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Parker 51 vs Parker 61


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I have found that nibs on UK made Parker 51 and 61 seem smoother. Many of the well used 51s are very smooth. I don't think the 61s have an automatic advantage. If you think the 61s are better, though, then use the 61. I think the 51 and 61 in all versions are together the best of pens, and I think there is no point or advantage accruing to you of dividing them into some partisan conflict. Rather, stand them together against other pens.

Very true. The nibs on UK made 51s, 61s and the English aero Duofolds are the best nibs I have ever come across on Parker pens.


I have been reading in this Forum threads that the nibs on the 61s are superior than those on 51s but in my experience the nibs on the USA made 61s are not different than those on the USA made 51s.

Edited by mitto

Khan M. Ilyas

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I first bought a 61 as a curiosity, then my 61 pen/pencil became the only objects besides my wristwatch and eyeglasses that are pretty much with me everywhere but in the shower.

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From the photo, it indicates that the Argentinian P61 is really a Mk3 P51 + barrel jewel + 2 dots in the hood rather than a P61 with differences. The hood shape is pure P51. Got to get one, one day, when I'm feeling rich. So probably never.


This is an old thread, but since people continue to use the forum archives for research on purchases, I thought one more side by side by side picture might be useful to show that there are two types of people that might be interested in the Argentina version of a 61 and at least one type that wouldn't. The pens are (top to bottom) an aero P51, the Argentinian pen labeled "Parker 61 Mk II" on the cap, and a C/C P61 (with a replacement brass connector).


A Parker 61 collector may want the Argentinian version since it was sold as a 61. However, a Parker 61 user would be disappointed if they thought they were getting an aero version of the P61 with dots rather than an arrow. The profile and feel of the pen is very different than either a capillary or C/C 61. Having said that, a P51 user (or collector) might be interested in this pen. I can't speak to the internal feed/collector configuration, but if you handed the pen to anyone with the "6" on the cap obscured, it certainly would appear to them to be a slightly thinner version of a late P51 with double jewels and nib orientation markers as Richard noted.


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