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What Color Are Your Fingers Today?


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Waterman Florida Blue. Mucking about with a vintage pen that needed a bit of attention.

journaling / tinkering with pens / sailing / photography / software development

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Noodler's Apache Sunset.


Correcting errors on a practice test. Bright colors stand out better! =D

Sheen junkie, flex nib enthusiast, and all-around lover of fountain pens...

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Iroshizuku Asa-gao

Diamine Presidential Blue

All I want is 1 more pen, and 1 more bottle of ink, and maybe 1 more pad of paper. Well, at least until tomorrow. Oh yeah, and throw in that bottle of single malt. Is that asking for too much?


thanks Chris.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Noodler's Red Black on my right middle finger - the black washed right off but the red dye is hanging in there just dandy.


ESSRI on my right index finger.


I just noticed a couple of other red spots on my left middle and ring fingers. Dang, I'm clumsy!

JLT (J. L. Trasancos, Barneveld, NY)


"People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest."

Hermann Hesse (1877 - 1962)

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:puddle: Oh boy! Once my delivery from the grand Goulets comes in with my order of a bazillion and four samples and a full bottle of my fave from my last sample batch, I'm gonna have various shades of blue all over everything!! I advise the cat to stay off the table and out of my way this evening. :roflmho:
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My fingers are Aurora Black today, possibly a little Noodler's Red-Black from when I cleaned out my pen.

Smith Premier No. 4
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The pen I was cleaning out, was sneezing Iroshizuku ku-yaku. So let's say that was a hand full :headsmack: . And shorttime afterwards I was writing with MB Collodi that wasn't drying fast enough on the paper I used; so that was an other colour on the other hand :blink: .

Happy Writing!, Mainecoon

Dreams are presentiments of what you are able to accomplish (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

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Just bought a fresh bottle of Waterman South Sea Blue, and filled my Gentleman.

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  • 4 weeks later...

PR Copper Burst today. A fair smudge on my left thumb and forefinger. Oh, well . . .

JLT (J. L. Trasancos, Barneveld, NY)


"People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest."

Hermann Hesse (1877 - 1962)

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A bit of BSB on there today, as well as a tiny bit of J. Herbin Poussiere de Lune.

I will give up my fountain pen when they peel my cramped ink-stained fingers from around it!

44 bottles and counting.

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Watermans Intense Black. Spilled my first inkbottle today. Luckily only 10ml or so, and on a newspaper but still... :)

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Watermans Intense Black. Spilled my first inkbottle today. Luckily only 10ml or so, and on a newspaper but still... :)


What I want to know is did it feather?


Glad it wasn't worse!

JLT (J. L. Trasancos, Barneveld, NY)


"People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest."

Hermann Hesse (1877 - 1962)

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What I want to know is did it feather?


Glad it wasn't worse!




I'll consider it a baptism or christening of sorts... now I'm a real fountainhead.

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Blue, especially the cerulean Florida Blue 9the last bottle sold by my stationer).

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Diamine Apple Glory, Dragon Red. I have an Esterbrook that has a leak that explains the Apple Glory, I was loading a pen with the Red Dragon.

God is my Strength.

Brad http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7260/postminipo0.pnghttp://img356.imageshack.us/img356/8703/letterminizk9.png

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A few days I got my J Herbin 1670 Rouge Hematite ink in the mail and rushed to load it into a pen, with my new Goulet ink syringes! I was very proud of myself for neatly squirting that ink into the converter, and washed it out, no ink stains anywhere. (all this in the bathroom) Then I screwed the lid on the bottle and carried it back out to my plastic ink storage box, and then settled down to knit for a while. When my husband got home, he looked at me and said, what did you do to your legs? And I looked down and they were all splotched up with J Herbin 1670 Rouge Hematite - a dead ringer for blood! It seems that I hadn't gotten the cap on quite right and some inked dripped down the bottle and then onto my legs. Oh well! But there was no ink on my hands!

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