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Here's a Pelikan to balance things out.




Very nice. Are the Pelican clear demonstrators still in production?


The light blue and the yellow highlighter one are still in production (or widely available). The others do pop up occasionally in the marketplace or on ebay.


Pictures of my demos to follow.



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Ask me about my purple pen addiction.

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The light blue and the yellow highlighter one are still in production (or widely available). The others do pop up occasionally in the marketplace or on ebay.


Pictures of my demos to follow.


Ah. Good point. I forget the coloured ones.

Damon Young

philosopher & author

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My super dirty Reform. I have almost always used it with just Noodlers Burgundy, so at least the "mess" is all one nice color.



Good grief! I have this exact fountain pen. And I have red ink in it, against everyone's advice.


The original purchase E-mail from 6½ years ago calls that fountain pen a "Reform Demonstrator Style/Skywalker FP." And I've had it filled with a 1 : 1 = Noodler's Red Devil : Noodler's Red ink mixture. And the result is a lot like yours, the interior of the fountain pen looks just overrun with the ink, and the cap is all splattered with it :embarrassed_smile: .

On a sacred quest for the perfect blue ink mixture!

ink stained wretch filling inkwell

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I had that same Reform for a while too. Took out the brass insert in the back and made it into an eyedropper, somewhat unsuccessfully. So it took carts shortly after and was traded off.

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quick question on those using demonstrators. How does one maintain a 'clear' pen when using ink that has the preponderance to stain? Not talking about the 'known' inks that stain (eg BSB) but some deep saturated inks (eg purples/red).

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you either go all anal and clean em all the time, or you use them. at least that's what i've gathered from reading different opinions on FPN for the past year and a half. I'd let it get dirty and just use it. It is just a pen after all. What would you like to do?

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I had that same Reform for a while too. Took out the brass insert in the back and made it into an eyedropper, somewhat unsuccessfully.

Yeah, with the brass bits inserted into the barrel towards the end I think there'd be some complications trying to make it into an eye dropper.

On a sacred quest for the perfect blue ink mixture!

ink stained wretch filling inkwell

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Well, the brass came out, so it would have been fine, but I never bothered getting the little end cap sealed on well enough and I got lots of nasty leaks. Then I said oh bother, and just shoved a little cart in it.

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Maybe it's just me..but the whole "demonstrator" name thing has gotten out of control.I thought demonstrators were created to demonstrate more "clearly"...LOL...a new filling mechanism, design, or something that wasn't in the marketplace...whatever. I fail to see how most all pens of this ilk today... are... "demonstrators". Shoving a converter...or a cart into a section onto a feed isn't demonstrating...anything to me? The Pelikan, Sheaffer's,... others...+ older vintage prime issues... were/are certainly iconic. The stuff now, the moderns, as such, show no new...mechanisms..so why the clears in every line... if they show the same design? I think Lamy was cool to call their's...Vista. Their older "demonstrator " was just that. I do have clears- demos... a PFM, Pels... and one other vintage demonstrator... I like to watch the ink slosh back and forth during boring meetings...in my Vista or Pelikan.

Edited by SnowLeopard
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I had that same Reform for a while too. Took out the brass insert in the back and made it into an eyedropper, somewhat unsuccessfully.

Yeah, with the brass bits inserted into the barrel towards the end I think there'd be some complications trying to make it into an eye dropper.



I have 2 of these Reform Demo. One of them I made into an eyedropper! I used a plunger seal (made of rubber) of a syringe. I don't remember the size of that syringe, though (3cc or 5cc). The seal don't allow that ink get in touch with the brass piece. I will post a photo soon!

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I resisted the urge to start collecting "demonstrators" pretty long ... and where did it take me? I have to clean my keyboard now ... :puddle:.


Ok, where is dem "demonstrators" to buy now? :wub:

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The Truth is Five but men have but one word for it. - Patamunzo Lingananda

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I must organize a few group portrait pics, but in the meantime you could have a look here.

Ciao - Enrico

Diplomat #1961


Daddy, please no more pens - we need food, clothes, books, DENTISTRY...

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You might like these (more pics), as well...




Ciao - Enrico

Diplomat #1961


Daddy, please no more pens - we need food, clothes, books, DENTISTRY...

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I really like some of those. What's the best way to get my hands on some? Do I need to find a seller that has them in stock, or is it better to contact the manufacturer?

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The Truth is Five but men have but one word for it. - Patamunzo Lingananda

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My only demonstrator is a humble Lamy Vista, so I love to see them in pictures and in person. But since I am so fastidious in keeping my pens clean, a piston demonstrator with a blind cap would drive me right into the insane asylum. :bonk:



Looking for interesting Sheaffer OS Balance pens

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I have only two. TWSBI Diamond 530 and Lamy Vista.



TWSBI VS. LAMY by IvanRomero, on Flickr


These are the two I have and they are part of my regular rotation. Nice pic!

~ Manisha


"A traveller am I and a navigator, and everyday I discover a new region of my soul." ~ Kahlil Gibran

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I really like some of those. What's the best way to get my hands on some? Do I need to find a seller that has them in stock, or is it better to contact the manufacturer?


If you are referring to my Omas 360 Visions, you'll have to search quite a bit.


The blue one is a very recent LE (mine is #124/360) , the others are out of production (AFAIK).


I can PM you the B&M shop where I got two of them, I'm sure they still have some of the clear one (and probably some of the blue one).

Ciao - Enrico

Diplomat #1961


Daddy, please no more pens - we need food, clothes, books, DENTISTRY...

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