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18 x Sailor Nagasawa Kobe Inks


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Ehh... That black... uhh... Kobe #5... Is it the ink's real name?embarrassed_smile.gif

Or its "pen" name?


Good to see great minds love the gutters! :ltcapd: That is its real name on the Japanese website.

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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Hougado Pengallery does not ship internationally


I understand your points, and the Hougado shipping policy, but I cannot give up just like that. Where would the fun be? :bunny01: Next step is to call in some favors from some Japanese friends.

If you select 'forwarding' as a shipping option, the Hougado inks come up on Rakuten international.


The forwarding service seems simple enough, but you've really got to want what you're buying! You pay local Japanese shipping to get it to the forwarding service, then pay a 490 yen fee plus EMS international shipping. NOT cheap, but it could be done. Come to think of it, it's still probably cheaper than FedEx. I lust after some of those Hougado inks.



Ehh... That black... uhh... Kobe #5... Is it the ink's real name?embarrassed_smile.gif

Or its "pen" name?


Good to see great minds love the gutters! :ltcapd: That is its real name on the Japanese website.

I don't speak Japanese, but I've got some Korean, and I'd bet dollars to donuts 'Dong' means something like 'district', though I'd have to look up the character to be sure. Kanji & hanja generally have the same meaning as the Chinese originals (what's the Mandarin word for character, anyway?), and sometimes the pronunciation is the same, too, hence my guess. (But mostly it's not, as in kanji and hanja: same character!)


ETA: Nope, wrong Dong: it's the character for East, not district, and I don't think it's pronounced 'Dong' in Japanese at all, but I do think the translation software defaults to something like Chinese transliteration in English for characters it can't figure out. I think it should probably be 'Toa Black' (meaning Eastern Black?) or something similar. I recognize the 東亜 from the title of the Dong-a Ilbo newspaper (Eastern Daily) in Seoul. Er... sorry. Now back to your regularly scheduled ink talk!



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Ehh... That black... uhh... Kobe #5... Is it the ink's real name?embarrassed_smile.gif

Or its "pen" name?



If you come up to the Bay Area again, I'll take you to this old Chinese restaurant in Berkeley. It's named 'King Dong'.


Do I dare call a Pen Posse 'King Dong'?

2020 San Francisco Pen Show
August 28-30th, 2020
Pullman Hotel San Francisco Bay
223 Twin Dolphin Drive
Redwood City Ca, 94065

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Drifting Ryan, thanks for that information and for trying to pull us out of the gutter. I suspect we prefer the scatological imagined scenario. :ltcapd:


I tried registering at Rakuten, but so much was in squiggly characters, I couldn't be sure what in the world I was doing...and that forwarding option you linked looks interesting. I think I am seeing unicode characters, not the actual drawn characters, but when I put it in Google Translate, it recognizes them.

Edited by SamCapote

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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Ehh... That black... uhh... Kobe #5... Is it the ink's real name?embarrassed_smile.gif

Or its "pen" name?


Good to see great minds love the gutters! lticaptd.gif That is its real name on the Japanese website.






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Ehh... That black... uhh... Kobe #5... Is it the ink's real name?embarrassed_smile.gif

Or its "pen" name?



If you come up to the Bay Area again, I'll take you to this old Chinese restaurant in Berkeley. It's named 'King Dong'.


Do I dare call a Pen Posse 'King Dong'?



I will definitely come to the next Pen Posse just to see that 'King ...' place.


Do I dare to call it 'King Pen'?

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Ryan I tried registering at Rakuten, but so much was in squiggly characters, I couldn't be sure what in the world I was doing...and that forwarding option you linked looks interesting. I think I am seeing unicode characters, not the actual drawn characters, but when I put it in Google Translate, it recognizes them.


I will see if my 3 hour expedition through the Rakuten registration and ordering maze via Tenso works. I was back and forth with Google Translate, and blowing up my browser to actually read the Unicode numbers that represent various things you need to understand. For example I had to recognize the symbol numbers for Tokyo which is called a "Prefecture" (not a term I understood) from the drop down list shown in image below.


They were:


67 4E 90

71 RC FD



With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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Whoa. When I ordered through Rakuten, I just chose the 'shop without registering' option!


As for the browser and unicode, I'm pretty sure you can fix all that with a few clicks in your OS's language settings, no? Then, at least, you'd see the characters to cut and paste into a translator. You've got far more patience than I do! Good luck!



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When you type in your postal code on pretty much any Japanese website, your address will appear. Including your prefecture.


I order on Rakuten all the time, but I let my Japanese wife deal with the form.

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Drifting Ryan, thanks for that information and for trying to pull us out of the gutter. I suspect we prefer the scatological imagined scenario. :ltcapd:


Then the Urinari Green's going to be a big hit!



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When you type in your postal code on pretty much any Japanese website, your address will appear. Including your prefecture.


I order on Rakuten all the time, but I let my Japanese wife deal with the form.


Well I put the postal code in first, and it did not fill in the prefecture (Tokyo), or the next space where they said County/City/Ward (Island Country). I didn't see any listing from Tenso that told me what order the other six Unicode characters should go in. When I translated the address from them on 2 lines, it came out:



04 Higashi Shinagawa- xxxxxxx (specific account)

If I took out the carriage return and had it all be on one line and put it in google translate, it then came out:


Higashi Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 〒 140-0002 xxxxxx


So eventually I took 3 of the nine characters and translated them at a time to figure out which was for Tokyo (which I then had to learn is considered a "prefecture" but I would think of as a City),


Then figured out the 3 codes for Higashi & 3 codes for Shinagawa but the set of 3 + 3 codes in the order from Tenso was reversed. I would have expected the left 3 codes to bring up Higashi, and the right 3 codes to bring up Shinagawa, but it was reversed. Then I didn't know what to make of putting those 6 codes together the way Tenso listed them, and suddently there was no -ku after Higashi Sinagawa in google translate. And I would have thought that there should have been "Japan" listed as the "Island" or Country, vs. Okinawa, but that never came up to enter that I could see.


I sent screenshots of all this to Tenso because their website was easy, but the example of how to use their address when ordering did not correlate at all with registering at Rakuten.


I can imagine how much easier it would have been to have my Japanese wife do all this, but I only have an American wife (who I love very much).:cloud9:


Then you should see the emails that come after you place an order filled with hundreds of Unicode characters, that yields a mediocre translation with Google. Babelfish is horrible in comparison. It was all great fun in exploring, but makes one realize how separated human being are by language. Doing this is not for the faint of heart, especially putting your credit card information into Rakuten's registration--not knowing their overall security/trustworthiness. I think things worked because I got a call about a half hour later from Capital One Fraud Alert wanting to check if I just ordered something from Japan.


Of course, the proof will be in the pudding.

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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Drifting Ryan, thanks for that information and for trying to pull us out of the gutter. I suspect we prefer the scatological imagined scenario. :ltcapd:


Then the Urinari Green's going to be a big hit!




It's #1!


Don't feel bad. I'm old; I'm meh about most things.

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LOL, I went through all those gymnastics, got a confirmation of my order, notification of it being sent to Tenso on 4/26, then today putting it into Google Translate, I got a notice that the order was cancelled by Hougado. They REALLY do not want to sell their ink.


Am I giving up? No. This is a game of Chess now.

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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I got a notice that the order was cancelled by Hougado. They REALLY do not want to sell their ink.

:blink: :gaah:


Am I giving up? No. This is a game of Chess now.


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I'm back on the horse. I think there might be all 9 of these Hougado inks heading my way. I underscore "might."

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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Wow! Great job, and what a lot of work! You are a hero in my inky world. Didn't even know these existed, and was probably better off (financially) not knowing. Great job posting the colors so the nuances show. I am a big fan of writing smears... Thanks for sharing.


"Black Dong". Hmm. Wasn't that a Zeppelin tune? ;)

Some people say they march to a different drummer. Me? I hear bagpipes.

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It would have been an even better Zep tune name than Black Dog! Well anything Zep did was superb.


Update - Something is happening: :unsure:

May 3 21:00 - Posting/Collection, Tokyo

May 4 06:58 - Arrival at outward office of exchange, Tokyo

May 4 22:04 - Dispatch from outward office of exchange, Tokyo

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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Now I'm getting excited:


Your item arrived in the United States in ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS) at 1:34 PM on May 5, 2010 :clap1:


Edit: And now I can almost reach out and touch it: Processed through Sort Facility, May 06, 2010, 12:33 am, HARTFORD, CT 06199 :W2FPN:

Edited by SamCapote

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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Cha Cha Cha.....got all 11 of them today. These are beautiful.


I'll start a new thread with smears.

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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