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Joe in Seattle

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I'm guessing Herbin is pronounced as French - sort of like Urr Ban?


What @ Diamine?


Does anyone know if it's Dia MINE, or Dia MEAN?


Many thanks

"how do I know what I think until I write it down?"

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In my head I've been saying DIameen. Hmm....



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Sailor Maki-e Koi 21K XF

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Write the names in an elegant hand with your most expressive pen and no one will notice you avoid attempting to say them.

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I presume die-a-meen becuase the name probably has something to do with the structures of the pigments, many of which are organic compounds known as "diamines"

Sometimes the cat needs a new cat toy. And sometimes I need a new pen.

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Most of us never will pronounce that words because we have been ordering from web sites. Most of friends have never heard such a thing. For most of us to write is enough :(

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When I'll have children, my daugther will be called Diamine and my son, J. Herbin! :D



Ahh, but how will you pronounce them?


For myself, I've always gone with dye-uh-mean and ehr-bann. If I find out I am wrong, it will be difficult to fix, since I have no one to correct me in my daily mis-usage. My husband doesn't even know that more than one company makes ink yet. Boy, is he in for a surprise.

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Grasp your nose..pinch your nostrils together very tightly...and scream at the top of your lungs.....DIE-a- MINE... like the Englishman in my pen coven.That should scare the bee-gee-sis...out of your neighbors!...you might also drop the H ...and go ..shaheh..errrrbahhhn.....instead of Jay- Her-bin...to sound more French....there you go.

Edited by SnowLeopard
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Hi There


The correct pronunciation is







You're not going to get a more authoritative answer than that.

Nice to know I've been pronouncing it correctly.


(By the way Phil, I'm just loving the Evergreen and Oxblood! They're my go-to inks at work now.)




Edited by Northwoods
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Hi There


The correct pronunciation is







You're not going to get a more authoritative answer than that.

Nice to know I've been pronouncing it correctly.


(By the way Phil, I'm just loving the Evergreen and Oxblood! They're my go-to inks at work now.)


Hi Northwoods


Both those inks are used quite a lot in my office too !! glad you like them.



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Thanks, Phil, for clearing up the Diamine question. And of course for all the phantastic inks you make! (Getting close to my 40th colour now.)


For those who'd like to hear a native speaker say "Herbin": obviously in anticipation of our FPNers' quest, www.forvo.com offers two sample pronounciations of the name. (Just enter herbin in their search slot.)

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All I know is that in the ChemistyBiochemistry world, diamine is DYE-a-meen.


As in Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid (EDTA).


I'm unlikely to change after nearly 30 years (sorry Phil). ;^)

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So funny with all these chemists and biochemists here. Let's not get into the AY-my-d Uh-MIDD EH-midd controversy




So as an officer of the American Chemical Society, (I actually have a tiara with the ACS logo on it) I would like to invite all of you to join the society and become active in your local sections!


I mean, what's more fun that going into an elementary school classroom and making fireballs???

Edited by LisaN

Sometimes the cat needs a new cat toy. And sometimes I need a new pen.

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Can I still use it a lot if I don't pronouce it correctly?


Mike :hmm1:

Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Can I still use it a lot if I don't pronouce it correctly?


Mike :hmm1:

You're just lucky if you have someone to speak to about ink. It never comes up in spoken conversation for many of us.

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