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I've been looking at this thread off and on and decided I would see if I could put one of my drawings on. I belong to a drawing group made up of fellow artists from my community and we get together each Friday for 3 hours of drawing. For the past five years a good share of my drawings have been done with a fountain pen. The image I'm showing is a portrait done with a Noodler's pen and Kiowa Pecan ink on a tan toned paper. After completing the pen drawing I used colored pencils to add some highlights and a bit of color.

Edited by linearM
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I like it! The tone of paper and choice of ink reminds me of old masters. Glad you eventually decided to share your drawings.

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linearM... Nice, thanks for sharing, we need more post... and your drawng is beautiful.


Did this one last night with a parker 51 followed by some prismacolor markers... Sheaffer Skrip ink er... writing fluid...



If you think everything is going well... you obviously have no idea what is really going on!




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When I asked a close friend to guess who I was drawing, she thought it was Tony Leung! (a famous film star in Hong Kong.) Admittedly, this sketch looks very Asian. Done with Lamy blue ink with Lamy Vista F nib.



Edited by accceleration
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Here's one that I started with fountain pen and scanned into Photoshop to layer together. The "Old" is actually done with a giant chisel tipped sharpie. The "MADE" banner and lettering was done with my Safari, F nib, and Noolder's Old Manhattan Black. The "New" was done with the same pen. It was first written, then I "drew/colored" in parts of the lettering to give it line variation. Then I scanned it all into photoshop piece by piece, placed it, and changed the colors of "Old" and "new". The lines through the background where also done with the Lamy with a very light touch to break up the line a whole heck of a lot.


So, maybe this belongs here? Not traditional for sure, but it was fun to do all the work with my Lamy!



Flickr http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/5642/postcardde9.png

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Here's one that I started with fountain pen and scanned into Photoshop to layer together. The "Old" is actually done with a giant chisel tipped sharpie. The "MADE" banner and lettering was done with my Safari, F nib, and Noolder's Old Manhattan Black. The "New" was done with the same pen. It was first written, then I "drew/colored" in parts of the lettering to give it line variation. Then I scanned it all into photoshop piece by piece, placed it, and changed the colors of "Old" and "new". The lines through the background where also done with the Lamy with a very light touch to break up the line a whole heck of a lot.


So, maybe this belongs here? Not traditional for sure, but it was fun to do all the work with my Lamy!




I really like the 'made' banner! Intrigued at how thin the lines look - I did my drawing above with Lamy Vista F nib but the lines look much thicker than yours. Did you resize your drawings? Nice work by the way :)

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Some process photos of the project I just did (my first attempt at illuminating a letter) to calm myself down from what was trying to be a panic attack:



Untitled by restlesscourage, on Flickr

I forgot to take a picture of just the pencil sketch, but you can kind of see some of the underlying pencil lines. I don't have any black FP ink, so the black outline was done with a .5mm Micron pen. After erasing the pencil lines, I added the first layer of colour...



Untitled by restlesscourage, on Flickr

Noodler's Bad Belted Kingfisher in a Lamy Studio with a 1.1mm nib. Next...



Untitled by restlesscourage, on Flickr

I filled in the leaves and vines with Diamine Green-Black. In hindsight, I maybe should have borrowed a bit of my partner's Noodler's Green Marine, instead. Anyway, after that...



Untitled by restlesscourage, on Flickr

I filled the inner outlines in with Noodler's Walnut.


The finished product, all nicely scanned:


illuminationattempts by restlesscourage, on Flickr

You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should've behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott (This is where I tell my stories.)



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nicely done!

If you think everything is going well... you obviously have no idea what is really going on!




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Here's one that I started with fountain pen and scanned into Photoshop to layer together. The "Old" is actually done with a giant chisel tipped sharpie. The "MADE" banner and lettering was done with my Safari, F nib, and Noolder's Old Manhattan Black. The "New" was done with the same pen. It was first written, then I "drew/colored" in parts of the lettering to give it line variation. Then I scanned it all into photoshop piece by piece, placed it, and changed the colors of "Old" and "new". The lines through the background where also done with the Lamy with a very light touch to break up the line a whole heck of a lot.


So, maybe this belongs here? Not traditional for sure, but it was fun to do all the work with my Lamy!




I really like the 'made' banner! Intrigued at how thin the lines look - I did my drawing above with Lamy Vista F nib but the lines look much thicker than yours. Did you resize your drawings? Nice work by the way :)


Thanks! Yes, the artwork was indeed resized and then shrunk down even more for posting on the web. For the final printing, most everything will be about 85% of the original size.



Flickr http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/5642/postcardde9.png

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A couple more:


A letter "I" in a Celtic sort of knotwork style...


illuminationattempts 1 by restlesscourage, on Flickr


And a letter "A" with a wyvern...


illuminationattempts 2 by restlesscourage, on Flickr

You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should've behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott (This is where I tell my stories.)



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Had a good old fashion drink & draw last night, I brought my dip pens since they're my new favorite thing. I brought the speed balls, nothing fancy and easily replaceable if anything happened to them. The paper is 20lb scrap, not great, but we weren't exactly making masterpieces.








I prettied them up in photoshop a bit. The ink didn't scan true to life, it's koh-i-noor cobalt blue drawing ink and speed ball super black.

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Had a good old fashion drink & draw last night, I brought my dip pens since they're my new favorite thing. I brought the speed balls, nothing fancy and easily replaceable if anything happened to them. The paper is 20lb scrap, not great, but we weren't exactly making masterpieces.








I prettied them up in photoshop a bit. The ink didn't scan true to life, it's koh-i-noor cobalt blue drawing ink and speed ball super black.


These are gorgeous! I envy your talent!

You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should've behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott (This is where I tell my stories.)



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Had a good old fashion drink & draw last night, I brought my dip pens since they're my new favorite thing. I brought the speed balls, nothing fancy and easily replaceable if anything happened to them. The paper is 20lb scrap, not great, but we weren't exactly making masterpieces.


I prettied them up in photoshop a bit. The ink didn't scan true to life, it's koh-i-noor cobalt blue drawing ink and speed ball super black.


Love the raptors! Just wondering, which inks did you use?

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The ink didn't scan true to life, it's koh-i-noor cobalt blue drawing ink and speed ball super black.


Love the raptors! Just wondering, which inks did you use?




These two. I like the koh-i-noor inks, I have the black for my technical pen but the bottles are a little awkward to dip from. The speedball seemed to have flow issues after a few hours, but who knows how much of that is the beer's fault and not the ink. The blue didn't really scan all that great, it's darker in real life. It can't be used for fountain pens from what I understand.

All other colour is photoshop.

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I got a bottle of the 'house brand India ink from an art store, I really don't like it, butI drew some snails with it. I think they're snails...maybe they're the ghosts of snails? Can't say I really plan these things out.


I'm not getting tired of my dip-pens anytime soon, but I'll try not to spam this thread with every little thing I draw. I'm still trying to get my first fountain pen, and that isn't working out well for me ;_;






I coloured them in photoshop, but the next thing I'm working on will be watercolour.

Edited by Antaresia
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Another friday, another sketch session. This sketch started as a freehand fountain pen sketch, with color accents added with colored pencil. The pen was a Noodler's pen with Kiowa Pecan ink and the paper was strathmore Toned Tan sketch paper. The original sketch was 9"X12".

Edited by linearM
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Had a good old fashion drink & draw last night, I brought my dip pens since they're my new favorite thing. I brought the speed balls, nothing fancy and easily replaceable if anything happened to them. The paper is 20lb scrap, not great, but we weren't exactly making masterpieces.








I prettied them up in photoshop a bit. The ink didn't scan true to life, it's koh-i-noor cobalt blue drawing ink and speed ball super black.

Very nice work - love the quality of line.


I know what you mean about scanning; I'm still finding ways to improve my scanning. I wasn't scanning at higher resolutions because it takes so long, but 300dpi just doesn't capture nuances. I've settled for now on scanning at 1200dpi; that seems to capture everything, even if I have to tweak it somewhat in PS afterwards.



Ron Wodaski


<a href='http://wodaski.com'>wodaski.com</a>

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