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It feels a bit awkward adding this after all the beautiful artwork by everyone else, but here's a simple doodle of a cat (Hence HappyCat I think ^.^) sitting in a meadow of some form.


I hope to get better with drawing as well, I have never been a good artist except with paint. I am almost bearable with paint.





Edited by HappyCat
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I use ink mixed with water in my brush

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I use ink mixed with water in my brush

Great drawings, as always! As a fellow scribbler, may I ask roughly how long you take over pictures such as the last two, and what size are the originals? Thanks.

Edited by beak

Sincerely, beak.


God does not work in mysterious ways – he works in ways that are indistinguishable from his non-existence.

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  • 3 weeks later...



did this the other day while having nothing to do. i would have preferred to keep the color original (the inks were Noodler's Navy and Sheaffer's Blue-Black) but the scan made everything yellow, and i wasn't able to bring it back to normal. the sepia is very nice though. yeah, there are ink smudges... didn't wait long enough before erasing the pencil lines. :headsmack:

Edited by ticoun

-Eclipse Flat Top-|-Parker "51" Aero-|-Sheaffer's Snorkel Sentinel-|-Esterbrook SJ-|-Sheaffer Imperial II Deluxe TD-|-Sheaffer 330-|-Reform 1745-|-PenUsa Genesis-|-Hero 616-|-Noodler's Flex-|-Schneider Voice-|-TWSBI Vac 700-

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  • 3 weeks later...

A few more from me..






I'm hoping to try and capture some of these drawings on video in the near future.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In case the art fans who regularly visit this thread have not yet seen the thread, When Late Nights Meet Catfish, hop on over for some wonderful art and humour, courtesy of flexistentialist. Thanks, flexistentialist!


All the Best,


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some recent sketches

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Mattias, your work is just amazing! Thank you for posting it.

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Great work, Nobody & Mattias. Thanks!

"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination."

Oscar Wilde

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Fountain pen: Waterman Phileas, medium point:

Paper: Moleskin 'Hard Red for Art' Large Sketchbook, 5" x 8.5".


Excerpt from the page where this image file was first posted: This is THE Syringe, the most powerful medical instrument in the world. You now have a question to ask for yourself. 'Do I feel sick?' Well, do ya, wimp?!?

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These are my three cats.

Honey is the kitten, she is almost twelve months old. She never sits still for long.

Miles is the adult cat, he is about two years old. Occasionally he sits still.

Puccini is the geriatric, he is thirteen years old. He sits still the best.


Lamy Safari inked with Noodler's Red-Black

Drawn on a sketchpad of supermarket origin and uncertain pedigree.


Happy kitty.

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I love using fountain pens when cartooning. I've been using Noodler's flex pens most of this year.

Here is a finished one for an upcoming issue of a phone apps magazine.




That's gold! I LOVE it!!!

Happy kitty.

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my initial doodle after a long hiatus away from any drawing of any sort (done on a Bienfang sketch book with a Bic 537R .5 pen---my next experiment will be with the fountain pen). I may putz with it just a wee bit more, then sign and move on. I bought a set of Sakura Pigma Microns to get some finer edges. I'm also waiting on my Strathmore Bristol Smooth pad to arrive from Amazon (I'm hoping using the new paper and the Pigmas won't have as much bleed/feathering).



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Have no fear the money is well spent on bristol board, the pigmas will not bleed on it at all.Certainly your stylish designs need a crisp edge to be at their best.

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Lovely additions to thread, from always awesome Mattias through manga-like from Wormhead and lovely cat's expressions from Teengkoh to more abstract from Caileadair.


I'm continuing my sketching explorations with fountain pens and inks:






Anyone used De Atramentis KHAKI for wash? Or Diamine GOLDEN BROWN?

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Hey Pictogramax that looks like really nice work.Which brand of inks do you use? The coloured inks sure give an extra clarity over watercolour.

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Thank you, Mik!


For both I used Platinum Carbon Black for lines. In the first, the wash is done with J. Herbin's Gris Nuage.


In the second, I used three custom mixed shades of watered-down Ecoline (liquid watercolor drawing inks from Talens), and the fourth colour is again Gris Nuage.


I'm looking to establish a limited palette of four to five FP inks that I would load into water-brushes, hence the question about De Atramentis Khaki and Diamine Golden Brown.

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Inked with Diamine Oxblood (long boring story but not recommended for drawing with; the ink dissolves when you try to use white ink for touchup, resulting in some interesting pinks; my fault for not realizing this would happen) and Platinum Carbon.


Pen used was a Hero M86 (calligraphy/fude nib) + Ahab body frankenpen.

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