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eastern euro pens


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Can Barclay, Ripet, Sagitta be translated into Chech which is or was a different alphabet ....I might take a look from German Ebay. I need the word for fountain pen.


Geez man, one would think that your stay in Germany would teach you better. Cechens live in Chechnya, it is Czechs who live right next to your door. Czechs never had a different alphabet, we always used the Latin one. Have you ever been in Prague?


When I was a kid I was writing with Centropen FPs but I doubt one can get those easily these days.


Edit: KOH-I-NOOR Hardtmuth is another established EE brand going way back to 1790 - see http://www.koh-i-noor.cz/en/spolecnost/historie .I do not remember using any K-I-N FPs though.

Edited by Glaurung

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The results of my query: there are actually quite a few Rexpens in the shops, but they are all newer models, they retail at prices similar to a Parker Vector or Frontier, and usually come with a BP. Of the older models, I haven't seen any. :(

"If there is such a thing as reincarnation, knowing my luck I'll come back as me. "

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I also doubt that any of the old models can be found on eBay...


But I found something similar (some sort of serbian version of eBay!?!) :blink: -> HERE (it's in latin but some of the auction-text is in cyrillic!)


There are some REXPEN fountain pens and other interesting thingies, and if you're in Croatia maybe you can have better access to them.

Edited by Edgar Allan Bo
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If I may: TOZ - LUX GOLD 991 (Croatia)







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And I finnaly found the picture of a typical scool fountain pen used in Slovenia during 1980-1990. Almost everyone had one. THis one is designated 2020; I had one with no number designation.



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