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Parker Holy Water Sprinkler!


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Late reply to this, but I just stumbled upon this thread.


I'm a Roman Catholic priest, have been for 20 years, and I saw one of these Parker models my first year of priesthood. It was owned by the pastor with whom I was assigned. Since I'd already begun collecting fountain pens, and hated the tacky little plastic bottles we'd mostly be required to use when visiting a funeral home or blessing a house, I began a search for one just like it. Since these were pre-internet days, I didn't have a prayer (so to speak).


Being inventive, and having on hand a modern, overly-ornate, too big for me to write with, tremendously heavy pen I never used, which also had a screw out nib and feed (sort of like the Esterbrooks), I simply began using that. Once the nib and feed were removed, the hole left behind was just the right size to release a proper amount of water when shaken smartly. I also removed the converter so I could just fill the whole barrel with water. It works great!


It has no Christian symbols engraved on it, but it looks appropriate and serves the purpose. I've even had funeral directors impressed when they went to hand me a plastic bottle and I instead pull out my pocket aspergillum (the technical name for a holy water sprinkler).


I haven't hunted lately, but I'd still like to find one of the original Parker models. Let us pray...

Edited by furple

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I would like to have sat in on the board meeting that got this on the production line! Most peculiar choice of product for a pen company.


Point: "This isn't so much a pen item, but it is a religious article and shouldn't perhaps be ridiculed."

Counterpoint: "... you mean like the little glass bottle they carry around that's supposed to be the blood of jesus? or the shroud of turin? religious articles are just THINGS and it's fun to ridicule them. b/c really, would Jesus have carried around a bunch of STUFF and called it holy?"



This back-and-forth brought me back to when I was a wee boy. I was raised nominally Orthodox. Whilst I have nothing but respect for the church, I was shocked and amazed one Sunday when all us kids were sat in the first couple of rows one day, treated to an impressively impenetrable speech in Greek, and then pelted with a wet lettuce or something the priest had dunked in a bowl of water. I swear I'm not making this up, to this day I have no idea what was going on (I've always preferred my sacred services profound & mysterious, and never read the thoughtful translations leaflets provided today). It's funny the paraphernalia we attribute religious symbolism to.



Latest pen related post @ flounders-mindthots.blogspot.com : vintage Pilot Elite Pocket Pen review

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On a site like eBay you can expect to get about $150+ for it, and if you decide to buy one from a reputable seller, double that for one in good shape with the original box.

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Having read through this entire thread, and having devoted my life to helping others to understand the mysteries that we of the R.C. Church celebrate, and embracing those mysteries myself, I'd like to make a request to those who would comment here. But first, a story...


When I was in high school, a social studies teacher once told us that the greatest lie that was ever foisted upon the American people is that everybody is entitled to his/her opinion. "Instead," he told us, "we should all understand that everybody is entitled to voice his/her INFORMED opinion." Since that day, I have made an effort not to ridicule something simply because I do not understand it. My own ignorance does not make another person's opinions, beliefs or rituals silly or stupid. I only make myself look stupid by ridiculing what I couldn't be bothered to ask or learn about.


By the way, "ignorance" is defined simply as a lack of information, and therefore is not to be equated with stupity. I am, for instance, ignorant about how to pilot a Boeing 747, but I am not stupid enough to try, nor to tell the qualified pilot what he/she is doing wrong! As Friedrich Schiller once wrote, "Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain."


So, I'd like to ask that everyone at least search out the reasons for things before automatically deeming them foolish, or dismissing them as irrelevant. To some of us, comments based on ignorance of our religion can be as offensive as racism -- and it really is a product of the same mentality. Please bear in mind, I am FAR from a right-wing conservative, but understanding the symbolism of things like holy water and the human need for outward signs, I can't help but take offense when those things are denigrated out of hand. This is especially true when it's based on a lack of knowledge and done so simply for the sake of someone's idea of humor.


So as not to tie up this thread, please feel free to ask questions, make comments or flame me directly through PMs. I suspect I may get a few...


--steps down from pulpit--

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I agree that we, the church, have embellished and gone over the top with some things ..those things we may call Holy. But all of that "Stuff" helps the faithful be in a relationship with God (their creator). They become tangible ways in which the faithful can experience the divine...this stuff becomes sacred (for some a matter of life and death). As for the blood of Jesus; Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican/Episcopal, Orthodox and others do believe that the wine and bread are the very real presence of Jesus, his own body and blood, this is based on Scripture. While it may be fun to ridicule this stuff, for some it may not be fun to BE ridiculed over their beliefs.


I wonder, and I am guilty of this, how "over the top" we pen collectors take our "stuff." I remember seeing some posts how people reacted over a set of taps and dies used for parker pens and how much money they went for. For a serious collector and one who does extensive repairs these are essential tools. How over the top do we (again I am guilty as charged) spend on ink. Where the average joe (or jane) is just fine with the free pens left on the desks of a hotel room or pack of Bic pens from Walgreens. Look at how seriously people discuss on this forum if shelac or super glue or rubber cement should be used in a repair.


People find meaning in many things. People find life in many things....things others may not fully understand or appreciate... Parker 51's or the Shroud of Turin, Noodlers Ink or Holy Water from the Jordon River. I suppose it could be fun to ridicule it all....but remember it all gives meaning to people in different ways.


Just my thoughts



From the Roman Catholic clergy perspective, let me just say, "AMEN!"

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In response to Furple,


comments based on ignorance of our religion can be as offensive as racism


I was not mocking the sancity of religious worship, merely pondering that aspect of the human condition that is invariably drawn to physical conduits of symbolism in ritual regardles of faith. Even non religious so called 'humanists' have their ceremonies and traditions.


2. I fail to understand why you suspect you are going to be flamed, nor that you should then invite your imagined antagonists to contact you directly, there is no need to play the martyr.







Latest pen related post @ flounders-mindthots.blogspot.com : vintage Pilot Elite Pocket Pen review

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I was not mocking the sancity of religious worship, merely pondering that aspect of the human condition that is invariably drawn to physical conduits of symbolism in ritual regardles of faith. Even non religious so called 'humanists' have their ceremonies and traditions.


2. I fail to understand why you suspect you are going to be flamed, nor that you should then invite your imagined antagonists to contact you directly, there is no need to play the martyr.

Uh, Firstly I wasn't actually responding directly to you. As I'd mentioned, I'd read through the entire thread, and some of the remarks I found a bit offensive.


Secondly, what I'd said was, "feel free to ask questions, make comments or flame me directly through PMs." I wasn't inviting martyrdom, or flames alone, but providing a different forum for people to ask questions and make comments (or, yes, to flame me if necessary) outside of this thread, which clearly is not a forum for religious discussion. I only entered my comments in reply to a few who felt free to express their opinions about things religious before me. I'm sorry if I came across as defensive or (gasp) "martyr-ish", but then I suppose even that apology could be construed as inviting martyrdom. That's never been my intent. However, I will endeavor to make my meaning clearer in the future.

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Good luck in your search for one of these, Furple!

Many thanks!


Though I've adapted another pen to the same use, I really love the look of the Parker VP. The quest shall continue!


EDIT: Oh, yeah, and if I could find it in a set with a VP pen (as in the picture up above a ways)... Oh my! I wouldn't call it a religious experience, but it would sure thrill my human nature!

Edited by furple

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Gotta admit, had a good laugh here. Just imagining a scenario where I meet a guy and comment on what I think is a pen, and he reveals it's just a stylish holy water vessel. I'd have to agree with watch_art here, I mean, a corporation producing sacred instruments is humorous to me haha. I bet even Jesus would have a chuckle over this. Maybe I'm just being radically insensitive though haha. :doh:

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I would really find one of these a conversation starter among my Pastor buddies. It is quite the unique item...thus far beyond my price range..:(



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I have acquired this Parker holy water sprinkler not long a go. Its brand new with instruction manual, hard case and paper case. Any one knows any thing about it? It has Popes insignia. Any offers? my email roland85@vp.pl


heres one that sold on Ebay recently,



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LIVESINJANESVILLE ... you beat me to it ...

I checked E-Bay and found that auction and was about to post it.


8 to 10 years ago I saw these sell from time to time on eBay for around $30.00 or $40.00. My mistake not to buy them and resell now.


6 bids for $330.00 closing price.

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  • 3 years later...





Another sprinkler:



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I have a VP Holy Water Sprinkler which sits beside my VP Fountain Pen. My wife is a Church of England Priest but does not use such items (the sprinkler that is, not the pen). Some of my Roman Catholic and "High Church" clergy friends have shown some interest but its not for sale :) .


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LIVESINJANESVILLE ... you beat me to it ...

I checked E-Bay and found that auction and was about to post it.


8 to 10 years ago I saw these sell from time to time on eBay for around $30.00 or $40.00. My mistake not to buy them and resell now.


6 bids for $330.00 closing price.


Eight to ten years ago I was trying to bid on these items and being outbid as the items seemed to go for $275.00 and up. Demand was apparently high and supply almost non-existent. $30 to $40 back then? I don't think that was a common occurence.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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Shouldn't this be moved to the "it 'rights' but it's not a fountain pen" forum? Sorry, I had to.


I think its interesting that they made it with an aerometric filler instead of a simple eye dropper that could hold more.

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Shouldn't this be moved to the "it 'rights' but it's not a fountain pen" forum? Sorry, I had to.


I think its interesting that they made it with an aerometric filler instead of a simple eye dropper that could hold more.

Not, strickly speaking, an aerometric as they used the VP converter. I think it was simply a matter of fitting a sprinkler in place of the nib unit and, thus, keeping costs down.


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