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Montblanc 1969 Catalog

Michael R.

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A small but interesting catalog printed for the US distributor KOH-I-NOOR at that time; looking at the fine print on the last page I assume that the catalog was printed in 1969.


The illustration of the Meisterstück 149 clearly shows two silver and one golden cap band; this would mean the illustrated pen is an early celluloid 149 but I'm not sure if this was still offered in 1969 (except of NOS pens laying in store not being sold yet).


One of the most interesting parts of information is the fact thatf 1X (Meisterstück), 2X (medium priced range) and 3X (low priced range) pens had corresponding qualities of trim materials!


Also price and nib information is very intersting (note avaiability of rigid and flexible nibs).



















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Thanks Michael!




MY-stair-shtook eyn-HOON-dairt noyn und FEART-seeg (Meisterstuck #149)

"the last pen I bought is the next to the last pen I will ever buy.."---jar

WTB: Sheaffer OS Balance with FLEX nibs


Porkopolis Penners Blog

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Interesting that they show the 149 with the silver rings! :thumbup:

MB 149 YWC, MB Doue BP, Parker Sterling Silver Cisele BP & RB

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Interesting reading that is & thanks for sharing

A wise man once said    " the best revenge is wealth "   but a wiser man answered back    " the best revenge is happiness "


The true definition of madness - Doing the same thing everyday and expecting different results......

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Speaking as somebody with very little reference material, many thanks for sharing!







- The only imaginative fiction being written today is income tax returns -

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The list price of the 149 was $33!!!

MB JFK BB; 100th Anniversary M; Dumas M FP/BP/MP set; Fitzgerald M FP/BP/MP set; Jules Verne BB; Bernstein F; Shaw B; Schiller M; yellow gold/pearl Bohème Pirouette Lilas (custom MB-fitted EF); gold 744-N flexy OBB; 136 flexy OB; 236 flexy OBB; silver pinstripe Le Grand B; 149 F x2; 149 M; 147 F; 146 OB; 146 M; 146 F; 145P M; 162 RB
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The list price of the 149 was $33!!!



I'll take a dozen! :roflmho:

MB 149 YWC, MB Doue BP, Parker Sterling Silver Cisele BP & RB

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Looking at the nib availability chart, what I found most interesting was that you could specify(?) the flexibility of the nib in the #149. They have listed "Flexible in EF through BBB" and "Rigid EF to M", and interestingly no obliques.


I wonder if you had your choice of a 14C or 18C nib depending on the flexibility, as many of us who collect these, do notice a difference in flexibility between nibs of the era and within the 14C and 18C group. (edit) But looking again, the ad says "18K" nib for the #149.



The list price of the 149 was $33!!!


Not sure how applicable, but this "inflation adjustment calculator" shows that this $33 would be $196.74 in today's dollars....but true celluloid, silver ringed #149's are going for $1500-$2000 on the pen market!

2010 price




Edited by talkinghead

MY-stair-shtook eyn-HOON-dairt noyn und FEART-seeg (Meisterstuck #149)

"the last pen I bought is the next to the last pen I will ever buy.."---jar

WTB: Sheaffer OS Balance with FLEX nibs


Porkopolis Penners Blog

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Thanks for posting this Michael.

Do they still do lifetime guarantees on 149?

Best regards, Kai

Montblanc 13x, #20/25/30/40, 244/6 Green Marbled, 322 Azure Blue, 234 1/2 G/PL, 256, 220, 34.

Montblanc 144G Grey, 146G Green Striated, 146 Silver Barley, 149 (50s-00s).

Montblanc WE Christie, Imperial Dragon, Wilde, Dumas, Dostoevsky, Proust, Schiller, Verne, Mann, Twain. PoA Prince Regent, Morgan...

Visconti Pontevecchio LE, Metropolitan Gordian Knot, Ripples. Omas Paragon Royale Blue HT, Extra Lucens Black LE. Pilot Silvern. Pelikan 620 Shanghai, 800 Blue o Blue.

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Danke, Michael!


But there are a few things that make me doubt that this price list is from 1969 even though the imprint 1/69/25 assumes it:


1. - In 1969, after the plant vacation shutdown, the new design was launched. But as Montblanc always used to raise the retail

prices at the 1st of April ... :hmm1:


2. - In the "Point Selection Chart" there is mentioned the model no. 0412G instead of the pictured 402SG. 0412G is a model

from the 50'th. It is implausible that this literal error appears at the end of a print cycle. :huh:


3. - Also in this chart you can find the model no. 344 with a "music" nib. The 344 also is from the 50'th. But it is not uncommon

that a combination of a special nib and a body continues in the rangs as long as the stock last. :unsure:


4. - And last but not least the celluloide 149 with the two silver rings which definately was discontinued in 1969. :o


So for me the date of the price list indicate more to 1959 or 1960 as to 1969. — But then I'm missing the models 262 and 264 ...

I am very unsure!


Montblanc collector since 1968. Former owner of the Montblanc Boutique Bremen, retired 2007 and sold it.
Collecting Montblanc safeties, eyedroppers, lever fillers, button fillers, compressors - all from 1908 - 1929,
Montblanc ephemera and paraphernalia from 1908 to 1929,
Montblanc Meisterstück from 1924 up to the 50s,
Montblanc special and limited editions from 1991 to 2006
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Many thanks for all of your nice comments.


Danke, Michael!


But there are a few things that make me doubt that this price list is from 1969 even though the imprint 1/69/25 assumes it:




I am very unsure!


Many thanks for your input, Axel.


I'm not sure what to think either; maybe it's because it was printed in the USA for (or even by) the distributor and not by Montblanc itself?! ...so it actually represents the distributor's selection and not Montblanc's.


Do you know when the pictured plastic ink bottles were introduced?





Edited by Michael R.
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Thanks so very much, Michael. I would very much enjoy seeing more of this type of thing.

What else do we have in life if not to help each other?

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Thanks so very much, Michael. I would very much enjoy seeing more of this type of thing.


Many thanks!


Currently I only have another 1939 catalog (shown here: 1939 Catalog) and a 1950's catalog (shown here: 1950's Catalog).


Further information can be found on Tom Westerich's site as mentioned here:




1956 repair catalog




1973 price list




1950 leaflet






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The illustration of the Meisterstück 149 clearly shows two silver and one golden cap band; this would mean the illustrated pen is an early celluloid 149 but I'm not sure if this was still offered in 1969 (except of NOS pens laying in store not being sold yet).

I suspect the illustration was nine years out-of-date when the catalogue was printed, and was used out of convenience.



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Thanks michael :thumbup: now I am going to hunt for such a 149 :roflmho:

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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