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What Color Are Your Fingers Today?


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Herbin Rouge hématite... I didn't pay attention to my own warnings and made a huge mess when cleaning my pen, converter and the utensils used. ... an unwanted result of pink hands and a pink dotted kitchen table...

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Liberty Elysium. Been trying to get better flow. Seems to dry very quickly leading to hard starts and lots of goo/crud on the nib+feed.

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Iroshizuku Kon Peki. I thought I would try to get some air bubbles out, so I turned the pen nib up and twisted the converter piston to release the air bubbles. I was a little too aggressive. Instead of air bubbles I got a lava flow of ink all over my fingers, into the palm of my hand and under my fingernails. I got most of it off but it still looks like I am losing circulation in my left hand.

Edited by HollyDav
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Got a splotch of Waterman Inspired Blue on my left thumb. I tend to fill the converter directly from the bottle, and didn't realize that the level was low enough that I'd end up touching my thumb to the mouth of the bottle.

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Oups! My left hand has been marked by Émeraude de Chivor (Herbin) and I can't get it off now for three days...

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A little spot of Cross Violet on my index finger from refilling the cartridge in a Sport.

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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Noodler's Navajo Turquoise.


Was coming home from a visit to my parents and decided to scribble about the trip on the plane. I grabbed my dad's Waterman Expert and there was a puddle of ink on the section. Turns out the converter leaked a bunch of ink. Not sure what really happened with it - maybe the elevation/ cabin pressure?



Edited by taxlord
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Bung Box Black of Score, using my finger to get rid if a piece of paper fiber off of the nib of my Pelikan M405 Stresemann EF.

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Kon-peki blue.


Do not try to use a pilot aerometric converter in a visconti traveling inkwell without squeezing the converter BEFORE inserting it into the inkwell!


Literally blew a shotgun blast of ink down my hand.

Selling a boatload of restored, fairly rare, vintage Japanese gold nib pens, click here to see (more added as I finish restoring them)

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This morning my fingers are a purplish mixture, a 3:1 = Visconti Burgundy : Parker Quink Blue mixture to be exact.


As I age I am getting quite clumsy :blush: . So I was refilling a cartridge and I knocked over the ink vial I was refilling from :headsmack: . I know to secure the base of the vial with a large, plastic clothes pin, but I didn't do it, and now about 2 mL of ink has joined the other items on the table top.

On a sacred quest for the perfect blue ink mixture!

ink stained wretch filling inkwell

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The old Montblanc Toffee brown with the new Iroshizuku Asa Gao. Both great in the pen; terrible combination on your hands...

There are more things in heaven and earth, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

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Leaky Waterman Lauréat + Fuyu Gaki + Clumsy person = ...



"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


B. Russell

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Last autumn, Mr. Quayle's wife, Beverly, was in the hospital. He called me, to ask my help in moving her to the rehab facility, as she was being discharged. The transportation was scheduled for 2:00 pm. Delayed in traffic, I arrive the same time as the transport. Clothes, clean and dirty, were stuffed into one plastic, leaf bag. Everything else was hurriedly put into another leaf bag. Then, out to the car, to follow the ambulance to rehab.


After Mrs. Quayle was settled, we took the two bags to their home for sorting. We washed laundry, and found we had bottles of lotion, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, two digital thermometers, and a full box of plastic gloves. I got one thermometer, and the box of gloves. No ink-stained fingers for nearly one year, so far.


Next time I help old people at the hospital, I'll take gloves, pillow cases, disinfectant wipes, and a cardiac monitor (if I can find a larger bag) ! :lticaptd:

Edited by Sasha Royale

Auf freiem Grund mit freiem Volke stehn.
Zum Augenblicke dürft ich sagen:
Verweile doch, du bist so schön !

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