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Spirit Of Life design by Henry Simpole

Chris Chalmers

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Here be the place where new discussions about the "Spirit Of Life" design for Ghost Plane and others - being made by Henry Simpole will happen. Please feel free to join in if you want. So far this will be a run of six pens - but I hope to be corrected if needs be, by Henry or GP. :notworthy1: :notworthy1: :notworthy1: :notworthy1: :notworthy1: :notworthy1: :notworthy1:


Thanks to Miranda for the idea of a new thread! :thumbup:

Edited by Chris Chalmers

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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You mean y'all got tired of wading thru nearly 40 pages? :bunny01:


Waiting on Salman and Henry to figure out the structural/calligraphy issues of creating a design that's never be done before. :cloud9: :thumbup:


I think it'll be unique, but then I'm biased. :embarrassed_smile:

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I'm looking forward to seeing the final version. Arabic calligraphy makes a font-engine designer's life hell, but the results can be wonderful.

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After wading through 6 pages of the previous thread (I have my board settings to display 100 posts per page) I'm "watching" this thread with great anticipation.


Danitrio Fellow, Nakaya Nutter, Sailor Sailor (ret), Visconti Venerator, Montegrappa Molester (in training), ConwayStewart Champion & Diplomat #77

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Almost there! A round of applause please for Salman Khattak, who is helping with the calligraphy. :wub: He's a student of calligraphy, does it as a hobby, and has been a life saver as I certainly can't do Arabic. I suspect we'll all be pleased with the calligraphy on artistic merit as I've seen it and it's beautiful even if I can't read it - yet! He and Henry have gotten together and we're imminent. :clap1:

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Oh Boy!!!! :notworthy1: :thumbup: :cloud9: :eureka: :clap1: :yikes:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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Just thought I would give you a bit of an update, Henry has been in touch with the Calligraphy Man, [who lives in Foreign parts!] and he has promised to send a copy of the script for the prayer which will be engraved onto the barrel of the pen. So now that they are both singing from the same' Hymn Sheets', things should be moving in the right direction.

What with the election results, and this pen, the strain is sometimes just too much for me to take, I think I should lie down in a darkened room!

Truffle Finder.

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Psst! Y'all live in Foreign parts, too! :yikes: :bunny01:


Here be dragons. :P



"The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes." Winston S. Churchill

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Nope, that's the lake at the bottom of my garden. We feed stray tourists to them and call them gators :bunny01:

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Got stitches in the back of my hand, so won't be typing a lot the next few days 'cause it pulls. :crybaby:

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Hi y'all,

Having been in Henry's workshop, and talking to him, he is concerned about engraving the script on the overlay by hand, so he has decided to get a man in Hatton Garden [the jewellery district in London] who has a lazer machine, to 'copy the 'text' exactly on his machine, that way there will not be any possibility of any mistakes or inaccuracies.

It is not a decision he has made lightly, he is more concerned about the eventual outcome of the written 'text', which although will only be read by a very select few, it is important to him that it is correct, to anyone who can read it that is!

So, the latest update for this thread, is that hopefully an image will probably be posted on this space within the next week................. Hopefully!

Truffle Finder.

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Design making progress.


Pressure bandage off stitches. Doesn't pull as much. Still sore :P

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Dare I ask what happened to your hand? Hope it returns to perfection soon! Don't do anything strenuous until then please! :blink:


As to the Script - that sounds like the perfect solution - you would hate for a slip of the engraving tool to turn a word from good into bad!!! Henry is doing the right thing! :clap1:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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