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The Lost Art Of Writing

The Good Captain

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I don't know how many of you might have read this but there was a brief comment in one of the UK newspapers, referring to this item from the New York times. Here is the link.


Worth a read.

The Good Captain

"Meddler's 'Salamander' - almost as good as the real thing!"

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I really don't understand people who say they can't "read" cursive. Aside from a few letters (i.e. f,b, and z namely) most of the letters are formed the same way. And even then, you can guess what those letters are based on the rest of the word.


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My grandparents could write and read cursive. They couldn't type. My kids don't do as well with cursive. But they can type very well.


My grandmother knew how to build a fire and cook on a wood stove, but she never really got the hang of using the telephone. My kids wouldn't have a clue about cooking on a wood stove, but they can use the phone like nobody's business, and are comfortable with talking, texting, you name it.


My father was amazing with a slide rule, but never got the hang of the computer - it came in just as he was retiring. My kids (middle school & high school) don't have a clue about how to use a slide rule, but they can and do use Matlab on the computer to crunch gobs of data, to generate graphs, to manipulate matrices as easily as we manipulated scalars, to do all sorts of things in ways that my father would have been overjoyed to embrace if they had been available when he was young.


My grandparents went as far as third grade in school, and probably spent a good part of those three years developing a pretty handwriting, and their handwriting was beautiful to look at. My kids didn't get so much emphasis on handwriting in school, and their handwriting is horrible. But they're doing math in middle school that most of us didn't see until high school, and by the time they're out of high school, they'll have had more math than most of us had in college.


The world moves on. We live in a world that moves a lot more quickly than the world my grandparents lived in, and different skills have risen to the top of the priority list, while other skills, formerly very important, have sunk. This has always been the case.


I love to learn and use traditional skills and technologies - that's why I love to make, fix and write with pens that use real ink, to wet-shave with a straight razor, to make furniture out of wood using human-powered hand tools, to listen to and play music that was written hundreds of years ago on instruments that kill no electrons. But I know it's just for fun - I have no illusions that these are intrinsically "better" ways of doing these things. And I'd much prefer that my children spend their time learning how to survive in THIS world. They can take up cursive as a hobby, if they like, after they've gotten the hang of all the things they need to survive in the 21st Century. Nostalgia is great, but when it gets militant, I start getting turned off.

Edited by Dino Silone
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  On 5/4/2011 at 10:24 PM, Kaych said:

I really don't understand people who say they can't "read" cursive. Aside from a few letters (i.e. f,b, and z namely) most of the letters are formed the same way. And even then, you can guess what those letters are based on the rest of the word.


I have to agree.


I still remember my early school days when I was taught the alphabet and how to write individual letters by my teacher with extra coaching by my mother. When my class started to learn how to write words we were initially instructed to print individual letters together (i.e. write non-cursive). I remember our teacher announcing one day that we would be taught to write "joined up" in the near future when we were all "ready for it". That wasn't good enough for me because I wanted to imitate my older siblings' neat, cursive handwriting as soon as possible (I admit that I have always been a little impatient), so I asked my eldest brother, Victor, to teach me how. He told that there was nothing to it except to try to write one letter after the next without lifting the pen off the sheet of paper too many times. Although I was little sceptical at first (surely, I thought, there must be more to it than that if I have to be "ready for it"), I remember that I started to write cursive that very evening. It wasn't very neat back then, but I found it to be dead easy and I always wrote that way afterwards.


So, thank you very much, Victor, for showing me how easy it is and also for teaching me that I need to try things for myself no matter what other people (including teachers) say.

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Some handwriting is easier to read than others. The really pretty stuff is often the least legible.

I agree that the world is changing, and we must adapt with it. Hand-written letters are used less and less, and I do see that something is lost with the changing times.

It takes more time to use a fountain pen (unscrew the cap, fill the ink, blot the nib, etc) but it is the extra time that makes us slow down and think more about what we are writing. It is the beauty of both the writing and the instrument that attracts me to fountain pens.

I wish I could write cursive, but except for my signature I have forgotten most of it. But even my printing looks better when I use a fountain pen!

the pen is the window into the writer's soul


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  On 5/5/2011 at 5:43 PM, spinningtrees said:

Some handwriting is easier to read than others. The really pretty stuff is often the least legible.

I agree that the world is changing, and we must adapt with it. Hand-written letters are used less and less, and I do see that something is lost with the changing times.

It takes more time to use a fountain pen (unscrew the cap, fill the ink, blot the nib, etc) but it is the extra time that makes us slow down and think more about what we are writing. It is the beauty of both the writing and the instrument that attracts me to fountain pens.

I wish I could write cursive, but except for my signature I have forgotten most of it. But even my printing looks better when I use a fountain pen!

Something is always lost with changing times. And, we hope, something is gained.


I've heard the argument that using a fountain pen and writing more slowly leads to better writing. Can we demonstrate that somehow? I'm sure it's not true in my case. My writing is infinitely worse (though a lot more fun) when I write by hand versus writing with Word or something like that. Part of it is the ability to edit easily, even as I write.


I'll keep using my fountain pens because they're fun. But I don't think I'm about to start writing Palmer Script again - I was very glad to say goodbye to that!

Edited by Dino Silone
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I still remember being taught writing both cursive and printing in grade school with a dip

pen. I just cannot fathom how cursive writing is a dying form. It seems like computers and keyboards are

the norm now, and cellphones are in vogue. Who would have thought that it could happen.

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My grandparents could write and read cursive. They couldn't type. My kids don't do as well with cursive. But they can type very well.


Surely, though, your grandparents could read something that came out of a typewriter.


Given the number of script, semi-cursive and mock-cursive fonts loose in the world, it seems a little disingenous for people to declare they can't read it. It smacks of being simply unwilling to put in the little bit of effort required to perceive the meaning. I'm not saying that this is a conscious unwillingness, either, just an assumed inability. Let me give an example of a similar thing:


My cousin lives in Japan, has done for many years, is married to a Japanese woman, and gets on quite well in Japanese both written and spoken, but he is very plainly not Japanese, being of a profoundly European pattern. One day while in an unfamiliar city, he found himself turned around, and asked a passerby for directions, hailing him in Japanese. The response, also in Japanese, was, "I'm sorry, I don't speak English"


"That's fine, I speak Japanese."


"No, I can't help you, I do not speak English."


See? The assumption of impossiblity renders one incapable even in the face of evidence that it's actually easy. I've seen this in a lot of people on this continent, too, who declare, "Oh, I couldn't understand that guy because he spoke with an accent," even when the accent was BBC Standard Pronunciation, or worse people who can't watch a black and white movie because it's "not real". I occasionally have a little trouble with other people's writing ("modified italic"?) but a little consideration and the immediate context generally provides the answer, and I wager that if people who "can't read that squiggly stuff" came at it with a more open mind they'd have better success.

Edited by Ernst Bitterman

Ravensmarch Pens & Books
It's mainly pens, just now....

Oh, good heavens. He's got a blog now, too.



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  On 5/5/2011 at 5:43 PM, spinningtrees said:


I wish I could write cursive, but except for my signature I have forgotten most of it. But even my printing looks better when I use a fountain pen!


Just don't lift up the pen until you get to the end of each word. There isn't that much to remember. There are majuscules A, E, F, G, I, J, L, Q, S, T, Z, and miniscules b, f, r, s, and z. And with the majuscules, it's pretty easy to see how those are related.

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  On 5/5/2011 at 10:23 PM, Ernst Bitterman said:

.................... and I wager that if people who "can't read that squiggly stuff" can at it with a more open mind they'd have better success.

Although we can't / shouldn't / might not / OK I will then - generalize, I'm in basic agreement with Ernst all the way. But he has put it in a slightly milder form that I'm about to. Certainly I sympathize with those who have not been introduced to cursive writing. I empathize when it comes to deciphering poor handwriting, of any type. But I want to weigh that against something else.


I see all around me the instant rejection as 'irrelevant / impossible / silly / stupid' of anything challenging or anything that can be perceived as challenging. To many, and perhaps more people all the time, are on the lookout for things to be interpreted as insults or tests of their education / way of life / limitations, as the attitude is constantly reinforced by the mass media and particularly by cheap TV, One catch-all excuse handy to the so minded is, of course, the computer and other electronic aids; 'That's a waste of time because I can google (verb) that if I ever need to know it' and so on.


I'm sure to many this is now habitual, and that little bit of effort is not made for simple fear of un-instant success, let alone (an I apologise for use of a non-word to the PC brigade) failure.


We have already seen in FPN someone being instructed by an employer not to use cursive because his students might not understand it - I wonder how long before this becomes more general!


I associate all of this (perhaps incorrectly) with a general downward trend in 'western' society's model of what is to be respected; I for one can remember when the erudite and intelligent were those to whom we looked for correct forms and meanings and interpretations where the subject was beyond our experience. Now I find that the stupidest, most reductive, but most popular / in / cool / now - view of things is the one so many would seek in preference, and the mass media are only too happy to supply an endless stream of such model behaviour and thinking, or lack of it.


I believe that the mass media have pushed the young in particular away from a position where they feel the slightest need to test their own attitudes and opinions against anything but their own desires or the attitudes of their peers - well, the ones who watch the 'right' sort and amount of poor TV, anyway.


PS - Can I put in a request to FPN that they provide a new emotion-con thing depicting a grumpy, judgemental old Fart sounding off?


ETA: I haven't mentioned, and it was a mistake not to, all those younger people who do make 'the effort' generally, and are not satisfied with the half-baked and semi-digested standard fare. I applaud them!:clap1:

Edited by beak

Sincerely, beak.


God does not work in mysterious ways – he works in ways that are indistinguishable from his non-existence.

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I was in 4th grade 10 years ago, and my teacher must have been an old-fashioned sort, because I remember spending A LOT of time on cursive--both 4th and 5th grade. I can't say I enjoyed it, but I was certainly glad of it later when I was the few people in high school who could both read and write it with ease. Now that I'm in college I'm horrified by some of my peers' handwriting. They can't write in straight lines (even on ruled paper), their letters are different sizes, and it frankly looks quite a lot like what a 6 year would write.


I know that computers are replacing the need for being able to write legibility, but I still pity the professors who have to grade out in-class essays, and wish that handwriting wasn't a 'dying art'. I mean, it's really not that hard to at least reach an acceptable level.


And I completely agree with beak.

Currently using: pelikan 320 + sheaffer balance

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I read the article last week, and I think it was from this post, but it must have been moved from Chatter, as I don't tend to read the Creative Expressions group.



And if I ever meet someone who claims it's too hard to read cursive, I hope I laugh.

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  On 5/5/2011 at 10:23 PM, Ernst Bitterman said:
My grandparents could write and read cursive. They couldn't type. My kids don't do as well with cursive. But they can type very well.


Surely, though, your grandparents could read something that came out of a typewriter.


Given the number of script, semi-cursive and mock-cursive fonts loose in the world, it seems a little disingenous for people to declare they can't read it. It smacks of being simply unwilling to put in the little bit of effort required to perceive the meaning. I'm not saying that this is a conscious unwillingness, either, just an assumed inability. Let me give an example of a similar thing:


My cousin lives in Japan, has done for many years, is married to a Japanese woman, and gets on quite well in Japanese both written and spoken, but he is very plainly not Japanese, being of a profoundly European pattern. One day while in an unfamiliar city, he found himself turned around, and asked a passerby for directions. The response was, "I'm sorry, I don't speak English"


"That's fine, I speak Japanese."


"No, I can't help you, I do not speak English."


See? The assumption of impossiblity renders one incapable even in the face of evidence that it's actually easy. I've seen this in a lot of people on this continent, too, who declare, "Oh, I couldn't understand that guy because he spoke with an accent," even when the accent was BBC Standard Pronunciation, or worse people who can't watch a black and white movie because it's "not real". I occasionally have a little trouble with other people's writing ("modified italic"?) but a little consideration and the immediate context generally provides the answer, and I wager that if people who "can't read that squiggly stuff" can at it with a more open mind they'd have better success.

My kids can read cursive, and were taught it in school. But, as the article said, they didn't spend nearly as much time on it as they did on other things, so, while they can read it, they don't write it very gracefully. It's likely that their children will never be taught it at all.


But that will be OK, since, by that time, almost nobody will use it, except as a hobby. I'm not worried about that generation not being able to read the Declaration of Independence in the original cursive. Not many people can read Aramaic, yet the bible still seems to be a popular book... ;)

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  On 5/6/2011 at 1:36 AM, beak said:
  On 5/5/2011 at 10:23 PM, Ernst Bitterman said:

.................... and I wager that if people who "can't read that squiggly stuff" can at it with a more open mind they'd have better success.

Although we can't / shouldn't / might not / OK I will then - generalize, I'm in basic agreement with Ernst all the way. But he has put it in a slightly milder form that I'm about to. Certainly I sympathize with those who have not been introduced to cursive writing. I empathize when it comes to deciphering poor handwriting, of any type. But I want to weigh that against something else.


I see all around me the instant rejection as 'irrelevant / impossible / silly / stupid' of anything challenging or anything that can be perceived as challenging. To many, and perhaps more people all the time, are on the lookout for things to be interpreted as insults or tests of their education / way of life / limitations, as the attitude is constantly reinforced by the mass media and particularly by cheap TV, One catch-all excuse handy to the so minded is, of course, the computer and other electronic aids; 'That's a waste of time because I can google (verb) that if I ever need to know it' and so on.


I'm sure to many this is now habitual, and that little bit of effort is not made for simple fear of un-instant success, let alone (an I apologise for use of a non-word to the PC brigade) failure.


We have already seen in FPN someone being instructed by an employer not to use cursive because his students might not understand it - I wonder how long before this becomes more general!


I associate all of this (perhaps incorrectly) with a general downward trend in 'western' society's model of what is to be respected; I for one can remember when the erudite and intelligent were those to whom we looked for correct forms and meanings and interpretations where the subject was beyond our experience. Now I find that the stupidest, most reductive, but most popular / in / cool / now - view of things is the one so many would seek in preference, and the mass media are only too happy to supply an endless stream of such model behaviour and thinking, or lack of it.


I believe that the mass media have pushed the young in particular away from a position where they feel the slightest need to test their own attitudes and opinions against anything but their own desires or the attitudes of their peers - well, the ones who watch the 'right' sort and amount of poor TV, anyway.


PS - Can I put in a request to FPN that they provide a new emotion-con thing depicting a grumpy, judgemental old Fart sounding off?


ETA: I haven't mentioned, and it was a mistake not to, all those younger people who do make 'the effort' generally, and are not satisfied with the half-baked and semi-digested standard fare. I applaud them!:clap1:

I don't know if you have school-age kids. But my kids are in middle school and high school. They took (or are taking) a year of algebra and a year of geometry in middle school (two years earlier than we were required to), and by the time they finish high school (that's 12th grade, in the USA), will have had two semesters of Calculus plus at least one math elective. Because it's assumed that they have access to the internet, the quality of research that's demanded of them for the papers they write, as well as the quality of their finished output for projects for science, history, etc ... far exceeds what was required of my generation - and I went to a high school that catered to people who were headed for careers in the sciences.


Though a lot of us are fond of claiming that the current generation is averse to making an effort and doing things that are difficult, my experience is that it's not true. The effort is just directed differently, and more appropriately to what's required to survive and thrive in today's world. I'd rather have them spend their effort learning mathematics than learning how to write prettily, especially since they're probably going to type almost everything they produce.

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  On 5/5/2011 at 4:10 PM, Dino Silone said:

My kids (middle school & high school) don't have a clue about how to use a slide rule, but they can and do use Matlab on the computer to crunch gobs of data, to generate graphs, to manipulate matrices as easily as we manipulated scalars, to do all sorts of things in ways that my father would have been overjoyed to embrace if they had been available when he was young.


I bow down to your kids :notworthy1: I am in the second year of my engineering degree and we haven't even been introduced to matlab yet, been mentioned a few times but we've never had to use it yet


  On 5/5/2011 at 10:23 PM, Ernst Bitterman said:

My cousin lives in Japan, has done for many years, is married to a Japanese woman, and gets on quite well in Japanese both written and spoken, but he is very plainly not Japanese, being of a profoundly European pattern. One day while in an unfamiliar city, he found himself turned around, and asked a passerby for directions. The response was, "I'm sorry, I don't speak English"


"That's fine, I speak Japanese."


"No, I can't help you, I do not speak English."


Maybe if he had asked in Japanese? Maybe he genuinely couldn't speak english and didn't understand that your cousin could understand japanese. Because I assume people can recognise english and know the phrase "I can't speak english" even when they don't know know how to speak english.


People saying they can't read cursive is a more general statement about cursive than their ability to read it. As where I live anyone who writes in cursive, their writing is only comprehensible to themselves, not even to other cursive writers and they freely admit that. The writing I see you guys post up is perfectly legible, maybe it's more about whether people nowadays are taught/develop legible cursive?

Edited by Ethereal Winter Wind
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  On 5/6/2011 at 7:42 AM, kernando said:

And if I ever meet someone who claims it's too hard to read cursive, I hope I laugh.


That seems fairly rude. It's like anything else: experience & practice makes it easier. If you never read cursive, it's not at all approachable as it only vaguely resembles the original letterforms. If you read it often, it's no effort at all--but that's a result of the familiarity, not an inherent quality of the writing. I'd guess that if I were to drop something I work with on a daily basis (and find easy) on you with no prior exposure you would find it fairly incomprehensible. Hopefully I'd manage not to laugh.


I've actually been switching to an italic hand specifically because I've noticed people having more trouble with/being less familiar with cursive. The primary purpose of writing is communication, after all...

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  On 5/6/2011 at 2:09 PM, Ethereal Winter Wind said:
  On 5/5/2011 at 4:10 PM, Dino Silone said:

My kids (middle school & high school) don't have a clue about how to use a slide rule, but they can and do use Matlab on the computer to crunch gobs of data, to generate graphs, to manipulate matrices as easily as we manipulated scalars, to do all sorts of things in ways that my father would have been overjoyed to embrace if they had been available when he was young.


I bow down to your kids :notworthy1: I am in the second year of my engineering degree and we haven't even been introduced to matlab yet, been mentioned a few times but we've never had to use it yet

To be fair, they didn't get Matlab in school - I use it for my work, and my older son (10th grade) thought it was cool and asked me to show him how to use it. I showed him a few things, and he took off with it. Yes - we're geeks. Geeks with lousy handwriting :)
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  On 5/6/2011 at 2:09 PM, Ethereal Winter Wind said:
  On 5/5/2011 at 10:23 PM, Ernst Bitterman said:

My cousin lives in Japan, has done for many years, is married to a Japanese woman, and gets on quite well in Japanese both written and spoken, but he is very plainly not Japanese, being of a profoundly European pattern. One day while in an unfamiliar city, he found himself turned around, and asked a passerby for directions. The response was, "I'm sorry, I don't speak English"


"That's fine, I speak Japanese."


"No, I can't help you, I do not speak English."


Maybe if he had asked in Japanese?...


I was unclear in my anecdote-- that whole exchange took place in Japanese.


...and now I've edited it to be more obvious. Sorry about that.

Edited by Ernst Bitterman

Ravensmarch Pens & Books
It's mainly pens, just now....

Oh, good heavens. He's got a blog now, too.



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  On 5/6/2011 at 3:19 PM, Ernst Bitterman said:
  On 5/6/2011 at 2:09 PM, Ethereal Winter Wind said:
  On 5/5/2011 at 10:23 PM, Ernst Bitterman said:

My cousin lives in Japan, has done for many years, is married to a Japanese woman, and gets on quite well in Japanese both written and spoken, but he is very plainly not Japanese, being of a profoundly European pattern. One day while in an unfamiliar city, he found himself turned around, and asked a passerby for directions. The response was, "I'm sorry, I don't speak English"


"That's fine, I speak Japanese."


"No, I can't help you, I do not speak English."


Maybe if he had asked in Japanese?...


I was unclear in my anecdote-- that whole exchange took place in Japanese.


...and now I've edited it to be more obvious. Sorry about that.

It could have been his accent. I grew up speaking Italian at home - I spoke Italian with my father, and a mixture of Italian and our dialect with my grandparents. While my father's accent is Roman, mine is a blend of Abruzzese and a little Italo-Americano. I never had any trouble speaking with anyone in Italy as long as I was anywhere from Tuscany down to Campania. But, when I traveled to the North, it wasn't so easy. Once, I had a woman direct me to someone across the street to answer my question, saying that the people across the street knew how to speak French!


That was pretty humbling... :P

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  On 5/6/2011 at 2:11 PM, mstone said:
  On 5/6/2011 at 7:42 AM, kernando said:

And if I ever meet someone who claims it's too hard to read cursive, I hope I laugh.


That seems fairly rude. It's like anything else: experience & practice makes it easier. If you never read cursive, it's not at all approachable as it only vaguely resembles the original letterforms. If you read it often, it's no effort at all--but that's a result of the familiarity, not an inherent quality of the writing. I'd guess that if I were to drop something I work with on a daily basis (and find easy) on you with no prior exposure you would find it fairly incomprehensible. Hopefully I'd manage not to laugh.


I've actually been switching to an italic hand specifically because I've noticed people having more trouble with/being less familiar with cursive. The primary purpose of writing is communication, after all...


It's better than taking the person seriously, and if he or she takes it as rude, it's his or her fault for saying something so silly in the first place. Then the person reads the writing if he or she was joking. If it wasn't a joke, I'd have to tell the person to sound out the words, and failing that, I'd have to read along slowly.


I'll take what you mean, but wording it as "original letterforms" opens up a lot of holes. The cursive r is from the half R. And all the miniscules came from different versions of the majuscules, and now so many of them look different in Roman and Italic. Cursive has more majuscules that look like the miniscules. Ugh, I can't believe the spell check built into this OS recognizes neither "majuscule" nor "miniscule".


Italic, at least how I understand Chancery, came about to write more easily and quickly. Of course, when we say cursive Italic it doesn't mean connected, but if you join up your letters, you're halfway to (just plain) cursive. I'm sorry you have so many of these people to deal with that you have to dumb down your handwriting.

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      I just got the tracking information for my Starwalker💃🏻
    • T.D. Rabbit 3 Mar 12:46
      @lamarax I am horrified... And slightly intrigued. But mostly just scared.
    • lamarax 2 Mar 20:38
      Oh well. In case of failure you can always wring the paper to have a nice -albeit somewhat stale- cup of coffee back.
    • T.D. Rabbit 2 Mar 10:20
      @Astronymus I could use cornstarch... Or i could distill it and make it very concentrated.
    • T.D. Rabbit 2 Mar 10:20
      @lamarax That's what I used! (In reply to black coffee).. But the milk might not be good at all for paper.
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      Good day, all.
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      Looking to sell huge lot of pretty much every Man 200 made - FP, BP, MP, one or two RBs. Does anyone have a suggestion for a bulk purhase house? Thanks - and hope this doesn't violate any rules.
    • lamarax 17 Feb 18:05
      Cappuccino should work. Frothy milk also helps to lubricate the nib. But it has to be made by a barista.
    • Astronymus 17 Feb 16:19
      YOu might need to thicken the coffee with something. I admit I have no idea with what. But I'm pretty sure it would work.
    • asnailmailer 3 Feb 17:35
      it is incowrimo time and only very few people are tempting me
    • lamarax 31 Jan 21:34
      Try black coffee. No sugar.
    • T.D. Rabbit 31 Jan 8:11
      Coffee is too light to write with though I've tried.
    • Astronymus 29 Jan 21:46
      You can use coffee and all other kinds of fluid with a glas pen. 😉
    • Roger Zhao 29 Jan 14:37
      chocolate is yummy
    • Bucefalo 17 Jan 9:59
      anyone sells vacumatic push button shafts
    • stxrling 13 Jan 1:25
      Are there any threads or posts up yet about the California Pen Show in February, does anyone know?
    • lamarax 10 Jan 20:27
      Putting coffee in a fountain pen is far more dangerous
    • asnailmailer 9 Jan 0:09
      Don't drink the ink
    • zug zug 8 Jan 16:48
      Coffee inks or coffee, the drink? Both are yummy though.
    • LandyVlad 8 Jan 5:37
      I hear the price of coffee is going up. WHich is bad because I like coffee.
    • asnailmailer 6 Jan 14:43
      time for a nice cup of tea
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      @liauyat re editing profile: At forum page top, find the Search panel. Just above that you should see your user name with a tiny down arrow [🔽] alongside. Click that & scroll down to CONTENT, & under that, Profile. Click that, & edit 'til thy heart's content!
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      @lantanagal did you do anything to fix that? I get that page every time I try to go to edit my profile...
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      Super excited to go check out the PDX Pen Bazaar today. I volunteered to help set up tables. It should be super fun, followed by Xmas tree shopping. 😁
    • niuben 30 Nov 10:41
      @Nurse Ratchet
    • Nurse Ratchet 30 Nov 2:49
      Newbie here!!! Helloall
    • Emes 25 Nov 23:31
    • Misfit 9 Nov 2:38
      lantanagal, I’ve only seen that happen when you put someone on the ignore list. I doubt a friend would do that.
    • lantanagal 7 Nov 19:01
      UPDATE - FIXED NOW Exact message is: Requested page not available! Dear Visitor of the Fountain Pen Nuthouse The page you are requesting to visit is not available to you. You are not authorised to access the requested page. Regards, The FPN Admin Team November 7, 2024
    • lantanagal 7 Nov 18:59
      UPDATE - FIXED NOW Trying to send a pen friend a reply to a message, keep getting an error message to say I don't have access. Anyone any ideas? (tried logging our and back in to no avail)
    • Dr.R 2 Nov 16:58
    • fireant 2 Nov 1:36
      Fine-have you had a nibmeister look at it?
    • carlos.q 29 Oct 15:19
      @FineFinerFinest: have you seen this thread? https://www.fountainpennetwor...nging-pelikan-nibs/#comments
    • FineFinerFinest 24 Oct 8:52
      No replies required to my complaints about the Pelikan. A friend came to the rescue with some very magnification equipment - with the images thrown to a latge high res screen. Technology is a wonderful thing. Thanks to Mercian for the reply. I had been using the same paper & ink for sometime when the "singing" started. I have a theory but no proof that nibs get damaged when capping the pen. 👍
    • Mercian 22 Oct 22:28
      @FineFinerFinest: sometimes nib-'singing' can be lessened - or even cured - by changing the ink that one is putting through the pen, or the paper that one is using. N.b. *sometimes*. Good luck
    • Bluetaco 22 Oct 22:04
    • FineFinerFinest 21 Oct 5:23
      I'm not expecting any replies to my question about the singing Pelikan nib. It seems, from reading the background, that I am not alone. It's a nice pen. It's such a pity Pelikan can't make decent nibs. I have occasionally met users who tell me how wonderful their Pelikan nib is. I've spent enough money to know that not everyone has this experience. I've worked on nibs occasionally over forty years with great success. This one has me beaten. I won't be buying any more Pelikan pens. 👎
    • FineFinerFinest 21 Oct 4:27
      I've had a Pelikan M805 for a couple of years now and cannot get the nib to write without singing. I've worked on dozens of nibs with great success. Ny suggestion about what's going wrong? 😑
    • Bhakt 12 Oct 5:45
      Any feedback in 100th anniversary Mont Blanc green pens?
    • Glens pens 8 Oct 15:08
      @jordierocks94 i happen to have platinum preppy that has wrote like (bleep) since i bought it my second pen....is that something you would wish to practice on?
    • jordierocks94 4 Oct 6:26
      Hello all - New here. My Art studies have spilled me into the ft pen world where I am happily submerged and floating! I'm looking to repair some cheap pens that are starving for ink yet filled, and eventually get new nibs; and development of repair skills (an even longer learning curve than my art studies - lol). Every hobby needs a hobby, eh ...
    • The_Beginner 18 Sept 23:35
      horse notebooks if you search the title should still appear though it wont show you in your proflie
    • Jayme Brener 16 Sept 22:21
      Hi, guys. I wonder if somebody knows who manufactured the Coro fountain pens.
    • TheHorseNotebooks 16 Sept 13:11
      Hello, it's been ages for me since I was here last time. I had a post (http://www.fountainpennetwork...-notebooks/?view=getnewpost) but I see that it is no longer accessible. Is there anyway to retrieve that one?
    • Refujio Rodriguez 16 Sept 5:39
      I have a match stick simplomatic with a weidlich nib. Does anyone know anything about this pen?
    • The_Beginner 15 Sept 16:11
      dusty yes, glen welcome
    • Glens pens 11 Sept 1:22
      Hello, Im new to FPN I'm so happy to find other foutain penattics. collecting almost one year ,thought I would say hello to everyone.
    • DustyBin 8 Sept 14:34
      I haven't been here for ages... do I take it that private sales are no longer allowed? Also used to be a great place to sell and buy some great pens
    • Sailor Kenshin 1 Sept 12:37
    • JungleJim 1 Sept 1:55
      Perhaps it's like saying Beetlejuice 3 times to get that person to appear, though with @Sailor Kenshin you only have to say it twice?
    • Sailor Kenshin 31 Aug 21:06
    • Duffy 29 Aug 19:31
      @Sailor Kenshin @Sailor Kenshin
    • Seney724 26 Aug 22:07
    • Diablo 26 Aug 22:05
      Thank you so much, Seney724. I really appreciate your help!
    • Seney724 26 Aug 21:43
      I have no ties or relationship. Just a very happy customer. He is a very experienced Montblanc expert.
    • Seney724 26 Aug 21:42
      I strongly recommend Kirk Speer at https://www.penrealm.com/
    • Diablo 26 Aug 21:35
      @Seney724. The pen was recently disassembled and cleaned, but the nib and feed were not properly inserted into the holder. I'm in Maryland.
    • Diablo 26 Aug 21:32
      @Seney724. The nib section needs to be adjusted properly.
    • Seney724 26 Aug 18:16
      @Diablo. Where are you? What does it need?
    • Diablo 26 Aug 16:58
      Seeking EXPERIENCED, REPUTABLE service/repair for my 149. PLEASE help!!!
    • Penguincollector 19 Aug 19:42
      @Marta Val, reach out to @terim, who runs Peyton Street Pens and is very knowledgeable about Sheaffer pens
    • Marta Val 19 Aug 14:35
      Hello, could someone recommend a reliable venue: on line or brick and mortar in Fairfax, VA or Long Island, NY to purchase the soft parts and a converter to restore my dad's Sheaffer Legacy? please. Thanks a mill.
    • The_Beginner 18 Aug 2:49
      is there a guy who we can message to find a part for us with a given timelimit if so please let me know his name!
    • virtuoso 16 Aug 15:15
      what happene to the new Shaeffer inks?
    • Scribs 14 Aug 17:09
      fatehbajwa, in Writing Instruments, "Fountain Pens + Dip Pens First Stop" ?
    • fatehbajwa 14 Aug 12:17
      Back to FPN after 14 years. First thing I noticed is that I could not see a FS forum. What has changed? 🤔
    • Kika 5 Aug 10:22
      Are there any fountain pen collectors in Qatar?
    • T.D. Rabbit 31 July 18:58
      Ahh okay, thanks!
    • Scribs 29 July 18:51
      @ TDRabbit, even better would be in Creative Expressions area, subform The Write Stuff
    • T.D. Rabbit 29 July 11:40
      Okay, thanks!
    • JungleJim 29 July 0:46
      @T.D. Rabbit Try posting it in the "Chatter Forum". You have to be logged in to see it.
    • T.D. Rabbit 28 July 17:54
      Hello! Is there a thread anywhere 'round here where one can post self-composed poetry? If not, would it be alright if I made one? I searched on google, but to no avail...
    • OldFatDog 26 July 19:41
      I have several Parker Roller Ball & Fiber Tip refills in the original packaging. Where and how do I sell them? The couple that I've opened the ink still flowed when put to paper. Also if a pen would take the foller ball refill then it should take the fiber tip as well? Anyway it's been awhile and I'm want to take my message collection beyond the few pieces that I have... Meaning I don't have a Parker these refills will fit in 🙄
    • RegDiggins 23 July 12:40
      Recently was lucky enough to buy a pristine example of the CF crocodile ball with the gold plating. Then of course I faced the same problem we all have over the years ,of trying to find e refill. Fortunately I discovered one here in the U.K. I wonder if there are other sources which exist in other countries, by the way they were not cheap pen
    • The_Beginner 20 July 20:35
      Hows it going guys i have a code from pen chalet that i wont use for 10% off and it ends aug 31st RC10AUG its 10% off have at it fellas
    • T.D. Rabbit 19 July 9:33
      Somewhat confusing and off-putting ones, as said to me by my very honest friends. I don't have an X account though :<
    • piano 19 July 8:41
      @The Devil Rabbit what kind of? Let’s go to X (twitter) with #inkdoodle #inkdoodleFP
    • Mort639 17 July 1:03
      I have a Conway Stewart Trafalgar set. It was previously owned by actor Russell Crowe and includes a letter from him. Can anyone help me with assessing its value?
    • Sailor Kenshin 15 July 17:41
      There must be a couple of places here to share artworks.
    • T.D. Rabbit 15 July 12:45
      Hullo! I really like making ink doodles, and I'd like to share a few. Anywhere on the site I can do so? Thanks in advance!
    • Sailor Kenshin 6 July 17:58
      Pay It Forward.
    • AndWhoDisguisedAs 6 July 16:59
      where would I post wanting to trade bottle of ink straight up?
    • JungleJim 3 July 16:14
      @Bill Wood-- just look at the message below you that was posted by @PAKMAN. He is a moderator here on the forums.
    • Bill Wood 2 July 14:24
      Just checking on a classified section and where we are with that. Many thanks. Bill
    • PAKMAN 29 June 1:57
      @inky1 The software for the classified stopped working with the forum. So no we don't have a sales section anymore at FPN
    • inky1 28 June 16:49
      I am not sure which is the classifieds section
    • inky1 28 June 16:46
      IIs there a Fountain Pen Sales board anywhere on here?
    • dave c 25 June 19:01
      Hi. Anybody ever heard about a Royal Puck Pen. Very small but good looking.
    • Eppie_Matts 23 June 19:25
      Thanks! I've just ordered some #6's to experiment with.
    • Al-fresco 21 June 12:11
      @Eppie_Matts Shouldn't be a problem - I've just put a Bock #6 Titanium into a La Grande Bellezza section. Went straight in without any problem.
    • Curiousone11 21 June 4:35
      Any recommendations on anyone who specializes in original pen patents?
    • Eppie_Matts 20 June 1:32
      Hi all - I'm new to experimenting with pens and nibs. Can I put a bock 6 on a Pineider? Thanks!
    • penned in 16 June 17:33
      Hi, I'm new to this forum and was wondering where is the best place to sell a Montblanc ballpoint pen? Are ballpoints allowed here? It's a beautiful pen that deserves a great listing. Thanks.
    • ChrisUrbane 9 June 3:16
      I havent logged in here for a while. I have moved and when I try to change my location on my profile, when I go to save it, it sais 'page not found' and that I do not have authority to change that.
    • Dlj 6 June 20:19
      I am looking for someone who can repair a Waterman Preface ballpoint that won’t stay together
    • Penguincollector 30 May 14:59
      I just noticed that the oppsing team of the game I watched last night had a player named Biro in their lineup. He must be part of Marsell the oily magician’s cadre
    • Penguincollector 30 May 14:57
      Oof @beechwood, that’s awful.
    • Beechwood 30 May 1:28
      @Penguincollector I spilled a bottle of ink, picked it up by the cap and the bottle fell to the floor, ruined a carpet and took hours to clean up. Back to pencils FTTB.
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