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Fpn Database Restored After Crash


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I kid. I was advised of the crash at Pen Posse. LE HORROR!


Glad everything's all set to rights again. Good job, admins and mods! Rock on.


Ironically, I didn't even know about it at first -- I had a bunch of stuff to do Wednesday morning before going to an auction that looked as if there would be PENS -- and then spent half of that talking to a friend on the phone (she was originally wanting to go to the auction with me, but then a friend of her family died and the viewing was the same time as the auction).

Around 2 pm, just before leaving my house, I did a quick log in to catch up on email and there was a message from Pharmacist (of all people) asking me if there was a problem with FPN -- he hadn't been able to connect. I was like "What? Huh? I dunno..." but tried opening another window and of course got the "server stopped responding" error message". Things had been a tad flaky Tuesday night, but I had just chalked it up to "What key did you step on THIS time, cat?" because it wasn't just FPN I was having problems with (I kept having windows lose the URL box at the top).

I'll admit that I was ALSO going through withdrawal by last night (although FPGeeks blogging about it, and reading the responses, helped a bit....

So add a plus (whatever number it is at this point) to the admin folks for getting everything fixed with a minimum of lost posts. :notworthy1: My husband is a software developer and I know what he goes through sometimes (he was complaining last night that he's probably going to have to do some work this weekend because he's got a big deadline coming up on Monday, and just found out that his IT dept. configured his work-issued laptop wrong...).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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With FPN down, I felt a little like Gollum... "We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us." Thanks for the extra effort Admins!


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Thank you to all of the FPN admin team. You put in so much work to enable our addiction!

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With FPN down, I felt a little like Gollum... "We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. They stole it from us." Thanks for the extra effort Admins!


:roflmho: ++1

Colour is its own reward - N. Finn

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During the process of restoring and checking/fixing, we tried to keep you all up-to-date as much as possible through a "FPN maintenance" type temporary screen - we do hope this did help in mitigating, at least to some degree, any serious addiction withdrawal symptoms :D.


Warm regards,

The FPN Admin Team



Firstly, thank you for your hard work.


Secondly, no, this didn't help. I stalked the forum over at the Geeks where other refugees were hanging out to try and get some news. I couldn't see the maintenance screen of which you speak.


Finally, thank you again for all you've done to restore our addiction. Thank you, thank you, thank you.




I think you are a little confused. This thread is a year old as is the post you responded to. I have seen nothing official on this thread about the extended downtime.




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I run my own, much smaller forum, and I can speak first hand to absolute frustration and heartache that goes with the technical problems, especially when they impact the members. Know that we know it happens and its not that big of a deal. Now treat yourself to a new pen for all the aggravation ;)


Seriously. My personal forum's server crashed and burned a few months back. I can only imagine the frustration with a forum this large.


Thanks for all your hard work!

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Thank you Admin Team. :clap1:


I really appreciate the fact you have given up your time so we can all enjoy this board.

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thank you for the hard work. finally can come back here again, feeling so great :thumbup:

Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger men.../JFK

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This thread was started on 30th May 2011.


But thanks anyways for the hard work!

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We missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your hard work in getting the site back up, and for all you do every day. FPN rocks :)


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For a moment I thought the problem was on my side with my ISP, and I was giving them hell about it! Mahalo nui to the admin staff of FPN for getting the forum back online :notworthy1:

Best Regards,


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Thanks for working to get things back to normal, it is amazing how many folks need their daily FPN fix, myself included :thumbup:

Sensitive Pen Restoration doesn't cost extra.


Find me on Facebook at MONOMOY VINTAGE PEN

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There was a crash?


I am surprised to hear that the crash was over the weekend. I have not been able to connect to FPN for the last two days. Was there a second crash?

Smith Premier No. 4
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What more can I say other than thank you! notworthy1.gif You guys are great! thumbup.gif







ditto on Tyler. Big Job. Great Job - thank you mods

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