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Blade Runner

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Edgar Allan how on earth can you achieve such consistency? And the personality of your script is delightful! clap1.gif

Fifthblackbird - such control! My hand has gone up and down far too many times playing guitar to achieve such delicacy of motion. clap1.gif

I'd love to breathe some of that rarefied air! Likely, all else are afraid to post after seeing such beauty from you both! Even so, I'll post mine in an effort to encourage others with far less lofty pen. :-)

What else do we have in life if not to help each other?

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Here's one on a Piccadily page and the next on some CF paper.

When I do write it's normally just for the motions of it. Very rarely do I have anything that I want to say. I might copy bits of dialogue from tv or the radio.

Or ramble on about something that happened at school.



001 by watch_art, on Flickr


Most of the time I draw containers. Usually one a day, but sometimes none, and sometimes 2 or 3. I think better about things and stuff when I draw

than when I write. My thoughts slow down and get bogged up with writing them, but when I draw it's just constant flow. Stream of consciousness sort of

stuff. The patterns I draw in some of the backgrounds really help me think things out.



002 by watch_art, on Flickr

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Gorgeous, Ernest. Very nice script.


Thanks for the encouragement.


I like to read text on my Mac using the software called Nocturn.

Everything is inverted. Text is white and background black. Easier on the eyes.

This is how my journal appear....



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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll bite on this one!


Not the greatest example of my handwriting, but such is the life of my journal entries. I tend to use them more for the sake of writing, and getting my thoughts on paper than for looking spiffy. I save that for personal correspondence and such. :D (It doesn't help that I am trying the technique that Ken posted Here, testing out different grips, and trying out different lowercase Qs. Like I said, more for the sake of writing :P)




Also, apologies for the poor image quality. Camera batteries are dead, so I had to use my phone. TBH, the camera pic wouldn't have been that great. It's a little point 'n shoot that doesn't always know how to focus or get lighting right, even when you "set" the white balance with the dinky presets...

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Well done to those with the courage to follow the exceptionally high standards set by EAB and others :thumbup:


I don't do journalling ....yet...but I have two lovely journals hand-made by a member here, into which I am writing my 'life story', for anyone who's interested to read when I am not here.

It is a very interesting exercise...possibly quite 'therapeutic', also!.... digging through my early and more recent memories, and trying to put them into some sort of sensible sequence, while allowing room for additions as they come to mind.

If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; But if you really make them think, they'll hate you.


Don Marquis

US humorist (1878 - 1937)

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I don't do journalling ....




I think you've been doing rather well (when I see it, anyway).

Scribere est agere.

To write is to act.


Danitrio Fellowship

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As someone new to journaling I thought I would throw my hat into ring after being inspired by some great photos and journals. My goal is to one day write as beautifully as some of the members on FPN, but until then my messy cursive will have to do!


Though many people don't recommend Moleskines for use with a fountain pen I've been lucky to have had nothing but success with them. The extra smooth paper has made my run of the mill steel Lamy EF nib feel like a million dollars!





Enough of this chocolaty goodness, we've got work to do.

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wow, CLAVER, beautiful photos.


Thank you for the compliment!

Enough of this chocolaty goodness, we've got work to do.

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Moleskine has 2 new Notebooks out now with Peanuts figures on them. The dog and Charlie Brown , IIRC. Both in A6, pocket, and A5 sizes, to commerate the 60th Anniversary of Charlie Brown. They are also doing some PAC MAN ones in Yellow. I ordered 2 x A6's from amazon. several months back on pre order. They came in roughly in Novemberish. You should be able to find them on the European Paper site, moleskineusa. So no sticker and no paint, a factory direct order. Jim

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this engaged me ! :D Snoop and yellow Safari :D

white paint? sticker?


jimhughes is 100% right, and on top of the Pac Man edition there is also a Marc by Marc Jacobs edition available through Barney's of New York (if you're into fashion collectables).

Enough of this chocolaty goodness, we've got work to do.

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Finally got a few pictures of my journal.


The first is my old journal all bound up now and i keep it on my shelf with all the memories that go with the time during the journal was written. Its all cards and ticket stubs and as you can see there is a puzzle that i received as a gift that i kept with the journal.


The second pic shows the journal opened up to a random page showing me using lamy black cartridges with a lamy medium nib.


And the last photo shows the first page of the new journal i just started last week.. pen is a Lamy extra fine nib with Noodlers bullet proof black.




Happy writing,



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here's mine...



The BEST teacher don't give you the answers, they just point the way and you make your own choice - Will Schuester, GLEE

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Here are a few pics of my journal. I wrote these on the subway, so my writing normally doesn't look exactly like that; when writing at a desk it tends to be more uniform and smaller, but the lurching of the subway on the way to work really changes the way I write.







I do the drawings beforehand, then just write as normal with the journal. Here are a few pages I've sketched but not filled yet.





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