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Pen Makers Who Will Take Commissions


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This thread is a list of pen makers who will take commissions to make pens.


Please can you add a post to this thread if you are willing to take commissions from people who want a pen made, and include the information listed below:

  1. General Location (eg USA) - this is useful for people to narrow down their sourcing.
  2. Type of work - Kit, modified kit or totally custom. It is assumed, unless otherwise specified, that you do not make your own nibs or feeds.
  3. Range of writing instruments (Fountain Pen, Roller Ball, Ball Point or Pencil).
  4. Range of materials worked (Eg wood, acrylic, celluloid, bone, gold...)
  5. Gallery address/Home page (if you have one)
  6. For Fountain Pens, can you specify the types of filler you do (eg c/c, piston, vac or button)


To commission a pen, please contact the makers by PM through the little envelope icon under their name in their post.





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OK, might as well be the first to post a response.


1. USA, (Oklahoma)

2. Kit and Modified Kit

3. Fountain, Roller ball, Ball point

4. Wood, acrylic, PR, Alumilite, Celluloid, Antler, Snakeskin, Cactus, Ebonite, Bakelite

5. PensWithDistinction.com

6, Converter, Universal cartridge. Schaeffer rollerball, Cross and Parker ballpoint.


Thanks for your consideration

Edited by Tim Self



You can't fix stupid.

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Yes, thank you. I had been reading here all afternoon and cruising ebay. I know, excuses, excuses. LOL



You can't fix stupid.

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I'd be happy to get in on this too. Here's my info:


1. USA, Northwest US

2. Kit and Modified kit,

3. Fountain, Roller ball and ball point

4. Wood, acrylics, stone, antler, metals, a little bit of everything

5. http://www.jjspenplace.com

6. converter/cartridge, Schmidt rollerball and ball point, Cross



Thanks for this opportunity.



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I welcome commissions from FPN members. :thumbup:


Silver Lake Woodworks

fine writing instruments by Joe Aliperti


Location: Silver Lake, New Hampshire (USA), will ship internationally

Type of work: kit, modified kit, collaborations with other artists

Writing instruments: fountain pens, rollerballs, ballpoints, and pencils

Materials: exotic woods, celluloids, resins, multimedia

Gallery address: http://www.silverlakewoodworks.com/gallery.html

Homepage address: http://www.silverlakewoodworks.com

Fountain pen details: 14K and 18K gold nibs available, C/C only at present

Edited by Silver Lake Woodworks



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Location: Canada

Type of Work: At this point, only kit.

Writing instrumente: fountain pen, ballpoint, rollerball, pencils

Materials: acrylic, wood

Gallery: none at the moment

FP details: C/C


my profile pales in comparison.. haha.

ill work on getting some photos up soon.

still willing to take pen orders, probably

mildly cheaper than most due to only

being kit pens. just PM me!

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OK I'll throw my hat in the ring .


New Jersey , USA . Will ship anywhere .

Twist and Click Ballpoints , Rollerball and Fountain pens .

Kit , modified kit and Pure custom kitless using new nibs and sections and vintage nibs and sections .

Materials , Exotic Wood , Acrylic , Resin , Ebonite , Casein , Brass and Aluminum .

Filling systems , C/C , Bulb , Push button , Eye dropper , Schmidt Piston .

Gallery examples , http://www.penmakers...=bryantl&page=3

Edited by ldb2000


Parker Falcon Flighter,Falcon in Black

Parker 88 in Ivory,Vector in SS,45 in Black,45 Flighter

Parker 51 in Grey,21 in Green,Vacumatic in Black,Vac in Silver

Several pens that I have made .

Proud member of The Pen Makers Guild,

Please visit my photo gallery at http://www.penmakersguild.com/browse.php?gallery=bryantl&page=3

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  • 2 weeks later...

I will throw in as well. I have one or two possibly unique little things to offer.


1: MO Ozarks region, USA (I have shipped to US, Canada, England, France.)

2: Kit, modified kit, (working towards custom but not quite there yet.)

3: FB, Rollerball, Ball Point, Pencil

4: Work with exotic woods, acrylic, celluloid, alternative materials (horn, snake skins, feathers), casein. Also, well set up for very precise segmented work.

5: Kaspar Pens

6: Cartridges and piston converters for now. (Anyone know where one finds those marvelous bulbs for making bulb fillers?)

It's not the end of the world; it's just the end of you. - David P. Goldman


Progress is a comparative of which we have not settled the superlative. - G.K. Chesterton


Cogito, ergo sum. Mensuror, quiat existo. Audio, ut fiam. Respondeo, etsi mutabor.–Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy

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  On 11/25/2010 at 1:17 AM, Chthulhu said:
  On 11/24/2010 at 6:19 AM, Kaspar said:

(Anyone know where one finds those marvelous bulbs for making bulb fillers?)


They're pen sacs: http://www.pensacs.com/




It's not the end of the world; it's just the end of you. - David P. Goldman


Progress is a comparative of which we have not settled the superlative. - G.K. Chesterton


Cogito, ergo sum. Mensuror, quiat existo. Audio, ut fiam. Respondeo, etsi mutabor.–Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy

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I'll put up my information here as well though my work is more customization than pen-making.


Location: New Jersey, USA

Type: Urushi Lacquerwork

Range: Fountain Pens mainly and rollers.

Materials: Urushi over Ebonite. Embellishments in Maki-e, Raden, Ishime, Tamenuri, Karanuri etc.

URL: www.hakuminurushi.com

Pens Possible: I currently work with Edison Pens to produce most of my lacquerwork. Their standard models are all possible and custom designs and adjustments are also possible. These are cartridge/converter or bulb fillers. I also do lacquerwork on select vintage pens such as Sheaffer's TM Touchdowns and Snorkels, Parker 51s, Parker Jackknife Safeties, Waterman's Eyedroppers and others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also welcome commissions. I have a huge stock of exotic wood blanks or can make pens from wood that you may have that is special to you. I have done pens from wood from my grandfather's apple tree, teak decking from a friends sail boat, etc).


1.General Location: St Petersburg, FL (will ship anywhere)


2.Type of work: Kit, Modified Kits (closed end, etc) Stock Heritance fine & medium nibs...all nibs are tuned and if the kit supplied nib is good (some are) I use them so if you prefer heritance, let me know. Also have 1.5mm italic nibs.


3.Range of writing instruments: Fountain Pen, Rollerball, Ballpoint


4.Range of materials worked: wood, acrylic, poly resin, trustone, worthless wood/amalgams


5.Gallery address/Home page: http://www.norskwoodshop.com and http://www.etsy.com/shop/norskwoodshop

6.For Fountain Pens: cartridge / converter



Edited by patsikes

Patrick Sikes

The Norsk Woodshop



http://ny-image1.etsy.com/il_75x75.122676229.jpg   http://ny-image0.etsy.com/il_75x75.116681716.jpg   http://ny-image1.etsy.com/il_75x75.121813549.jpg

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We can do custom work on ready made pens like putting monogram on the clip, studding diamonds on the clip etc (pictures of our work done for our clients is enclosed).

1) USA CAlifornia

2) Picture of Conway Stewart sterling silver duro studded with Rubies.

3) Picture of Rollerball pen with Star of David on the clip

4) Picture of Sterling silver ballpoint pen with company logo on clip

5) Montblanc Kafka studded with diamonds






View pens

Email me


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I too am interested as a new member and full time pen maker.


1. Christchurch, New Zealand

2. Kits and Modified kits,

3. Fountain, Roller ball, ball point, pencil

4. Bullets, Wood, acrylic, stone, antler, metal, and whatever else I can use

5. http://www.bulletpens.net

6. converter/cartridge, Schmidt rollerball and Parker and Cross ball point



Thank you



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I be happy to make a pen for anyone........I have sold a few to some fine folks already here @ FPN.





3.Fountain, Rollerball, Ballpoint


4.Local & Exotic woods, Acrylics, Gemstone, Snakeskin


5.No gallery


6.Universal cartridge & converter, Schmidt Rollerball, Parker Ballpoint / Parker GEL


Thank you for the consideration,


Tim (timthepenman)

"life's hard, it's harder if you're stupid"

John Wayne

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello out there,

Yes, I do pens on order:


1. Located in Germany and Italy.


2. No Kitting. Totally Custom.


3. Fountain pens mainly.

done as pistonfiller, buttonfiller, currently experimenting with a safety filler.

Next one to try (spring 2011) would be a Vac-Fill.


4. Celluloid and Ebonite. and silver or Gold for overlays.


5. Some Examples of my work.






Best regards

Tom Westerich


Tom Westerich


See whats newly listed on PENBOARD.DE


email: twesterich@penboard.de

Abruzzo/Italy and Hamburg/Germany

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would consider it a privelege to add my name to this fine list.


1.General Location: United States (midwest)


2.Type of work: Kit components or modified kit


3.Range of writing instruments: Fountain Pen, Roller Ball, Ball Point or Pencil


4.Range of materials worked: Wood, M3 Steel, Antler, Trustone, Acrylic resins (I pour my own resins), Bakelite when available, Ebonite when available,


5.Gallery address/Home page: http://www.recturnings.etsy.com


6.For Fountain Pens, can you specify the types of filler you do: c/c


I have been a pen creator for 3 years and have done several custom orders. Some of which have included scrollsaw designs, closed ends, cast materials in resin, and exotic woods.


Thank you,

Eric Beuker






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  • 2 weeks later...

1. Near Cadillac, Michigan, USA.


2. Mostly kits, some modified kits, and a few totally custom.


3. Fountain Pen, Roller Ball, Ball Point (both twist & click) or Pencil.


4. Wood, acrylic, antler (deer & caribou), & composite materials (wood with acrylic or custom made castings)


5. http://www.DivineTurnings.com (I give away a free pen each month)


6. I use piston converters or cartridges but I can get other styles as well.



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Rev. Sean Nemecek

DivineTurnings.com - Handcrafted pens, bowls, and more!

Free Pen given away each month!

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