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Montblanc 145 Opinions


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Besides having the 149, I still have a love and use my 145. Its a more quiet understated pen, I love the pen. People must remember that this pen is actually a standard size, there just happen to have some oversized siblings in the family.


You dont want a big 149 pen bulge in your jeans pocket (ahem) on a Saturday afternoon and if you're a lady, you dont want the 149 to be mistaken for um, something else of similar shape in your clutch or hand bag do you now? :blush:


Despite all the posts for and against or whatever, there's a place for every MB (and other pens too), and if others prejudge people by their pen, then it just shows the person they are (but thats another post altogether...)



Nervous? No, I'm just thinking...

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Regarding the MB145. How does one tell it from the other pens? I just got one today along with RB, BP and pencil. I don't think that the FP has ever been inked. Seems like a nice pen. I have to agree that it is not a big hefty pen but so what? What is with all the vitriol here? We are discussing fountain pens not the future of our world. Please keep things friendly.

Edited by wolffullmoon

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Sorry if my experience with that particular pen offends you guys. I'm a Montblanc lover but not a Montblanc's kool-aid drinker. I gave my honest opinion based on the 145 I've got when I didn't know anything about FP's (hence my remark on that regard). It was returned to the boutique for a full refund within two days of purchase due to intermittent ink flow in an almost 500 dollars pen.


After that one, I've put my hard earn cash into a 114 Mozart, a 149, a Bohème Noir, a 161 LeGrand ballpoint and a 163 Solitaire rollerball. I was given a used 144 as a gift, too. I consider every one of those a better value than a 145, even after considering that I'm a Chopin's music lover.




Not to be blunt but this logic is rather ridiculous no? I mean you're using anecdotal evidence to basically categorize not only their entire production of 145s but also every buyer....


Just because your 145 had perceived "issues" does not mean that all of them do, and given how few complaints we see here on the model I would presume their failure rate is rather low...


Which also is much the same for your note about the buyers, again just because you were "ignorant" and opted for this model does not mean all buyers are, which is exhibited in this thread. While I get your boutique person may have said they sold them to newbies, I think that may be off as if anything I would presume most buy a ballpoint over a fountain pen.


Lastly I really fail to see how you can compare a ballpoint, rollerball, and a Mozart to the 145, the former aren't fountain pens and will obviously perform differently, and the Mozart is a tiny pen that is a CC model much like the 145 only smaller...performance should be identical.


I could see how one might prefer a 149 or a 146 as they are piston fill and larger, and they may enjoy the bigger nib on both, but you don't mention any of that...


And it is pretty well accepted that the 145 was an improvement on the 144 with its brass inserts and screw cap....


As for myself I have a number of fountain pens, one of which is a 145 in Platinum....I actually had two, one I bought originally for a song and sold it as I had an issue with owning a montblanc, sold it and regretted it, my wife bought it for me again from a dealer for our wedding which I still have.


It is a nice classic sized pen, but if you like bigger nibs, piston filling, and larger bodies...the 145 isn't the pen for you.

Edited by Mathew J

"Semper Ubi Sub Ubi"

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I have a a number of MBs and my 145 regularly makes it into my rotation. I agree with Pavoni concerning its convenience while travelling...so nice to just pop in a cart when you are thousands of miles from home and still get the experience and feel of a fountain pen.

" Gladly would he learn and gladly teach" G. Chaucer

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Just out of curiosity, when did MB begin to slap on "Chopin" and "Mozart" onto the smaller pens?

The pen I write with, is the pen I use to sign my name.

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I only have the regular MB 145 among my 14 MBs and I must say, whilst my preference is always for my larger pens, my 145 is reliable, convenient and just about right in terms of weight, length and balance (I never post) and as such, is a regular in my rotation system.


Being able to pocket a handy little box of cartridges (instead of carrying bottled ink), as well as being able to hold a spare in the body of the pen, my 145 is one of the first items that gets packed for any business flight, and or those situations where I am away from home overnight. It has certainly earned its right to stay in my collection. If I ever lost it, I would certainly acquire another.


Great pen which is often over-shadowed by its larger siblings.




I have two (both with platinum trim), and they are both excellent in every way...


I agree


Size is not the only thing that matters.

I also love the discontinued 144.

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Actually if I had to choose between owning a 144 Classic FP or a 145 Chopin FP, it would always be the 145 Chopin.


The band right next to the nib on the 144 always seems to corrode or starts to look a bit 'grotty'. So I think the 145, that only has the band in the centre is much better.

Edited by Chrissy
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Just out of curiosity, when did MB begin to slap on "Chopin" and "Mozart" onto the smaller pens?


No clue, thought it was when they killed off the 144 and replaced it with the 145, I always assumed the Mozart came about the same time but never followed the model much


Thought about getting a Mozart once but now it just seems like it would be too small for my tastes

"Semper Ubi Sub Ubi"

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