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Bought a new watercolor sketchbook


I'll think about it




Are you an illustrator by profession?


Is any of your work published?


And finally could I buy one of your illustrations for personal use (to hang in my study).


Good stuff!

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I too would like to purchase your art. It is the most impressive and unique that I have seen in quite a while.

Fool: One who subverts convention or orthodoxy or varies from social conformity in order to reveal spiritual or moral truth.

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These are fantastic! I'm really enjoying these!


Carol (whose great disappointment in life is that I can't draw to save my life!)


Hi Carol, I am a beginning artist (at age 52) :happyberet: and I was greatly encouraged by something I read in a book--"if you can learn to write, you can learn to draw" So true. Try the book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain", or taking a class. Try blobbing paint on paper. Doodle. Just do it. I bet you can!!

Edited by patricew
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  • 2 weeks later...

A mixture of.

Ink, Water Color & Pencil


"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." *Benjamin Franklin
"Half a truth is often a great lie." *Benjamin Franklin
"There's nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it."
*William James


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Hello and thanks for your comments, I'm just quitting my daytime job to start as a freelance illustrator fulltime (I'm been working in the computer game industry and with 3d animation since I took my masters of fine Arts)


I'm trying to finish some children's books at the moment, I've published some small things this last year.


I sell my drawing through my blogshop and blog, if there's something you're interested in mail me atmattias mail:


Kindest regards Mattias

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at last managed to get some pen's in to one of my sketches

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Cool! It looks like erasers storming the Nibland Castle.

"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination."

Oscar Wilde

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A mixture of.

Ink, Water Color & Pencil


I like this!








Though this is PF pre fountain pen, it is still one of my favorites.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." *Benjamin Franklin
"Half a truth is often a great lie." *Benjamin Franklin
"There's nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it."
*William James


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A very dear friend of mine asked me several (some of them quite indiscreet :embarrassed_smile: ) questions, and a few weeks later I received this fantastic piece of art made with fountain pens. If you look carefully, you will see words and phrases full of meaning for me.




By the way, she is a distinguished member of our community.


Thanks my dear!



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Mattias, do you work for Krone? :roflmho:

"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination."

Oscar Wilde

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  • 3 weeks later...







more recent stuff

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