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What Color Are Your Fingers Today?


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Quite literally for the first time in two months, there's not a stain on them.


Good for you!


Greetings all,


My fingers are skin colored because I know how to load my pens. :lol:


Here is how I do it:


1. Wash hands.

2. Open ink bottle, set cap aside

3. Ball up a Kleenex and wipe off the threads of the bottle

4. Place pen or converter inside bottle and fill up

5. Take another balled-up Kleenex and wipe off the section and the nib.

6. Replace cap

7. Reassemble pen if necessary.


By wiping off the bottle first and by balling up the Kleenex so the ink can't soak through to your skin, you can manage to stay clean through the whole process. :D


All the best,


Sean :)


PS: How do you manage to do it, Royal Pen?

Edited by S. P. Colfer



"Every one therefore that shall confess Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father Who is in Heaven." - MT. 10:32

"Any society that will give up liberty to gain security deserves neither and will lose both." - Ben Franklin

Thank you Our Lady of Prompt Succor & St. Jude.



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Baystate blue, and Binder Burple...

Increase your IQ, use Linux AND a Fountain pen!!http://i276.photobucket.com/albums/kk11/79spitfire/Neko_animated.gif

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Iroshizuku Syo-Ro.

Imagination and memory are but one thing which for diverse reasons hath diverse names. -- T. Hobbes - Leviathan

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Good for you!


Greetings all,


My fingers are skin colored because I know how to load my pens. :lol:


Here is how I do it:


1. Wash hands.

2. Open ink bottle, set cap aside

3. Ball up a Kleenex and wipe off the threads of the bottle

4. Place pen or converter inside bottle and fill up

5. Take another balled-up Kleenex and wipe off the section and the nib.

6. Replace cap

7. Reassemble pen if necessary.


By wiping off the bottle first and by balling up the Kleenex so the ink can't soak through to your skin, you can manage to stay clean through the whole process. :D


All the best,


Sean :)


PS: How do you manage to do it, Royal Pen?


Well, wheres the fun in that?

Redonna - http://perpetual-playtime.blogspot.com/


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Aurora black. A fair bit of it too.

PELIKAN - Too many birds in the flock to count. My pen chest has proven to be a most fertile breeding ground.


THE PELIKAN'S PERCH - A growing reference site for all things Pelikan

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Parker Quink Blue (first time I've used it and I like it) and Sailor Jentle Epinard - both coming offs easily.

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Right now, I have one finger Diamine Poppy Red and another Noodler Li'ning Blue. Love Baystate Blue but I didn't bring that pen.

If it isn't too bright for you, it isn't bright enough for me.

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Diamine Red Dragon! I had shied away from red inks in the past, partly because my degree is in education and we were advised not to grade papers with red ink due to its perceived negative connotations, and partly because I saw so few red inks that were truly red, but I picked up a bottle of Red Dragon at this summer's Triangle Pen Show, and I have come to like this color a lot.

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.


Lisa in Raleigh, NC

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... we were advised not to grade papers with red ink due to its perceived negative connotations...

I guess my kids' teachers never received that memo! ;-)


Besides, the ink isn't bright red anyway...more of a claret color...and very nice, I agree.

I always get a kick out of these "no affiliation" notations when it's blatantly obvious the poster has absolutely nothing to do with the brand, company, etc. beyond being a customer. It must be a feel-good/feel-important thing. So I'll note up front that nothing I write here on this forum is influenced by any financial-gain motivation.

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Diamine Merlot -- a deep claret but there's a huge difference in color shade between wet and dry writers.

I always get a kick out of these "no affiliation" notations when it's blatantly obvious the poster has absolutely nothing to do with the brand, company, etc. beyond being a customer. It must be a feel-good/feel-important thing. So I'll note up front that nothing I write here on this forum is influenced by any financial-gain motivation.

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Noodler's Navy...IMO, misnamed. There's a teal or green or turquoise component in there. Certainly not "navy" as I think of the traditional color (dark blue -- RBG 0, 0, 128).

I always get a kick out of these "no affiliation" notations when it's blatantly obvious the poster has absolutely nothing to do with the brand, company, etc. beyond being a customer. It must be a feel-good/feel-important thing. So I'll note up front that nothing I write here on this forum is influenced by any financial-gain motivation.

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Make that "RGB"

I always get a kick out of these "no affiliation" notations when it's blatantly obvious the poster has absolutely nothing to do with the brand, company, etc. beyond being a customer. It must be a feel-good/feel-important thing. So I'll note up front that nothing I write here on this forum is influenced by any financial-gain motivation.

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Noodler's Navy...IMO, misnamed. There's a teal or green or turquoise component in there. Certainly not "navy" as I think of the traditional color (dark blue -- RBG 0, 0, 128).


Yeah, with you on that ... I found one ink that was dark blue like that... now, if I could only remember.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Take Sumi....lots of Take Sumi. ;)

"As the purse is emptied, the heart is filled." -- Victor Hugo



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Hmm... I cleaned all 4 of my pens today, so I have a dash of Baystate Blue, PR Velvet Black, Diamine Oxblood and J Herbin Lierre Sauvage on every finger and on my palm. Oh well :D

“I say, if your knees aren’t green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life.”-Calvin

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