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  • 1 month later...

This is my first pen and ink drawing, so it is not going to be any where near Mattias's work but...............................


Much of the text was inserted thru OpenOffice editing, and doing the "coloring book" thing then filling, other parts were free-hand, the tomb and cross, and blood drop.






Edited by Doktor
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  • 3 weeks later...

For a while now, I have been doing these types of doodles when I get bored. Just recently, after receiving a few fountain pens for Christmas, I tried drawing with a fountain pen. I think all of them except #2 have info on the pen. That drawing was done with a Lamy Safari with T10 cartridges.


click to enlarge

For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

~ Romans 6:23

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my God.


Mattias, I absolutely LOVE your artwork, I've just wrote the link of your blog in my notebook to check everything you do.


TMLee, lovely drawings, great style. Fresh and soft. I like the way you are capable of make patterns with your drawings and I am crazy on how you can do those wonderful diaries and notebooks. Hope you use paypal because I want to ask you if you accept comissions. Just rambling in my head about possibilities...


Right now, here you got some of my artwork.


This one was made with my extrafine nib (I'll tell you proper model, not so fine after all), black inoxcrom cartridge ink on simply and normal A4 paper:




Here you got another one, this was a personal view on the Dark Horse comic character HELLBOY,


I love this character





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Hi once again,


yesterday I bought my first Moleskine notebook and I am crazy about it


I picked up a very small and fine wood ink pen with a tiny nib and started a simply drawing.


Here you got my first night with the notebook, surely It will become dirtier soon as my sketches will be done with pencil and black ball pens.





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Hi once again,


yesterday I bought my first Moleskine notebook and I am crazy about it


I picked up a very small and fine wood ink pen with a tiny nib and started a simply drawing.


Here you got my first night with the notebook, surely It will become dirtier soon as my sketches will be done with pencil and black ball pens.


Cool. :thumbup:


The character reminds me of Hercules for some reason. Were you drawing anything specific, or just 'Hero' looking guy?


Just curious.


At any rate, nice work.




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Hi my friend, thank you



I started to draw a perhaps looking Afro face with curly hair, but when the drawing started to reveal itself it was more something like ancient Greek and "Hero" as you say.


The other part is that he reminds me of Rafa Nadal, the tennis player (hehehe), he uses to do that pose when he wins a game.


Anyway I want to draw some classic era looking drawings.


Right now I am looking for some Afghan statues of Alexander the Great to draw. Something classic but not to boring


I got a pencil drawing of a Basque ball player who deserves get inks with a extrafine nib. You'll see





Edited by GonZoneStudio
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I love this character






What kind of paper were you using? At first I didn't think about it, but on second look. Seems like that's a lot of ink to soak up & yet no bleed or 'crinkle' marks! :thumbup:



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They are simple and normal A4 paper, 80 or 90gr


If you se the sketches with no marks on the paper is because they are scanned and the line is cleaned with photoshop making the drawing ready to add colors.


Making drawings in a pro way you cant scan a drawing and let the paper with the drawing, you need to take just the drawing



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They are simple and normal A4 paper, 80 or 90gr


If you se the sketches with no marks on the paper is because they are scanned and the line is cleaned with photoshop making the drawing ready to add colors.


Making drawings in a pro way you cant scan a drawing and let the paper with the drawing, you need to take just the drawing


Yeah, I was thinking "Wow! that's a lot of ink!"


I use .15mm nib to for some outlines on paper & aquarel pencils for color, but I hear ya!


"A Wacom tablet & PS10 are your friends!"


(I won't say what I think of CS3 'premium', except that I went back to PM6.5 & Quark for pre-press work.)



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Just one question. Do you plan the drawing with pencil or do you just go in straight ahead with a FP?


The usual for a pro-artist is to make a soft pencil line first to all the drawing leaving the black spaces empty. After that you add the inks (FP, technical pen, nib, liner or whatever you use to add inks) and later you fill the empty black spaces with a brush and if you are a computer modern guy you leave them empty and later after the scan you fill that big zones with black on the computer. A faster way to work when you go against the clock and you are paid for more drawings in less time.


It's better to fill the empty spaces when you got time on the original drawing to show a better original for expos and conventions. Its not nice for people to see a original drawing with the black zones empty.


Not sure if I got some original drawing with empty spaces. If I find one I'll post it here.


Thank you

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As I'm still being mentioned (thanks) I post some new images, closing of with two fountain pens

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(snip excellent drawings to save pixels from a horrid death.)


As I'm still being mentioned (thanks) I post some new images, closing of with two fountain pens


I was just wondering the other day if you were still around, hadn't seen any posts from you in ages, glad to see you are still with us.

Harry Leopold

“Prints of Darkness”

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