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Pen Makers Who Will Take Commissions


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Hello all!


I know this thread is for makers only, but since it's so old I thought I could bring some life back to it and start up some conversation! I am looking for a custom pen in the fashion of the "Leonardo" by Montblanc. However, their $3,500 price tag is too much for me to bear. I have sent out some e-mails already but I thought it would be nice to spark up some conversation here. Feel free to PM me with any ideas! I wish I could post a picture, but I can't seem to find a good URL. If you'd like, please take a look at






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Bryan Field Bespoke Pens

  • Location :New Hampshire, USA
  • Making: Kit, modified kit and totally custom.
  • Pen Types available: Fountain Pen, Roller Ball, Ball Point or Pencil
  • Materials used: Wood, acrylic, antler, segmented woods
  • Find me at Bryan Field Bespoke Pens , on Facebook, or on twitter @@BryanFieldPens
  • Fountain Pens are piston fillers, I only use Bock nibs and feeds in my custom fountain pens.
  • 10522465_523136304482842_747234193997547
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  • 1 month later...

We are WritePensInk or (WPI). We make kit pens that we customize and or modify.


Our specialty is carbon fiber and watch part pens and stylus. We work with acrylic, wood, antler, PR casting for our watch part pens.




Fountain, piston converter.






We welcome anyone that would like to talk to us about a commission. Thank you for your consideration.


Here are a few images of pens we have made. Please stop by our website to look at our product offerings.


Dale and Jen





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  • 1 month later...

1. New Hampshire USA but have commissioned pens as far away as Singapore.

2. Kit modified kit

3. Fountain / Rollerball

4. Wood and some acrylic Specialize segmenting with wood and some aluminum.

For a look at my gallery I have an Etsy site with over 300 pens posted. See my signature for a link to it.

Edited by mikespenturningz

Thanks, Mike



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Carl and Christine Fisher - Fisher of Pens

  • Fort Mill, South Carolina. Will ship worldwide.
  • Kit, Modified and Full Custom
  • Fountain Pens, Roller Ball Pens, Ballpoint Pens, Calligraphy Pens
  • All woods and resins including most modern and vintage materials as available. Segmenting and hybrids also available.
  • http://www.fisherofpens.com
  • Cartridge/Converter and Eyedroper
Edited by Carl Fisher

Carl Fisher - Owner and chief artisan at F3 Pens





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  • 5 months later...

Custom Pen Project


I am looking for someone who can re-skin a Sheaffer Snorkel fountain pen in either a casein or TruStone shell. All of the working parts including the nib, section, and filling mechanism are in excellent working condition. If the first one turns out OK then there likely be several more to be done.


Attached is a photo of a dismantled snorkel pen.


Best regards... Lee Selkirk



Soennecken: 1932 Rheingold, 510, 412 "click", 101 Lady & S4... Dunn-Pen "Little Red Pump Handle... Waterman: Le Man 100 Sterling & #52 flex... Parker: Duofold Set 1990 & "75" Sterling... Stylomine 303... Moore Fingertip... Mont Blanc 342... Pilot NAMIKI Vanishing Point... Artus... Sheaffer: Snorkel & 5 others. Osmiroid 65:.. MT Swan... Taccia Avante Petrified Wood... Celluloid Eye Droppers: Peerless CHBR, Eagle HBR, & Stratford... & another 90+ indulgences..

. . . . . Those with the Truth, pound the facts : those without, pound the table . . . . .

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Not within my skills, but just for clarity: you're just wanting the blue material replaced?

It's not the end of the world; it's just the end of you. - David P. Goldman


Progress is a comparative of which we have not settled the superlative. - G.K. Chesterton


Cogito, ergo sum. Mensuror, quiat existo. Audio, ut fiam. Respondeo, etsi mutabor.–Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy

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  • 1 month later...

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Darrin McArthur and I am a pen maker. My business, Timber Elegance, began as a return to my love of wood when I retired from the military. Making pens kind of creeped up on me, next thing you know, that’s pretty well all I was doing. This led to my introduction and subsequent love of fountain pens.


I am located in Ontario, Canada

While much of my work has been kit style, I create many of my own blanks and materials. I have also moved into the “Kitless” genre.

I make a variety of pen styles. Ballpoint, Rollerball, Pencil and of course Fountain Pens. I also do other small turned gift items. I am also working on a few paraphenelia items such as a rocker blotter and some desktop stands.

The materials I work with are varied. I started with wood but now I work in just about anything I can get my hands on. Wood, acrylic, bone, horn, light metals as well as synthetic metals and stones. I have even begun mixing my own resin materials. I love to combine wood and resin.

While I sell many of my pens through a local Artisan shop, I am also getting an Etsy store (https://timberelegance.etsy.com) of the ground. Other than that, Its mostly word of mouth. I do have a website (http://www.timberelegance.ca), but it was originally designed as a site to introduce me, to the world.

My fountain pen filling systems, are currently limited to International cartridge/convertor. However, I am always learning.


Here is a sampling of my work. While I often make pieces that just appeal to me, I am also more than willing to work on a custom piece. I hope you enjoy looking at my creations. If your interested, send me a PM or an email. I’m always available to talk.



This first one is a ballpoint click style pen. The body is my own wooden Herringbone design of Blackwood and Bubinga. It is made using over 80 individual pieces of wood.



This next one, was a themed rollerball pen created for a gentleman in the USA. It is designed to evoke the US flag, as well as the Maryland state flag. It was done by gluing individual pieces of exotic wood together to form the patterns. No stains were used, the colours are those of the natural woods.



This one is a Canadiana style kit fountain pen. The material used is a synthetic stone called Black Matrix. The gold and black give a stunning appearance.



This desk set was commissioned as a guest book pen for a young couples wedding. The ceremony was held on the 31st of October, and they are great fans of Halloween. The pen itself is a ballpoint made from Holly and Ebony. The stand is made of spalted maple and Peruvian walnut. Once again no stains were used. The initials are burnt in using pyrography techniques.



This one is a Rollerball pen. The material is Walnut with Maple and Ebony inlay. The inlay strips do not go all the way through, there are three of them spaced equally around the cap.



My first full custom went to the love of my life as Birthday gift. It is a synthetic stone called chiloite, with a tree of life rollstop. Its fitted with a #5 Bock steel nib in an acrylic section.



And finally here are my two latest custom creations.




Darrin McArthur

Timber Elegance

Darrin McArthur

Timber Elegance ~ Handcrafted Writing Instruments

My Etsy Store

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  • Name: Chris Newswanger

Location: Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USA

Type of work: Kit, modified kit and custom

Range of writing instruments: Fountain Pen, Rollerball, Ball Point, Pencil

Materials: Any - if I can fit it on my lathe and cut it, I'll try to turn it (pun intended) into a pen.

Website: www.NewswangerPen.com

Fountain Pens filler: C/C or eyedropper for now, although I want to expand my horizons

Contact me via PM here, or website contact form. Also, you can subscribe to my feed to be emailed whenever I add new pens to my website.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Beautiful photography, Darrin, and that chiloite pen is my favorite -- gorgeous, and a classy choice on the roll-stopper.

Reviews and articles on Fountain Pen Network



Hua Hong Blue Belter | Penbbs 456 | Stationery | ASA Nauka in Dartmoor and Ebonite | ASA Azaadi | ASA Bheeshma | ASA Halwa | Ranga Model 8 and 8b | Ranga Emperor


FILCAO Roxi | FILCAO Atlantica | Italix Churchman's Prescriptor


Bexley Prometheus | Route 54 Motor Oil | Black Swan in Icelandic Minty Bathwater | Robert Oster Aqua | Diamine Emerald Green | Mr. Pen Radiant Blue | Three Oysters Giwa | Flex Nib Modifications | Rollstoppers

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Thanks Bob.


I am by no means a photographer. It takes me a lot of time and a lot of playing around to get them to look ok.


Due to a small accident, I have been out of the shop for a while, but I will be back at it very soon.

Darrin McArthur

Timber Elegance ~ Handcrafted Writing Instruments

My Etsy Store

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Hi, I'm John with GW Pens. Pen making is my full time job and I do accept custom work.


  • Located in Pitman, NJ. If you are local I encourage you to reach out for a look in the showroom or to tour the back workshop of my studio.
  • Kit, modified kit, or fully custom.
  • Fountain Pens, Roller Balls, Ball Points, pencils, or dip pens (not obliques though).
  • Materials- Not all materials are conducive to all pen styles but I work with gemstone, stone, wood, as well as various resins and acetates both new and vintage, 3D print
  • www.GWPens.com
  • Filling types are c/c and ED

I've been fortunate enough to have had some great VIP commissions over the years, including pens made for President Obama, Prince Harry, and Pope Francis. A sister pen of the one I made for Pope Francis is now in the Philadelphia History Museum. Thank you for your consideration.

Take time to stop and ink

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello from Germany !


Collecting pens since 1999, we started our business in 2006 at www.pen-paradise.de

In 2014, we decided to start a new project: Saarpen, where we make custom pens (no kits) handmade in Germany

More informations and a shop at www.saarpen.com


  • General Location: Germany
  • Type of work: totally custom including customized nibs
  • Range of writing instruments: Fountain Pen, Roller Ball
  • Range of materials worked: anything that's possible, esp Acrylic, Ebonite, Wood, Micarta
  • Gallery address/Home page: www.saarpen.com and www.instagram.com/saar.pen
  • Types of filler: Cartridge/Converte

Actually, we finished about 37 pens, you will find pictures at our instagram "saar.pen" account.


Hope you to have fun visiting our sites.


Kind regards,







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  • 5 months later...

Aaron Logue


1. USA, can ship worldwide

2. I can make kit, modified kit, or completely custom "kitless" pens

3. Fountain, rollerball, ballpoint, and pencil all available

4. Wood, acrylic and other plastics, bone, antler, stabilized stone, aluminum

**Inlay work and laser engraving also available

5. Gallery/Page: facebook.com/AWLWoodturning

**Not all of my work is displayed

6. Piston converters or standard international cartridges


I'm happy to consider any and all jobs!

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  • 2 years later...

Wow, 3 years since the last update. May as well carry it on, never know someone may read it.


1. Uk, can ship anywhere.

2. I make custom pens, I buy in the sections and the nib at the moment but I am learning to make my own sections.

3. Fountain pens.

4. Acrylic and other plastics.

5. Den's Pens

6. Cartridge/converter and eyedropper.


I will consider any jobs, if I think they lay outside of my current skill levels I can point the client in the direction of other pen makers.

My little home on the net


Den's Pens


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I'll second for 2019. I started collecting pens around 2017, started doing Urushi customization in 2019. I have done several commission work including on Pelikan M1000s, M800, M600, Namisu, sheaffers snorkel to name few.


Location: VA, USA
Type: Urushi Lacquerwork
Range: Fountain Pens/Other pens
Base Materials: Ebonite, acrylic, resin.

Urushi materials: Raden, Eggshells, silver, gold, metal leafs (silver/gold/imitation), diamond dust, etc.
URL: https://districturushi.wordpress.com/

Worked on/Currently working:I have worked on many pens (some still in works) and can work on most pens that have removable clips and few rings. few pens that i have worked on, Pelikan M1000/800, Ranga handmade ebonites (various models), Namisu ebonite, pilot vanising point, sheaffers, Omas bologna, Wancher true ebonite, noodlers niponset, franklin christoph p66, Karas kustoms (delerin body). pens in work - Pelikan ductus, Sailor King of Pen ebonite, M1000s, Omas Emotica, Ranga pens, FC-02

Edited by justvrod
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  • 2 years later...

Looking for someone who can make sheaffer's touchdown filling system from scratch, if anyone's able to do so please pm

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