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How to post pictures on FPN

Guest Denis Richard

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I gave up trying the old method and tried to figure another way.

It's nowhere near as straightforward as before


At the top of the FPN page there is a bar with titles, right click on the Upload title and open it in another page.

You are now in the image hosting page.

You click on browse at the top, choose your image from your hard disk, add image. The image is uploaded and added to a list of your uploaded images.

Now what you do is click on the small green icon with an arrow, "view code"

select the code in the middle, BBCode, right click and copy

click back to the previous tab/page in your browser where you are trying to upload the image...

set the cursor where you want the image, choose the link icon, in the window which opens paste your code, under URL, click ok


the link to your image is set, your image is uploaded to the FPN server

click on preview post to see if the image has loaded in the message.


One of the problems is, there is no preview of the photos in the image hosting page (you have to open each photo to choose the right one in order to copy its code)


It might not be the only way or the best way but it does seem to work



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Thank you so much, sansenri, I was finally able to post some pictures again, thanks to you! It is a multi-step process now. Ah, well, at least I know how to do it now!

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  • 3 months later...

By the way I just wanted to add (don't know whether as a consequence to my previous comment) there is now a preview of the photo you upload.


So when you are uploading an image, after you click on the black button "add image" in the upload page, a preview opens up, scroll to the bottom of the image,

on the Direct Link: right click, copy the address

go back to your message, position the cursor where you want the photo, click on the "image" tool (small green window) paste, and you image is set.

preview post to be sure it's correctly visible

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  • 4 weeks later...

I found it easiest to just post the comment without the photo--> The edit the comment--> Then under the text box is the option for FULL EDITOR, which when selected gives you the option to attach files under the Text Box. You have to Choose File-->Attach File-->Add to post.


I tried the Upload option but it didn't work for me.



Edited by IndigoBOB
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There are very helpful and clear instructions on How to use the Upload function under Manuals at the top of your FPN pages ^^^^^


There is an alternative of attaching files called Attachments, but there is a restriction of 4.88 MB worth of files that you can add using this method. When you run out of space, you have to go into your profile page, navigate to Manage Attachments, and delete some before you can add any more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for the comment Chrissy


I do not mind having to gradualy delete some of my photos in the image hosting page to make room for newer ones as long as the previous photos I have posted remain in the thread in my post...

which I hope they do...

what I am trying desperately to avoid is having to use one of those image hosting sites that at some point will hold my images at ransom, like Photobuket has already done, and recently I saw one other such service doing exactly the same thing...

viceversa as long as FPN lives what I do hope is that the uploaded photos will stay here...for everyone to see

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First reduce the size of your photo to 999 kb or less, belive me.

What I do:

1.- first go to "reply to this topic".

2.- With you left side of the mouse click "upload" in the same page.

3.- Appears : "Upload from HDD".

Click with the left side of the mouse: "Browse":

4.-Appears the file with your photography, select it clicking "Open" with the left side of your mouse.

5.- Click "Add Image" in same page.

6.- Appears the image. if you not reduced the size of your image you can be two hours o four days waiting for your image.

7.-Choose BBCode.

Click right side of your mouse and "Copy" in BBCode.

9.-Go to your original post in the upper side.

10.- Once there, in the text with right side of the mouse click "Paste".

11.- Click "Post".

Dont forget to resize before everything.

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that's exactly how I do it... (see post # 141)


if you have photos already loaded in the image hosting page, you need to click the small green icon marked "view code" to choose one,

otherwise if you have just uploaded one image you can just copy the bccode and post it in your reply to this topic space


it's more complex to describe than to do actually, but still takes several steps and could be easier.

I also do resize images first, above 1Mb they will not load (and does not tell you, you just wait endlessly...)


I also suggest to click preview post first so you know if your image has loaded correctly


I was just wondering why the much simpler "more reply options/browse/attach this file" route no longer works...

Edited by sansenri
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I do not mind having to gradualy delete some of my photos in the image hosting page to make room for newer ones as long as the previous photos I have posted remain in the thread in my post...

which I hope they do...


They don’t. If you use the attach feature and later erase the photo it will also be erased from your posts. Please use the upload button...
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yes, images larger than 1 Mb will not load, so resize them. During the upload it will not warn you the size is too big it will just not load.

Resize them, then try again.

I usually open images in a photo editing program (paint.net is free and easy to use) resize, save a resized version with different file name (telling me it is resized) together with the original, and then upload the resized images.

When resized they will upload in a few seconds.

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I uploaded the above image in the upload page, and the image is showing


now I wanted to delete the image from the upload page to check what would happen, but cannot see any option to delete the image in the upload page

anyone know how to do that?

thanks :)

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I uploaded the above image in the upload page, and the image is showing


now I wanted to delete the image from the upload page to check what would happen, but cannot see any option to delete the image in the upload page

anyone know how to do that?

thanks :)


It is not possible to delete or edit any pictures uploaded via the Upload feature.

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Whenever i try to ADD IMAGE in the UPLOAD page it stalls and the page doesn't load nor does the image.


Your image is probably too big, you need to make it smaller. Tip: you don't need it to be any wider than 1050 pixels

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thanks for the comment Chrissy


I do not mind having to gradualy delete some of my photos in the image hosting page to make room for newer ones as long as the previous photos I have posted remain in the thread in my post...

which I hope they do...

what I am trying desperately to avoid is having to use one of those image hosting sites that at some point will hold my images at ransom, like Photobuket has already done, and recently I saw one other such service doing exactly the same thing...

viceversa as long as FPN lives what I do hope is that the uploaded photos will stay here...for everyone to see

Once you delete Attachments, they are deleted in your previous posts. -_-


If you use the Upload feature on FPN, you can upload as many files as you like and FPN won't hold you to ransom. :)

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