning and smoothing)

Baoer 801 - a very slim pen with a fine nib, if you don't like the normal medium Chinese nibs (don't use long Waterman cartridges in them - they will fit, and then get stuck in the barrel - pliers, sweating and cussing will get them out again :P )

Jinhao Century, a tribute to the original Parker Duofold - amazing quality for the price

Picasso pens - really well made, most of them are in need of a good wet ink (e.g. Diamine Jet Black or Waterman)


Edit: Forgot the Jinhao 188 - a rather minimalistic design, but a very nice writer.

Edited by hbdk

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