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Please do! I particularly liked the first one with the gulls on the shore.

I'm woefully behind in doing sketches. I've been in kind of a funk for a lot of the summer. But at least yesterday I got a poem written (first time in a while for that, too) and I'm pretty happy with it.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Not sketches in its pure form, but related to them ..











So to speak, the example is in the interior.


About fountain pens, inks and arts: http://lenskiy.org

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Ooookay, :)

After coming home, I went with a World Watercolor MOnth prompt "Colors of Summer" and tried to tame the dark ink based boku undo watercolors along with Sailor kin mokusei.


Then a view from the terrasse


Followed by some letterart



These bugs didn't get much instagram love



More (uninspired) letterart


And fanart


The last one for World Watercolor Month: Ink bottles :D


Edited by parkerwasmyfirstlove
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I love this thread ! :wub:

Thank you, everyone, for being brave enough to share your talents with our community :)

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well were glad you like it.


Here is an sketch from this mornings coffee outing before work,

needs some color tho?




Edited by Mihailo

I run on Caffeine, Sarcasm and inappropriate thoughts.

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This is cool Andrew, you could sell your work?


Big thanks! But your work is very high level!


These are my test sketches after I restored a pen. I store them as an archive for a memory of the possibilities of the instrument. But if you are interested, I can make a copy for you using Indian ink. Or try to draw your idea.



About fountain pens, inks and arts: http://lenskiy.org

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On 8/3/2017 at 1:10 PM, parkerwasmyfirstlove said:

I meant that sketches. That's how you store them?



:) Ah, New York, New York by Frank Sinatra ...
These are real sketches, but this is an example of design "how they could look in the interior." I can make them for you in Indian ink. I prefer to make Indian Ink (for order), because it is not dangerous for sunlight and does not fade. If you don't have a color preference, I can make it in black ink. If you want color like in photo, I will try to make such a color(approximately).



It's ordinary fountain ink - Sheaffer Blue-Black ink

About fountain pens, inks and arts: http://lenskiy.org

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My attempt at watercolors, and my favorite waterfowl.


It's interesting to have a solution with different styles on different halves of the sheet. Good work. Thanks for sharing.

Edited by Andrew_L

About fountain pens, inks and arts: http://lenskiy.org

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Mayan apocalypse - The 2012 phenomenon was a range of eschatological beliefs that cataclysmic or otherwise transformative events would occur on or around 21 December 2012.


Or something else? :)







About fountain pens, inks and arts: http://lenskiy.org

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One of my favorite quote:



Everyone knows, something is impossible. But then someone ignorant appears who does not know that it is impossible, and makes it!


Albert Einstein.





About fountain pens, inks and arts: http://lenskiy.org

or watch on social networks

Facebook: @ArtDesignPenS

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Volga GAZ-21 (car from USSR)

The GAZ M21 Volga is an automobile which was produced in the Soviet Union by GAZ ("Gorki Automobiljni Zavod", in English : "Gorky automobile factory") from 1956 to 1970. The first car to carry the Volga name, it was developed in the early 1950s.



About fountain pens, inks and arts: http://lenskiy.org

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Facebook: @ArtDesignPenS

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Then I tried my luck a bit with some friendly monsters for the kids.

This one is the cereal monster, done with my Bexley Prometheus and Diamine saddle brown in my Stalogy notebook.


Then here we have one done only with my waterbrushpen and Pelikan Sapphire - I don't like writing with this ink, washes are a ok.


And a habañero monster done in the same way with Diamine Terracotta.

Edited by parkerwasmyfirstlove
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Then I tried my luck a bit with some friendly monsters for the kids.


I like the muesli-monster in a honey cup. You should think about the series in one style: children's breakfasts:)

​Good work!

About fountain pens, inks and arts: http://lenskiy.org

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