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Joe in Seattle

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Can I still use it a lot if I don't pronouce it correctly?


Mike :hmm1:

You're just lucky if you have someone to speak to about ink. It never comes up in spoken conversation for many of us.

Right on, I mean I don' give a heck how it's pronounced, I just order, fill and write the stuff.



Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Air-bah = Herbin


Moh-bloh = Montblanc


Basically kiss goodbye to consonants =) hehe

but don't replace with glottal stops.

you can never get it wrong, because you can never get it done!

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It's so sad that many of us don't have any live conversation about our hobby, but internet. 99,9% of my FP chat is internet. There are no FP Clubs in my city. Nobody of my family likes FP, and at work I have just one friend to whom I can talk about it, since he's FP enthusiast too, but novice.

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In my head I've been saying DI a meen. Hmm....




I am trying edit here, but may be replying...

Nakaya Piccolo Heki Tamenuri 14K XF

Nakaya Ascending Dragon Heki 14K XXF

Sailor Brown Mosaic 21K Saibi Togi XXF

Sailor Maki-e Koi 21K XF

Pilot Namiki Sterling Silver Crane FP

Bexley Dragon XXF


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... Nobody of my family likes FP....

Me too, but I guess I'm still good enough for them that they know who to ask if they can borrow something nice to write with for a special greeting card.



Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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lol. I've been saying die-AM-een. Like two amines.





I only have two pens - an Aurora Optima and others.

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Air-bah = Herbin


Moh-bloh = Montblanc


Basically kiss goodbye to consonants =) hehe

but don't replace with glottal stops.


During the last discussion of Herbin, I was reminded that one does not hit the R as hard as we like to in English, so one might transcribe it as Heir-ban. That N does produce some kind of sound, but certainly not what we anglophones expect.

Ravensmarch Pens & Books
It's mainly pens, just now....

Oh, good heavens. He's got a blog now, too.



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Air-bah = Herbin


Moh-bloh = Montblanc


Basically kiss goodbye to consonants =) hehe

but don't replace with glottal stops.

And of course, if one renders the name of a certain French composer remembered mainly for his organ works (and particularly so for a certain sparkly toccata) into English orthography, one ends up with "Sharl Marie Veedor." (And speaking of which, who can forget the fun Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Ogden Nash had with the name of another French composer. Or as Steve Martin put it, "Those French have a different word for EVERYTHING!") Edited by hbquikcomjamesl


James H. H. Lampert

Professional Dilettante


Posted Image was once a bottle of ink

Inky, Dinky, Thinky, Inky,

Blacky minky, Bottle of ink! -- Edward Lear

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I've always thought of it as DIE-a-MINE. I must have been truly destined to love this ink since it has obviously has been whispering it's true name to me. In fact, I've ordered ten bottles a few days ago that should be winging their way across the Atlantic to me as I type. Ah, the anticipation!

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I've lived on the Continent too long, I thought of it as dee-uh-meen without even thinking =)

you can never get it wrong, because you can never get it done!

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So this this has been worked around quite a bit. dye-a-myne? dye-a-meen, dye-a-min, dee-uh-min/meen/what?

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Maybe, just like element number 13, how you pronounce it depends on where you live.


Once I got in an argument defending the right of people from the UK to spell number 16 with a "ph".

Turned out IUPAC had settled on the American spelling a few years ago. :embarrassed_smile:

I always thought the British should have dibs on that.

Sometimes the cat needs a new cat toy. And sometimes I need a new pen.

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I've been paying close attention to how Brian Goulet pronounces the ones I don't know during his weekly Write Time videos. Right or wrong, he sounds like he knows the correct pronunciations...especially the French items...which shouldn't be surprising since he has a French heritage.

I always get a kick out of these "no affiliation" notations when it's blatantly obvious the poster has absolutely nothing to do with the brand, company, etc. beyond being a customer. It must be a feel-good/feel-important thing. So I'll note up front that nothing I write here on this forum is influenced by any financial-gain motivation.

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It's spelled Diamine, but it's pronounced Throatwobber Mangrove.


HAHA! I would type lol except that would be a lie...I'm up late and don't want to wake the little one, so I'm laughing inside :rolleyes:


I've been paying close attention to how Brian Goulet pronounces the ones I don't know during his weekly Write Time videos. Right or wrong, he sounds like he knows the correct pronunciations...especially the French items...which shouldn't be surprising since he has a French heritage.


I do have French heritage, and I did take 3 years of French in high school! I remember about .005% percent of it, unfortunately! I wasn't really aware of different pronunciations of Diamine.....die-uh-meen....that's how I say it, and so does everyone I'm involved with! J. Herbin is a little trickier, I hear every pronunciation under the sun! I just spent the last 5 minutes trying to phonetically spell the French way to say it, but I couldn't even figure out how! I did find a nifty little tool though that's pretty useful in this case! Check this out: you type in 'J. Herbin', select your voice of choice (French- Alice is probably the best one for this), and it'll pronounce it for you! No affil, I just googled it and found this tool...hopefully it helps!

Brian Goulet</br><a href='http://www.gouletpens.com' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>www.GouletPens.com</a></br><a href='http://twitter.com/GouletPens' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>GouletPens on Twitter</a></br><a href='http://blog.gouletpens.com' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>Goulet Pens blog</a>

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I emailed Christine Hesketh at Diamine and asked. The following is her reply.


The correct pronunciation is as follows ...


Di (As in hair DYE) - A - Mine (as in coal Mine) = DI - A - MINE


This is how we say it anyway !!!


Kind Regards




I am awaiting a response from J. Herbin.

Soli Deo Gloria


Shameless plug - Some of my amateur photography.

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Ha ! so even Diamine itself has different views. I vote we rename it ! any offers ?




Throatwobber Mangrove gets my vote :thumbup:

Brian Goulet</br><a href='http://www.gouletpens.com' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>www.GouletPens.com</a></br><a href='http://twitter.com/GouletPens' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>GouletPens on Twitter</a></br><a href='http://blog.gouletpens.com' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>Goulet Pens blog</a>

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