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Spirit Of Life design by Henry Simpole

Chris Chalmers

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Don't worry Ghost Plane, NOOOOOOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!

Henry is in surprisingly confident spirits with regards to the admin side of this project, maybe the Spirit of Life is rubbing off on him! :embarrassed_smile: But don't worry, yours will be the first to arrive [hurricanes permitting!] :thumbup:

He has been making surprising strides ahead this morning, with the names, addresses phone numbers, nib sizes etc: all in preparation for Georges arrival on Wednesday morning! :thumbup:

So just sit down in the nice 'Comfy Chair' and................... :eureka: :ltcapd:

Henry just said he will be in touch directly! O.K?

Truffle Finder.

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Don't worry Ghost Plane, NOOOOOOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!

Henry is in surprisingly confident spirits with regards to the admin side of this project, maybe the Spirit of Life is rubbing off on him! :embarrassed_smile: But don't worry, yours will be the first to arrive [hurricanes permitting!] :thumbup:

He has been making surprising strides ahead this morning, with the names, addresses phone numbers, nib sizes etc: all in preparation for Georges arrival on Wednesday morning! :thumbup:

So just sit down in the nice 'Comfy Chair' and................... :eureka: :ltcapd:

Henry just said he will be in touch directly! O.K?

Truffle Finder.


Hi Guys


Here I am back - have had a somewhat difficult year so far hence my odd and very occasional appearance lately.

I have been to see Henry and TF on a couple of occasions and as TF has said I am going to see Henry on Wednesday morning to give him some help - will also help hm with PAYpal, if he needs it.

Yes, we are going out to lunch as well (you are welcome to join us TF if you are available) - I'm paying.

I have already seen the overlay, as I think I may have mentioned a while ago and am looking forward to seeing the finished article.

Glad that this project has gone so well for everybody.

Will definitely report back.



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It sounds as if the 'COMFY CHAIR' has had the desired effect, everybody seems 'keyed up' and ready to jump into action.



And now for something completely different!!!

:eureka: :roflmho: :ltcapd:

Truffle Finder.

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I'm ensconced in the comfy chair and the only cardinals in sight are the feathered variety chasing seeds in the shrubbery.

Shrubbery?! :yikes:

I believe that's what the recruiter said when I walked thru the door eons ago and said, "Hello. I'd like to join up and dress like a shrubbery." :ltcapd:


Good to see you back, George, and thanks for helping Henry with that which does not translate, i.e. the technical side of things. Being a bit of a Luddite myself, it was the halt leading the blind trying to rig communications and funds transfers from the wrong side of the pond. :gaah: :bonk:


So far, I know of FOUR of us who've made our nib preferences known. That leaves SIX of you likely to receive visits from the Knights who say Ni! Or is that nibmeisters? It's been a long day, even for a Monday. :embarrassed_smile:


And for those willing to address the ever so civilized topic of the weather, I believe I now have three named storms churning somewhere to the southeast of me. :wacko: Yes, it's the height of the hurricane season in the Southern Atlantic/Carribean region and those folks in the Sahara simply can't bear to keep their weather systems to themselves. :rolleyes: Category 4 anyone? I believe Jamaica has the high bid on Igor for the moment.

Edited by Ghost Plane
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Good to see you back, George, and thanks for helping Henry with that which does not translate, i.e. the technical side of things. Being a bit of a Luddite myself, it was the halt leading the blind trying to rig communications and funds transfers from the wrong side of the pond. :gaah: :bonk:



Thanks GP - good to be back. All will be ironed out on Wednesday.

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While you're ironing, I've tossed a 5th nib selection in Henry's direction. Halfway there :thumbup:


Looks like we won't need as many killer rabbits as we thought. Now if I can just figure out how to put the pin back into the Holy Hand Grenade... :blink: :hmm1:

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Welcome back George :bunny01: :bunny01: :bunny01: !!!!


Ghost Plane.............don't touch that pin or the hand grenade...........they have been invisibly neutralised by the Wiizard of OZ!!!! :ninja:


Is there room in the Comfy Chair for two? :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby: We could try reading to each other while we wait for your weather to calm, for George to technically hitch Henry,,,,,,,,,and for the three of them (includes TF here) to munch their way through the Fish Restaurant :puddle: :puddle: :puddle: :puddle: :puddle: .

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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We may have to get Cardinal Biggles to ...talk... to you about that Edison Urushi Pearl of yours, Chris. Are you bringing it to Melbourne?


Sadly I won't be attending the show this year..........we have a Wedding of one very special Daughter next month!!! Sorry!

The Urushi Pearl is indeed delightful!

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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I'm having fantasies of prawns :puddle:


As to nib choices, I believe we're up to 6 choices made known to Henry. Everyone else...phone home!! :bunny01:

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I'm having fantasies of prawns :puddle:


As to nib choices, I believe we're up to 6 choices made known to Henry. Everyone else...phone home!! :bunny01:


Well GP - I will be thinking of you tomorrow then.

The restaurant we are going to is called "The Ark" and serves the most wonderful Atlantic prawns, in shell, and on ice, as a starter.

My wife is American, so I know that the prawns and shrimp that you have over on that side of the pond are much bigger than we have here. Our prawns are about 2 inches long in the shell, and are sweet and succulent with the most wonderful flavour especially when they warm up in the mouth after they have been iced. :puddle:

Can't wait - hope they are on tomorrow - Henry, TF and I will be indulging in these, with any luck, and thinking of you too.

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I got some 21 count [how many constitute a pound, for those not familiar] deepwater rock shrimp this week that were the size of baby lobsters and just as sweet. Split the back so they don't curl up, brush with garlic butter, slide under the broiler on the lowest setting...num num :thumbup:


The Atlantic side taste the sweetest to me. There's some good stuff starting to come back in the Gulf :thumbup:


Eat well and get Henry up and running, please. We need to wrap this project so he can be free to create and we can all do wondrous things with our pens. :clap1: :wub:

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I want photos of those scrummy prawns please.......... :puddle: here we have lobster, salmon, scallops and blue-eye trevalla - but the prawns have to come from north Queensland, so are very expensive!


Until George and Henry and TF get things going we can talk seafood and dribble a lot - ???? :puddle: :puddle: :puddle:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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Seafood is a frustrating topic here in Florida. First the hurricanes scoured away many of the best oyster beds in Appalachicola Bay [the absolute sweetest oysters out there, ignore the New Orleans hype], and then BP wiped out more. Oil and bottom feeders do NOT mix. So now we're looking at a good 3-5 years before there'll be decent harvests on the Gulf side.


But over here on the Atlantic side, there's some prime eating off the Florida/Georgia coast and inland waters. I'm an absolute fiend for smoked mullet from the local waterways. It makes excellent dip, being a strong tasting, oily fish that will hold its own against spicy/crunchy additions.


But shrimp is my first and foremost love. The blue-gray deepwater rock shrimp with the harder shells are incredibly sweet. Many here prefer the pinks, which have almost pink shells before they're cooked. When they're not overfished, they come in as big as your thumb! :puddle: :puddle: :puddle:


While we're waiting for George, has anyone thought what ink they're going for first? Because the pen is black and won't stain, I'm not limited to my beloved Herbin. So I've been checking out my stash of Private Reserve and Waterman inks.


I'm leaning toward a purple to begin with. Waterman Purple? Purple Mojo? Pousserie de Lune? :unsure:


But then I haven't tried greens in awhile and there are those lovely morning glory vines in the design. I won't know for sure until I hold it. :gaah:

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One word:


Mudbugs. :thumbup:




After all, the BP oil hasn't reached up the Mississippi. (Yet.)



"...Madness takes its toll."




"Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger." – J.R.R. Tolkien

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OK - went to see Henry and have actvated his PayPal account etc, so he should be all ready to go. Expect to hear from him very soon, so wallets at the ready.


The three of us (me - TF & Henry)had a very nice 2 1/2 hour lunch - yes, we started with iced North Atlantic prawns as I said and, also GP, we were thinking about you as we enjoyed them - told you that we would.


I have seen the finished pen, they are all waiting at Henry's workshop for the off. It looks sensational - there is no way that you will have the slightest disappointment. A beautiful, large, very well balanced pen - an absolute joy to hold. From what I know of your preferences GP, this will suit you perfectly.


Purple Mojo is also a nice colour, my wife uses it all the time in her Pelikan M200 and I uswe it from time to time myself. It is a really nice purple very deep and rich.

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Thank you so much, George. Tell your wife I said to give you a smooch for me.


Can't wait to hold mine and use mine and write with it for hours! :notworthy1:


I'll have to have shrimp tonight in your honor. :puddle: :thumbup:

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Way to go George, Henry and TF!!! My mouth is watering just imagining that two and a half hour lunch!!!! Whaaaa!!!! :crybaby: :crybaby:


I'm undecided as to the ink I'll use, MB Violet is calling.........but I'll go consult the oracle (look in the ink drawers) and see what I come up with :roflmho: and in the meantime............. thanks for getting Henry into the 21st Century with Paypal! :clap1:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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No problem Chris.

As always it is a great pleasure to spend some time with Henry and if at the same time I can impart some modern wisdom (of the internet kind) all the better.

TF does help him where he can, but quite frankly his computer skills are not very far above Henry's. TF is a great guy and has a real sense of humour, so I know he won't mind me saying that.

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