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Wtb: Parker Duofold Dna

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I am looking for a Parker Duofold DNA LTD edition pen. I am not so sure if the F nib will be possible since what I have found on the internet are all M. I prefer F nib but M is acceptable.


I want a new pen only


Lemme know if you happen to have one and you don't mind selling it.


Best Regards



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I am looking for a Parker Duofold DNA LTD edition pen. I am not so sure if the F nib will be possible since what I have found on the internet are all M. I prefer F nib but M is acceptable.


I want a new pen only


Lemme know if you happen to have one and you don't mind selling it.


Best Regards




i have one, numbered 554


email me: r.bonuomo@gmail.com

...more kills the pen than the sword ... as long as the nib is very sharp ....

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I am looking for a Parker Duofold DNA LTD edition pen. I am not so sure if the F nib will be possible since what I have found on the internet are all M. I prefer F nib but M is acceptable.


I want a new pen only


Lemme know if you happen to have one and you don't mind selling it.


Best Regards




i have one, numbered 554


email me: r.bonuomo@gmail.com

...more kills the pen than the sword ... as long as the nib is very sharp ....

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what's your budget?

...more kills the pen than the sword ... as long as the nib is very sharp ....

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Sorry I should put some more information


I am looking for this pen as a gift or as a souvenir, so I am looking for some "lucky" or "meaning" for series number

If you happen to have the "lucky number" like AAA (especially 111, 666 or 999)

or number like 514, 711 or 123 (meaningful for me) I would have special interest....


But still, series number is not THAT big deal, just icing on the cake


Thank you guys

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the pen has been inked once and then washed.

...more kills the pen than the sword ... as long as the nib is very sharp ....

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