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A self-portrait of sorts... a drawing of the pen it was drawn with. Although I cheated a little with a Kaimei Brush Pen.


I need to pay more attention to foreshortening. It's harder than I remembered.



Who are the pen shops in your neighborhood? Find out or tell us where they are, at http://penshops.info/

Blog: http://splicer.com/

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Great stuff, Splicer!

A certified Inkophile

inkophile on tumblr,theinkophile on instagram,inkophile on twitter

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That's good stuff!

Fool: One who subverts convention or orthodoxy or varies from social conformity in order to reveal spiritual or moral truth.

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Nice Splicer ... post some more ... !


Whats a Kaimei Brush Pen ? and what ink did you use?

... 671 crafted ... one at a time ... ☺️


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I like your "self" portraits, especially that "51" :happyberet:

Very creative.

"'I will not say, "do not weep", for not all tears are an evil."

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Nice Splicer ... post some more ... !


Whats a Kaimei Brush Pen ? and what ink did you use?


Thank you so much! I'm having fun with these. Not sure what I'll do next: maybe my Knight or one of the 600s? Or maybe I've just found an excuse to buy more pens!


Brush pens are pretty much just like what they sound like they'd be: they are to brushes what fountain pens are to dip pens. They built a feed system that brings ink flow to the bristles just like with our fountain pens. They're great tools. If a wet noodle just isn't flexy enough for you, a brush pen is your friend. I have two: one is made by Kuretake, and the other by Kaimei. I also have a Pentel, but it's really not a brush.


Both the Kuretake and the Kaimei came with warnings only to use their own inks. They take cartridges and I've never seen a converter for one. While many pen makers also warn only to use their brand of ink, I'm more inclined to follow the warning with a brush. First, even synthetic bristles are more delicate than steel or gold. But more importantly I imagine that the tolerances of the flow regulation systems have to be precise. I've never had one drip ink or flow at the wrong rate in any way. Maybe any ol' ink will do but I wouldn't be surprised if their inke are carefully formulated for specific viscosity and surface tension properties. So for the time being anyway, I'm using cartridges.

Who are the pen shops in your neighborhood? Find out or tell us where they are, at http://penshops.info/

Blog: http://splicer.com/

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Hi Mattias,


I just discovered the drawings that you posted here back in September, 2006. The architectural elements are particularly remarkable.

The pieces are technically impressive and yet you are still able to invest them with a feeling that these structures could stand up and walk away. Please tell me that you started them in pencil!


My avatar is a detail from a three panel painting that I completed in 2003. Thats me with the cigar.



Well done.



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Please add your art to this thread so we can have a growing on-line gallery of pen a
Edited by caliken
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That is simply amazing. What size is the original and how long did this work take you?

"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination."

Oscar Wilde

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That is simply amazing. What size is the original and how long did this work take you?



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No pencil I'm afraid Dave ;)

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MattiasA, I'm sick with envy!


Here's my latest, fresh off the scanner. Mostly done with Rotring 600s and 700s, also the Ackerman and the Kaimei.




Who are the pen shops in your neighborhood? Find out or tell us where they are, at http://penshops.info/

Blog: http://splicer.com/

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  • 2 weeks later...






















summer drawings, thanks

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Made an Illustration larger than I use to the exhibition I'm part of Hung by the sticky bits

For more info and details visit my blog

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Hi Mattias,

As always, I'm loving your work. However, I'm waiting for you to sneakily insert a pen related motif in one of your drawings. You had done this one time (a MB helmet). Perhaps a bird with a beak resembling your Falcon's nib? :D

"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination."

Oscar Wilde

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Bought a new watercolor sketchbook


I'll think about it

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