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Pen Stands


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I bought the desk set with paper opener, in a thrift shop in the '80's. Originally it had two BP's and post it's and paper clips.

It's a fair match for a inkwell set I have...both having brass and mahogany colored wood, and lines of inlaid brass.


The brick colored Mechanical pencil, is from the '30's; a Parker Duofold copy. It is a "no name written on it..no name) The telephone number is only 4 numbers long, so 30's-40's.

The other mechanical pencil on the little pulpit, is not missing anything. That's the way it's supposed to look. It is a designer piece from @ 1950 from Farber Castell...called a Tekagraph 9603




Edited by Bo Bo Olson

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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This thread has inspired me to make a penstand. I'm thinking something similar to the Japanese 'rests' (akin to a scaled down sword rest). Depending on how adventurous I feel I might try and make it including an ink bottle section -


Perhaps one designed for the iroshizuku bottles seeing as they're so beautiful. Two sitting side by side to the rear of a double tiered-level rest for two pens infront on a heavy wood base. Hmm. Something that will go well beside my homemade insence catcher.


I was also inspired to make my own pen stand, and I think it has a bit of Japanese flair to it. The second photo seems to make the pen look a bit like a broad sword (as in " the pen is mightier than . . ."?) You be the judge.



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One note of caution for those of you looking for a pen stand. I went into a store to look at a stand for my pen. I was looking at the atlas, the eagle, and the lady justice statues that you can find all over the internet. I ended up getting the lady justice but wanted the eagle...this is why.


When I tried to place my pen on the eagles wings (the part made for holding the pen) the pen would not stay on the platform. It kept falling off of the wings.


This obviously wasn't good (thankfully we were using the stores doo doo pen).


We tried the obvious, bending the wings so that the pen would fit, but the material (pewter *SP) was too hard to allow for bending.


So my words of caution are be careful that your pen will actually fit on the stand before you buy....if of course you can. Had I not checked the eagle, I would have waisted $90.


Just my $.02 worth!

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I use to have the Zagoory Pen Goddess on my desk at work... til I can in after a few days off, and she went on vacation with someone and never came back....




Image on loan from jaczagoory.com where you can purchase his fine penstands...


No affiliation

A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out.



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This Parker pen box I bought a few years ago - I have no clue with which Parker it came but certainly not any P25 ;) I'm told once there might have been a Duofold with it, and there should be a small round bottle of ink with it but that wasn't there either.



So, this is it: a wooden box, a design ink bottle and it serves a lot of daily used parkers. At the right side just a stand from a pen shop.

Edited by Shaughn
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  • 2 months later...

Just found this thread.


Here are a couple of a style I make.







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Here is mine--just a block of bass wood from the hobby shop that i drilled holes in. Use a forester bit it makes cleaner holes! This sits at the top of my desk--holds all kinds of tools.



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  • 3 months later...

Hello everyone,

I have been trying to find some Pen Stands for my desk on this forum, with no luck so far. Could anyone please share the pictures of their pen stands, nakaya pillows here. Thanks!


My favorite Pen Holder. No name as to what pen company made it:



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