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Visconti - Blue


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:headsmack: so now I had to order some, Thanks....


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:headsmack: so now I had to order some, Thanks....




Youre welcome!


It's a good thing.

A very good thing.

But please - don't take to stalking your post(wo)man.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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The Visconti Blue is the fifth ink to be reviewed in the 'One of the Ten' (OOTT) group of Blue inks.


When complete, the intention is to have the OOTT inks reviewed in the same manner, and compared in the same manner to the maximum practical extent.


Hopefully the OOTT reviews and comparisons will assist practitioners in choosing their lynch-pin Blue/s, and avoid unintentional purchase of visually equivalent ink/s.


Also, the OOTT results should give common ground for claims, rumour and scuttlebutt to be discussed. Or be considered irrelevant, and so be ignored.





COMPARISON : To Pilot asa-gao My link

COMPARISON : To Sheaffer Skrip Blue My link

COMPARISON : To Herbin Eclat de Saphir My link

COMPARISON : To Pelikan Royal Blue My link


The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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  • 4 weeks later...



The Visconti Blue is the fifth ink to be reviewed in the 'One of the Ten' (OOTT) group of Blue inks.


When complete, the intention is to have the OOTT inks reviewed in the same manner, and compared in the same manner to the maximum practical extent.


Hopefully the OOTT reviews and comparisons will assist practitioners in choosing their lynch-pin Blue/s, and avoid unintentional purchase of visually equivalent ink/s.


Also, the OOTT results should give common ground for claims, rumour and scuttlebutt to be discussed. Or be considered irrelevant, and so be ignored.





COMPARISON : To Pilot asa-gao My link

COMPARISON : To Sheaffer Skrip Blue My link

COMPARISON : To Herbin Eclat de Saphir My link


COMPARISON : To Montblanc Royal Blue My link

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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  • 4 weeks later...



The Visconti Blue is the fifth ink to be reviewed in the 'One of the Ten' (OOTT) group of Blue inks.


When complete, the intention is to have the OOTT inks reviewed in the same manner, and compared in the same manner to the maximum practical extent.


Hopefully the OOTT reviews and comparisons will assist practitioners in choosing their lynch-pin Blue/s, and avoid unintentional purchase of visually equivalent ink/s.


Also, the OOTT results should give common ground for claims, rumour and scuttlebutt to be discussed. Or be considered irrelevant, and so be ignored.





COMPARISON : To Pilot asa-gao My link

COMPARISON : To Sheaffer Skrip Blue My link

COMPARISON : To Herbin Eclat de Saphir My link


COMPARISON : To Montblanc Royal Blue My link

COMPARISON : To Private Reserve American Blue My link

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Fantastic review, Sandy1. Thank you. This is the only ink I have ever stock piled, having bottles both here and at the office. The only other color at the office is red.

Sandy1, I don't understand what this means. Can you enlighten me, please?

"Some practitioners may wish to add the dew from a rose petal to 'open' VB ever so slightly."

Oh, and this is such a great color, I never even thought of the shading not being there until you mentioned it.

Edited by dnb

What else do we have in life if not to help each other?

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Fantastic review, Sandy1. Thank you. This is the only ink I have ever stock piled, having bottles both here and at the office. The only other color at the office is red.

Sandy1, I don't understand what this means. Can you enlighten me, please?

"Some practitioners may wish to add the dew from a rose petal to 'open' VB ever so slightly."

Oh, and this is such a great color, I never even thought of the shading not being there until you mentioned it.



I certainly understand stockpiling of some inks. I think there was an unexpected rapid depletion of Visconti inks when the glass bottles were discontinued. I think that created an imbalance in the inventory of certain colours. i.e. Ink was bought for the bottle - not the colour.


If one uses a large amount of a certain ink, then it is just common sense to order / purchase perhaps a year's supply at one go.


Ah, to explain: Adding 'the dew from a rose petal' indicates a very small amount of sweet pure water.

So, for those without roses and dew, and the more realistically-inclined, distilled water may be used.

The amount added is enough to 'open' the ink: With such a fine ink, the subtle nuances that make it a fine ink can easily be lost when switching papers / pens - especially with writers of heavier flow, and more absorbent papers. The dilution reduces the effect of the surfactant in ink, hence slowing the flow-rate; and also reduces the amount of dye-stuff per unit of volume. Those two factors combined can have worthwhile benefits, and due to the strong performance profile of VB, penalties from dilution (e.g. water resistance) are likely to be taken in stride. YMMV of course.


I'm working on a series of samples to show some of the effects of dilution on an ink with some shortcomings. Unfortunately, this is an attempt to salvage the ink - not to tune an already exceptional ink like VB to keep its Look with different writers and papers.


And the thing about shading is odd - when writing I always imagine it has shading. But when reading, there is no shading. :rolleyes:




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Thank you Sandy1, for your answer and, again, for your always exceptional ink reviews! Two thumbs up. Way up! thumbup.gif thumbup.gif

What else do we have in life if not to help each other?

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Another thing I just remembered about this color - it looks good with any nib.

What else do we have in life if not to help each other?

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  • 1 month later...



The Visconti Blue is the fifth ink to be reviewed in the 'One of the Ten' (OOTT) group of Blue inks.


When complete, the intention is to have the OOTT inks reviewed in the same manner, and compared in the same manner to the maximum practical extent.


Hopefully the OOTT reviews and comparisons will assist practitioners in choosing their lynch-pin Blue/s, and avoid unintentional purchase of visually equivalent ink/s.


Also, the OOTT results should give common ground for claims, rumour and scuttlebutt to be discussed. Or be considered irrelevant, and so be ignored.





COMPARISON : To Pilot asa-gao My link

COMPARISON : To Sheaffer Skrip Blue My link

COMPARISON : To Herbin Eclat de Saphir My link


COMPARISON : To Montblanc Royal Blue My link

COMPARISON : To Private Reserve American Blue My link

COMPARISON : To Diamine Imperial Blue https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php?/topic/179439-comparison-visconti-blue-diamine-imperial-blue/page__gopid__1805023#entry1805023

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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The Visconti Blue is the fifth ink to be reviewed in the 'One of the Ten' (OOTT) group of Blue inks.


When complete, the intention is to have the OOTT inks reviewed in the same manner, and compared in the same manner to the maximum practical extent.


Hopefully the OOTT reviews and comparisons will assist practitioners in choosing their lynch-pin Blue/s, and avoid unintentional purchase of visually equivalent ink/s.


Also, the OOTT results should give common ground for claims, rumour and scuttlebutt to be discussed. Or be considered irrelevant, and so be ignored.





COMPARISON : To Pilot asa-gao My link

COMPARISON : To Sheaffer Skrip Blue My link

COMPARISON : To Herbin Eclat de Saphir My link


COMPARISON : To Montblanc Royal Blue My link

COMPARISON : To Private Reserve American Blue My link

COMPARISON : To Diamine Imperial Blue http://www.fountainp...23#entry1805023

COMPARISON : To Noodler's Ottoman Azure https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php?/topic/179598-comparison-visconti-blue-noodlers-ottoman-azure/page__pid__1806509#entry1806509

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Can this ink be eradicated by an eradicator such as the Pelikan super pirat? I can seem to find much concrete information anywhere.

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  • 1 year later...

I've seen that the Visconti plastic bottle has not received enthusiast opinions.

Here is my experience.


- The bottle and the cover aree of the same plastic used for the water bottles, can be recycled with them

- The bottle allows the use of ink up to the end, some pens can not be filled when the ink bottle is half empty.

- Being plastic softer than glass, any accidental contact between nib and bottle is unlikely to damage the nib.

- The filling operation is much cleaner, the key is to take the plastic cover, turn it upside down, put the bottle INSIDE and then fill the pen. The whole ensemble is very stable and any accidental drop will fall into the cover and not on the table.


My compliments to Visconti for such a wonderful design. ;)

Don't take life too seriously

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I've seen that the Visconti plastic bottle has not received enthusiast opinions.

Here is my experience.


- The bottle and the cover aree of the same plastic used for the water bottles, can be recycled with them

- The bottle allows the use of ink up to the end, some pens can not be filled when the ink bottle is half empty.

- Being plastic softer than glass, any accidental contact between nib and bottle is unlikely to damage the nib.

- The filling operation is much cleaner, the key is to take the plastic cover, turn it upside down, put the bottle INSIDE and then fill the pen. The whole ensemble is very stable and any accidental drop will fall into the cover and not on the table.


My compliments to Visconti for such a wonderful design. ;)



Many thanks for describing the upside to the Visconti plastic packaging - even though some Members prefer the previous ensemble of glass bottle + pasteboard box. :thumbup:


When filling a pen the upside down plastic cover should be placed on top of the Black plastic base, then the bottle should be placed inside the cover, and uncapped.


Aesthetics aside, I consider the key shortcoming of the current packaging is that the capsule lid does not have a latch or catch or other means to firmly attach it to the base.




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Here's the link to the One Of The Ten Summary (OOTT), that includes more samples and additional links: LINK


I've also posted a Topic that summarises an additional ten Ink Reviews, with even more links, 11 2 20 Blue Inks: LINK




The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Sandy1 -

Thank you for the wonderful (as always) review.


Visconti blue was one of the inks recommended to me as a BSB replacement if I were looking for low maintenance, high vibrancy. Of all the other inks I sampled, Visconti blue is still one of the brightest and most pleasing.


Thank you for the timely review of a long standing ink.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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very nice looks like amost MB Royale Blue :thumbup:

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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