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Tesco Notebook


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I recently read a thread about a comparison of Moleskine, Asda and Sainsburys notebooks. All of which, at least superficially look similar.


I thought I would try to add Tesco to the mix. However, I could not find a Moleskine lookalike at Tesco so this is a mini review of their Tecso Finest 100 Sheet A5 notebook.





It is a ring binder notebook with space for some business cards and five clear plastic page dividers that can be put anywhere in the notebook. The front and back are black hard plastic that increases the size of the notebook but does provide good support when writing. The notebook is kept close buy a length of elastic. The pages are perforated so they can be easily removed.


Now the important bit, the paper. It is white, brighter than the Sainsbury A5 paper but very slightly thinner. I was going to type it does not feather. However, looking closely it does not deal with my old and scratchy Waterman's Ideal nib as well as other papers, so some feathering.




Here it is pictured against the Sainsburys A5 and a Paperchase Noto (on the right)




It has more bleedthrough than either of the other two notebooks




It cost £3.89




As a working notebook/scribble pad it is good value for money. The rind binder means it is more convenient to use that moleskine type notebooks. However, for fountain pens the paper is not as good as either the Sainsburys or Paperchase notebooks. If you have a moderately wet pen, expect some bleed.


This notebook does not come with a recommendation for fountain pen use.



Edited by vans4444
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hey there, thanks for the review it doesn't really matter if it looks like a molie, as long as it doesn't act like some of 'em :D

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Thanks for that Vans! It does add to my Mole, Asda, Sains notebbok review.


I have a unique (I think) reason for not liking ring bound notebooks. I am a wheelchair user and I tend to slip notebooks down the back between me and the canvas on my chair, when in transit, or between writing sessions. (My netbook gets this treatment too!) This is fine with Moles and their clones but not ringbinds because, not only do they dig in my back and make things very uncomfortable, they also catch on my clothes as I drag them back out to write something!

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