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Visconti - Blue


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Sandy1 -

Thank you for the wonderful (as always) review.


Visconti blue was one of the inks recommended to me as a BSB replacement if I were looking for low maintenance, high vibrancy. Of all the other inks I sampled, Visconti blue is still one of the brightest and most pleasing.


Thank you for the timely review of a long standing ink.



You're welcome!


Thank you for your kind words!!


Regardless of how many new & [sometimes] wonderful Blue inks come to visit, I still use quite a bit of VBl, and consider it a 'must have' ink.


I agree that VBl has a lively degree of vibrancy, especially visible from the more narrow nibs. But NBsBl it is not - all other FP inks still reside in the shadow of the ingenious Mr Tardiff's tour de force of vibrancy.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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very nice looks like amost MB Royale Blue :thumbup:



I consider both of those inks to be 'must have' inks in my array with strong performance profiles and enjoyable writing experience. Yet I would not substitute one for the other due to significant differences in colour, saturation and shading potential.


My comparison of VBl to MBRBl can be seen HERE.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I apologize if this has been covered elsewhere, but as you did mention the high centre of gravity of those pesky plastic bottles, I will offer my work-around fix. Invert the clear, hard-plastic cover, drop the bottle upright inside, and voila!—a solid filling station. The blue base goes on top during storage. I keep it bound with a fat rubber band.






I love the smell of fountain pen ink in the morning.



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Can this ink be eradicated by an eradicator such as the Pelikan super pirat? I can seem to find much concrete information anywhere.




Visconti Blue could not be eradicated with a Lamy ink-x.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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I apologize if this has been covered elsewhere, but as you did mention the high centre of gravity of those pesky plastic bottles, I will offer my work-around fix. Invert the clear, hard-plastic cover, drop the bottle upright inside, and voila!—a solid filling station. The blue base goes on top during storage. I keep it bound with a fat rubber band.









I agree with your suggestion to place the bottle in the inverted transparent capsule for both filling and storage. :thumbup:


As I noticed the underside of the Black base is shaped to fit the top of the transparent capsule, I arrange them as shown below when charging a pen:







Photos courtesy of Cathy_Next_Door.


That arrangement is slightly more resistant to sliding, (horizontal force below the centre of mass), but not to tipping (horizontal force above the centre of mass).


However, neither method addresses the obvious problem: The two parts of the capsule cannot be securely joined. IMPO, such a design idea should not have even reached the drawing board.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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I bought a bottle at my local pen shop. I noticed some sheen but it is very variable. Some of my writing samples do not have sheen at all but other samples do. A bit puzzled on that.



Achieving the 'sheen' phenomenon most often eludes me, not that I'm bothered in the least.


In general terms, it is reliant on having enough ink on/above the paper surface to operate as a reflector-prism of sorts. Best achieved by using a very wet pen on a coated paper, such as Clairefontaine Triomphe, though some Members report that paper made from sugar cane, such as Staples Bigasse [house brand?], also gives the desired result.


See also: LINK




Edited by Sandy1

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Thank you for that.


I did not buy the ink for the sheen but the color. I was just surprised when I did see the sheen. :) :bunny01:




You're welcome!


I must admit that for the most part I'd rather not have sheen, unless I'd purposely invoked that phenomenon. Alas, I am sooo dull - matte even.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Thanks a great lot for the amount of time you invested in this review.

Visconti Blue is probably my favourite blue, it is so bright!





You're welcome!


This is one of my must have inks.


As mentioned, 'It does not just have a Look - it has a Vibe.'




Edited by Sandy1

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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