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Best Mechanical Pencil?


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I've always loved all sorts of stationary, but my favorite would have to be the mechanical pencil.

I'm in search of the best mechanical pencil out there (no price limits)

so please throw some recommendations/suggestions my way!

thanks very much :D

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I like the Koh-I-Noor Rapdiomatic pencils. They're drafting pencils but very well made and are I think 10 dollars or so. Rotring used to make a mechanical pencil of the 600. Its about 40 dollars and can be found on eBay by a guy named AndysPencils (I think its been a while since looking at them). The Pelikan mechanical pencils are also very nice but expensive around 100 dollars or more.

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I like the Koh-I-Noor Rapdiomatic pencils. They're drafting pencils but very well made and are I think 10 dollars or so. Rotring used to make a mechanical pencil of the 600. Its about 40 dollars and can be found on eBay by a guy named AndysPencils (I think its been a while since looking at them). The Pelikan mechanical pencils are also very nice but expensive around 100 dollars or more.


The Rotring 600s are nice. I have two that I absolutely love. They are on the weighty side, but I happen to think the weight is just perfect.



I am also on the lookout for a good mech pencil, I'm considering the Lamy 2000 but from what I've heard, the lead projection is a bit too big? I had a Lamy Logo that I gave away because of the lead being advanced a bit too much, and the lead would always break and give me a fright.


The Caran d'Ache Ecridors are looking pretty too.

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I really like the Pentel Graph 1000 and Pentel Sharp Kerry. Both are great pencils for drafting, drawing, and general writing. They are also of good quality.

"Instant gratification takes too long."-Carrie Fisher

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Uni Kuru Toga, has a rotating lead which turns slightly each time you press down and so claims to stay evenly sharp while in use. A good size and pretty cheap (about £5 in the UK).

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Fix Pencil 2mm, designed in 1929, I really like 2pm pencils in Pref to 0.5pm pencils, google for the blog daves mechanical pencils for reviews of pencils if you want background research.

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If I had the money I'd buy this to match the same style Fountain Pen I got from the same site; rolled gold cap...


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Fix Pencil 2mm, designed in 1929, I really like 2pm pencils in Pref to 0.5pm pencils, google for the blog daves mechanical pencils for reviews of pencils if you want background research.

+1 to either the Fix Pencil or if you want something a little more upmarket, Caran d'Ache's Ecridor pencils which have a similar form. There's something about having a pencil with a hexagonal cross-section that works for me.

"Truth can never be told, so as to be understood, and not be believ'd." (Wiiliam Blake)


Visit my review: Thirty Pens in Thirty Days

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Get a vintage combo! I love those!

The voice of this guitar of mine, at the awakening of the morning, wants to sing its joy;

I sing to your volcanoes, to your meadows and flowers, that are like mementos of the greatest of my loves;

If I am to die away from you, may they say I am sleeping, and bring me back home.


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Anything works here.

Visconti Homo Sapiens; Lamy 2000; Unicomp Endurapro keyboard.


Free your mind -- go write

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I recommend that you first find the lead size that you prefer. I have a few pencils and I was surprised to find that I liked the .9mm size the best. I am drawn more to drafting pencils and here are a few of my favorites.



Left to right: FaberCastell Vario, Pentel P205, Rotring 800, Staedtler 925, Pentel Graphgear 1000

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Uzeu, nice to see another .9mm lead user!


I like my Staedtler Mars Micro (retractable lead sleeve, so good to carry), although apparently the rubber grip deteriorates over time. Staedtler leads are a bit squeaky - I prefer Pentel, unusally their AIN leads. Speaking of which, their P200 range (the P205 is pictured in Uzeu's post) is basic, but good - no retractable sleeve, so not one for the pocket, but solid & feels nice to use.


For looser sketching, I like the Worther Shorty, an excellent chunky little clutch pencil, that takes a 3mm or so lead.


This is the place for all things pencilly though; http://davesmechanicalpencils.blogspot.com/2010/12/2010-dmps.html

Edited by John the Monkey
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Althought I like the Staedtler Mars mechanical pencils, my favorite is a Super Promech 0.9mm Pencil. You can control the amount of lead fed and the length of the sleeve.

Change is not mandatory, Survival is not required.

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I also love pen and pencil sets. I have had both a Cross and Sheaffer set for years. After a while I just quit carrying because I started to prefer a thicker pen. I bought a Lamy 2000 pen and pencil set. The pencil was a 0.7 and I loved using it. I do a lot of mind mapping in pencil for my projects and thought a 0.5 pencil might be good to have. I bought a Rotoring 600 Lava finish. And I really like using it, I have seen it referred to as the Newton model in this forum. I hear Rotoring quit making it. I also bought a Pentel 0.9 mm mechanical pencil. I needed the varitey for my mind mapping. I am on the look out for a another 0.9 pencil upgrade. I am hoping this forum will give me some suggestions.

Lamy and Chinese (Duke and Hero) Pens

Private Reserve Inks

Moleskine, Rhodia and Clairfontaine

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I won't say it's the best, but it is the most unusual of mine.

A designer MP from 1950 a Farber Castell Tekaograph 9603.

The skinny end is the brass push button at the end of the steel shaft.









I was surprised at designer stuff from way back then...but I shouldn't have been a some good ink wells were Bauhaus (No don't have any I am always out bid by lots) and the names of the designers are well known amongst them who know that stuff....like my wife :headsmack:


Don't know who designed it...but at first I thought it was missing the top half. Some one gave it to me along with a fist full of fountain pens.

Edited by Bo Bo Olson

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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A £500 mechanical pencil can use the same lead a cheap disposable one. To me they are all much of a muchness and paying more means you are buying because you like the brand or style.

My Collection: Montblanc Writers Edition: Hemingway, Christie, Wilde, Voltaire, Dumas, Dostoevsky, Poe, Proust, Schiller, Dickens, Fitzgerald (set), Verne, Kafka, Cervantes, Woolf, Faulkner, Shaw, Mann, Twain, Collodi, Swift, Balzac, Defoe, Tolstoy, Shakespeare, Saint-Exupery, Homer & Kipling. Montblanc Einstein (3,000) FP. Montblanc Heritage 1912 Resin FP. Montblanc Starwalker Resin: FP/BP/MP. Montblanc Traveller FP.

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