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Some new images


and a spread from the book


Matias, congratulation on the book. Like very much your creative approach and your skill is superb.

Order the book!! I know my three year old will like it a lot.



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... Some new images ...

and a spread from the book


Makes me even more pleased that I ordered one yesterday! :)

How small of all that human hearts endure,
That part which laws or kings can cause or cure.

— Samuel Johnson


Instagram: dcpritch

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  • 2 weeks later...

Received my copy last week ....





and with the Author's initial ...







... 671 crafted ... one at a time ... ☺️


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  • 2 months later...

Love this thread, lots of inspiring draawing, sketching and sharing




If you think everything is going well... you obviously have no idea what is really going on!




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Lots of amazing stuff here! So wonderful!


Part of me wants to post some of my doodles, but I tend to draw dark things (not like, guts, but horror inspired things) and I have a feeling it would taint the thread :unsure:

Pleasure to meet you, hope to talk to you more!

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Mattias, I seriously love your work. Looked at your blog sight; amazing. Will get in contact soon.

Why look at what you haven't got, when you already have so much?

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This is my most recent sketch - I'm practicing - you can see more on my blog In Pursuit of a Hidden Artist I'm currently participating in a 75 Sketches in 75 Days challenge - both are done with Kaweco AC Carbon EF nib - Platinum Carbon Black ink









"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." ~ Ben Williams


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This is my most recent sketch - I'm practicing - you can see more on my blog In Pursuit of a Hidden Artist I'm currently participating in a 75 Sketches in 75 Days challenge - both are done with Kaweco AC Carbon EF nib - Platinum Carbon Black ink









Those look awesome!!! I'm such a sucker for line drawings.


How do you like the AC sport? What color do u have? I've been debating ordering one but the price is enough to make me hesitate and there aren't any reviews I can find.



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This is my most recent sketch - I'm practicing - you can see more on my blog In Pursuit of a Hidden Artist I'm currently participating in a 75 Sketches in 75 Days challenge - both are done with Kaweco AC Carbon EF nib - Platinum Carbon Black ink




Those look awesome!!! I'm such a sucker for line drawings.


How do you like the AC sport? What color do u have? I've been debating ordering one but the price is enough to make me hesitate and there aren't any reviews I can find.





Thanks for the compliment, I'm really working at developing my art. I love my AC Sport - I got it in all black - and I'm just sitting down to do a review now. It will be on my blog Whatever on Wednesday.

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." ~ Ben Williams


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This is a stippled piece (tiny dots to create a picture) that i finished recently.

Used 2 different FPs...my Pelikan XXXXF for the darker areas and my Pilot Penmanship XF for the lighter areas.

The dimensions are 3" x 5.5".


Visit my blog, and click on "Geranium in S and S", under LABELS if you're interested in seeing how this piece progressed.



This is a lovely piece. I've added several of your items to my Favorites at etsy for future purchases.


I love the way your pictures can be a focus for a lot of thought and contemplation of the beauty in small things.

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This is my most recent sketch - I'm practicing - you can see more on my blog In Pursuit of a Hidden Artist I'm currently participating in a 75 Sketches in 75 Days challenge - both are done with Kaweco AC Carbon EF nib - Platinum Carbon Black ink




Those look awesome!!! I'm such a sucker for line drawings.


How do you like the AC sport? What color do u have? I've been debating ordering one but the price is enough to make me hesitate and there aren't any reviews I can find.





Thanks for the compliment, I'm really working at developing my art. I love my AC Sport - I got it in all black - and I'm just sitting down to do a review now. It will be on my blog Whatever on Wednesday.

Sweet! I bookmarked it. Now I can't wait until Wednesday.




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This is my most recent sketch - I'm practicing - you can see more on my blog In Pursuit of a Hidden Artist I'm currently participating in a 75 Sketches in 75 Days challenge - both are done with Kaweco AC Carbon EF nib - Platinum Carbon Black ink









oh I like this! the bagthumbup.gif

but also having fun with the items on the mantle.. catS.. but, wait, do I also spy an owl? see wing, with ear crest.. ???

saw the temp gauge first! : )



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Some new stuff. These are 23"X 32" BIG drawings using Mont Blanc 149 with $ B nib by John Mottishaw and a MB 149 B nib. Colored with pastels and "PanPastels"



DSC02898 by stevlight, on Flickr



DSC02912 by stevlight, on Flickr



weather vanes by stevlight, on Flickr


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This is my most recent sketch - I'm practicing - you can see more on my blog In Pursuit of a Hidden Artist I'm currently participating in a 75 Sketches in 75 Days challenge - both are done with Kaweco AC Carbon EF nib - Platinum Carbon Black ink



oh I like this! the bagthumbup.gif

but also having fun with the items on the mantle.. catS.. but, wait, do I also spy an owl? see wing, with ear crest.. ???

saw the temp gauge first! : )



The wings are probably the little Angel Akita ornament that I received as a gift, there are wolves and dog and cat themed salt and pepper shakers, mice and other critters.

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." ~ Ben Williams


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Some new stuff. These are 23"X 32" BIG drawings using Mont Blanc 149 with $ B nib by John Mottishaw and a MB 149 B nib. Colored with pastels and "PanPastels"




I really like the weather vanes, I also like the mice and frog battles over on your Flickr.

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." ~ Ben Williams


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I really like the weather vanes, I also like the mice and frog battles over on your Flickr.


Thanks--I needed to do something violent--take abreak from the sweet kiddy stuff--the sweet stuff is really me 98% of the time, just sometimes it is fun to draw mice cutting frogs in half-LOL



Dang Steve! Those are awesome! Love the bridge the best though.


Thanks--yeah, that was a break through piece.


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