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Noodler's Kung Te-cheng


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Noodler's Kung Te-Cheng is a beautiful, imperial ink that is the color of sapphires dipped in an indigo dye. According to the manufacturer, this ink is their attempt to replicate the characteristics of the first royal ink of ancient China – an ink was used during government exams during the age of Confucianism. Due to the connection to Confucius, they have named it after his 77th direct descendant, Kung Te-Cheng (1920 – 2008). They put a great deal of research into finding ancient examples and modern samples to base the color on, and have, as a result, developed an exquisitely beautiful ink.


Kung Te-Chung is described as "purple," which is technically accurate, since it sits on the color spectrum between blue and violet. However, it is not the red/blue that we're accustomed to thinking of when we think of purple. It is more accurately described as a rich, deep blue with a tinge of indigo. It is highly saturated, though not as much as some other Noodler's inks, and thus puts down a consistent solid line in both fine and wide nibs.


As expected from a Noodler's ink, feathering was nearly nonexistent on all of the paper I tested this ink with – Moleskine, Rhodia, and even standard copy paper. It is a very dark and saturated ink, so I was unsurprised that there was a medium amount of show-through on Moleskine paper. It is enough to notice, but not enough to bother me. The ink is well behaved with regard to bleed-through, though – I noticed none on any of the papers I tested.


The drying time of Te-Cheng is surprisingly quick compared to other Noodler's inks. On Rhodia and Moleskine paper, it was dry in less than ten seconds, while on Ecosystem and copy paper, it dried in less than five seconds. Since I find that dry time is one of the most limiting factors to my enjoyment of many Noodler's inks, this was a wonderful discovery.


Kung Te-Cheng is a "bulletproof" ink, meaning that it can't be removed from a document. According to Noodler's, its bulletproof inks bind with the cellulose in the paper, making it impervious to most forging techniques. I can attest that this is indeed a waterproof ink, since I completely soaked a page of Rhodia paper and this ink went nowhere. It didn't move, bleed, or decrease in intensity at all.




Unlike most Noodler's inks, Kung Te-Cheng ships in a circular 4.5 oz bottle with an eyedropper lid. Like their other inks, the bottle is stark and utilitarian – nothing you'd want to set on top of your desk to display. It also comes with a Platinum Preppy fountain pen and a Platinum Preppy highlighter that have been converted to an eyedropper feed.


The fountain pen has a fine, black, anodized steel nib, which is marked with "03." Medium Platinum nibs are marked with "05." The bodies of both the pen and the highlighter are clear plastic, allowing you to see the ink filling the barrel – which with an ink this color is quite nice to look at. The pen itself is a good value for the $3 that it normally retails for, though the nib is slightly scratchy and takes a couple of strokes to start back up after it sits idle for a few seconds. Overall, it lays down a nice solid line that is neither overly wet nor overly dry and is balanced well enough to be comfortable in the hand.


The highlighter, on the other hand, lays down a river of ink that takes forever to dry. Moreover, the chisel tip has neither the precision of a calligraphy nib nor the versatility of a brush. I don't think that the highlighter is a good vehicle for this ink. It would be great for the highlighting ink that Noodler's also manufactures, but not for Kung Te-Cheng.


The instructions warn that, because the formulation for this ink is unusual, it should only be used with the supplied pens. Apparently, the eyedropper fill and the feed of the Platinum Preppy reduce the possibility of clogging and keep the flow of the ink even. I have read, however, that a number of adventurous fountain pen aficionados have used it in a wide variety of pens without issue. As with all fountain pen inks, it is important to practice good pen hygiene, cleaning them regularly and emptying them if intending to let the pen sit without use for an extended period. This is all the more important when dealing with highly saturated inks like this one.


Kung Te-Cheng is a wonderful ink – one that I'm glad I discovered. It is well behaved on paper and dries quickly. Though I normally prefer inks with a high degree of shading, this is such a fantastic color that it is now my favorite blue ink. It is very easy to read on both white and off-white paper, and it is appropriate for both personal and business use.


Review Materials: for the wide stroke, I used the supplied eyedropper pen with the marker tip. For the narrow strokes, I used the Platinum Preppy with a fine 03 steel nib. The paper is Rhodia 80 gsm from a Rhodia Bloc No. 16 pad.


Note: This bottle of ink was graciously supplied for review by Lily Kim at Jet Pens.



Read all of my ink reviews and more at seize the dave.

Edited by Ann Finley
seize the dave - a little bit about a lot of stuff: ink reviews, poetry, short fiction, and more
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Thanks for the cool review! What do those Japanese characters mean? I love the Japanese writingcloud9.gif

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Colossians 3:17 - And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

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Thanks so much for this review. This ink is now on my "gotta get some" list.


I have a couple of older Ragtimes with the straight feeds which are quite easy to clean (nibs can be pulled and a cotton swab rubbed inside the barrel if need be), so if clogging is the only issue, I'd try it in one of those wet writers in a heartbeat.

I came here for the pictures and stayed for the conversation.

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one of my favorite inks around....

A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out.



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Nice review, short and sweet, and of course to the point. Your reviews are always aesthetically pleasing as well. It seems like a great interesting ink... quite a curiosity. I've heard that this is a limited edition, so everyone that likes it, stock up. The Chinese characters are a nice touch. Kung Te-Cheng, I presume?

The above shall not be construed as legal advice under any circumstances

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Nice review, short and sweet, and of course to the point. Your reviews are always aesthetically pleasing as well. It seems like a great interesting ink... quite a curiosity. I've heard that this is a limited edition, so everyone that likes it, stock up. The Chinese characters are a nice touch. Kung Te-Cheng, I presume?


Thanks! Yep, the characters are "Kung Te-Cheng," or at least that's what the internet tells me. If I have, instead, insulted someone's grandmother, then I apologize in advance. :-)

seize the dave - a little bit about a lot of stuff: ink reviews, poetry, short fiction, and more
my ink reviews
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When I read about this ink at the first time I went immediately yo JetPens page and try to order it... but was out of stock, then when the Noodler's FP arrived this ink came too so I approach the opportunity and order it... now I'm waiting to arrive, and I have in mind use the noodlers "aerometric" for this ink, I guess this pen should have well behavior with this ink.

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Thanks for the informative and comprehensive review. I've used it a few times in the Preppy that was supplied with it and the sign marker as well, nice stuff. Wondering if anybody has been brave enough to try using it in other than a Preppy ; I'm thinking about a risking a Pelikano JR with a converter full and take my chances.

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Thanks for the informative and comprehensive review. I've used it a few times in the Preppy that was supplied with it and the sign marker as well, nice stuff. Wondering if anybody has been brave enough to try using it in other than a Preppy ; I'm thinking about a risking a Pelikano JR with a converter full and take my chances.


"The instructions warn that, because the formulation for this ink is unusual, it should only be used with the supplied pens. Apparently, the eyedropper fill and the feed of the Platinum Preppy reduce the possibility of clogging and keep the flow of the ink even. I have read, however, that a number of adventurous fountain pen aficionados have used it in a wide variety of pens without issue. As with all fountain pen inks, it is important to practice good pen hygiene, cleaning them regularly and emptying them if intending to let the pen sit without use for an extended period. This is all the more important when dealing with highly saturated inks like this one."





The above shall not be construed as legal advice under any circumstances

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Actually if I remember right in another post someone comment that Nathan put that warning in the label because the China market wont let him commercialize this ink if didn't have a warning, so It should be safe to use in any other pen, but like you write, good pen hygiene should be a concern #1 with "problematics" inks.

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You just had to post this, didn't you?!? ;-) I've been eyeing this ink for a while and LOVE the color, but I don't see how I can buy an ink that won't work in my existing pens. Does it frustrate you that you can only use it in the pens supplied? It's a beautiful color. Why can't it be made safe for all pens?


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I have a number of pens on my desk that I reach for. One, always, is Kung Te-Cheng. Since I have had a problem following rules, since grade school, I put it in a cheap Chinese pen. Just to see what it would do. It was acceptable, but the ink does like the preppy better. I have no idea why.


Your review was outstanding. Thanks for the effort.



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I've used this in my Pilot Prera, and next I'll try the Decimo once its cartridge of Pilot black is finished.

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I've used this ink in all of my pens from 1950's OMAS Extras to Stipula's to Pilots, to Platinums. This ink should NOT be considered dangerous, it smells a little funny, perhaps some isopropyl alcohol is in it, I''m not sure. But one thing I can say is that it is gorgeous.



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When I read about this ink at the first time I went immediately yo JetPens page and try to order it... but was out of stock, then when the Noodler's FP arrived this ink came too so I approach the opportunity and order it... now I'm waiting to arrive, and I have in mind use the noodlers "aerometric" for this ink, I guess this pen should have well behavior with this ink.


The Noodler's Aerometric is a great pen. It's pretty darned durable, I use mine for Legal Lapis exclusively (I use that ink a lot at work). I use KTC in the Preppy because I love how it writes. I'm considering getting another to use with KTC since I bet they will be a great pair. Really any Noodler's inks work great in the pens IMO, I think that was one of Nathan's intents.


Additionally, I have found that any light staining I get, mostly on pipettes, with KTC comes out with diluted ammonia. I have had the preppy inked since I got the ink in November - I top it off when it gets low. That pen has only been completely rinsed out once and I NEVER have trouble with it starting. If you don't drop your preppies, thus avoiding cracks, they will last a really long time with little to no maintenance, just sayin' . B) .


I stopped using it in the marker because the barrel cracked in a fall but I was considering emptying it anyways since I thought it was a wasteful way to use such a fantastic and versatile ink. It is great for envelope addressing being eternal and bulletproof, neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow can harm it.


~~OP, great handwriting - as always in your reviews. Showcases the color and line really well. :thumbup: ~~


Mike Truppi


<img src="http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/5673/inkdz2.png" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" height="60"/><img src="http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" height="60"/><img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_qVJOiluU9_4/THoFdqPGYOI/AAAAAAAAA1w/gmV637q-HZA/s1600/InkDropLogoFPN.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" height="60" /> 8/24/10

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Dude, seriously, can you make your reviews not so awesome please?!?! :notworthy1: Every time I see one, I end up buying the ink you review. NOT useful for maintaining a positive bank balance.


great job, in all seriousness

read, write, grade essays, repeat

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You just had to post this, didn't you?!? ;-) I've been eyeing this ink for a while and LOVE the color, but I don't see how I can buy an ink that won't work in my existing pens. Does it frustrate you that you can only use it in the pens supplied? It's a beautiful color. Why can't it be made safe for all pens?


I use Kung te Cheng not only in the supplied Preppy, but also in my daily carry Hero 616, with zero problems. Bonus is that even if it ruined a Hero 616, it is not a hugely expensive, irreplaceable vintage pen, or limited edition. If I do not write with it for a day or two, I have to dip it in a little water to get it flowing again, then it is good to go. It is actually a pretty well-behaved ink, at least in my experience. ymmv.



All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)

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You just had to post this, didn't you?!? ;-) I've been eyeing this ink for a while and LOVE the color, but I don't see how I can buy an ink that won't work in my existing pens. Does it frustrate you that you can only use it in the pens supplied? It's a beautiful color. Why can't it be made safe for all pens?


I use Kung te Cheng not only in the supplied Preppy, but also in my daily carry Hero 616, with zero problems. Bonus is that even if it ruined a Hero 616, it is not a hugely expensive, irreplaceable vintage pen, or limited edition. If I do not write with it for a day or two, I have to dip it in a little water to get it flowing again, then it is good to go. It is actually a pretty well-behaved ink, at least in my experience. ymmv.




You know, you're all starting to convince me ;-)


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