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These dip-less dip pens (dip pens with feeds) have tipped nibs more like fountain pen nibs. :ninja: P.S.: I never use them so I'm going to list them in the sale section. :ninja:



Wow, handsome pens!

Your handwiting is impressive, too. Congrats! :thumbup:

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Is that drying powder?


Thanks, Bernardo. That's gum sandarac powder, which I grind even finer with the mortar and pestle, and then use to prep the paper so it takes ink better.

Edited by Rena
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Oh my ANM! I'm just going to sit here and gaze at the beauty. :cloud9:


The two that look like they have door knobs on the end have collars that slide up and down. When you pull the forward one back, the nib retracts and when you push the rear one forward, it causes a mechanical pencil to emerge. I believe they were designed for traveling. Wnen both collars are pulled back, there is nothing exposed to possible damage.

And the end of all our exploring

Will be to arrive where we started

And know the place for the first time. TS Eliot

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I've put up a post about this separately https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php?/topic/150499-using-fountain-pens-as-dip-pen-holders/page__pid__1497045__st__0entry1497045 but you can also use old fountain pens (missing nibs or caps) as dip pen holders.



Edited by jbb
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Is that drying powder?


Thanks, Bernardo. That's gum sandarac powder, which I grind even finer with the mortar and pestle, and then use to prep the paper so it take ink better.

I love the image of you grinding gum sandarac in your mortar and pestle. I imagine candles lit... a castle turret... Do you use gum sandarac frequently when you write?

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Beauty in its purest form. Thank you all for posting. ANM, I am allowed to envy you, right?


Why did my browser window say 'pg. 2.66666666667' when I was browsing page 1? Or was that a combination of all the pages so far that I was browsing? This does not make sense at all...:wacko:


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Why did my browser window say 'pg. 2.66666666667' when I was browsing page 1?


Got a retro first-version Pentium chip in there? ;)

Does not always write loving messages.

Does not always foot up columns correctly.

Does not always sign big checks.

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Is that drying powder?


Thanks, Bernardo. That's gum sandarac powder, which I grind even finer with the mortar and pestle, and then use to prep the paper so it take ink better.

I love the image of you grinding gum sandarac in your mortar and pestle. I imagine candles lit... a castle turret... Do you use gum sandarac frequently when you write?


Heh, I wish I could answer your question in the affirmative, JBB. It is very relaxing and gratifying to take the time for practicing some of these ancient ways, but no, not as often as I would like. Oh, to have a castle turret (or a studio!!) where I could have these pens and papers and ink pots and grinding implements and even my sumi ink sticks laid out for frequent use. Instead, I work at the dining room table and must always clear everything away again after use. That is what stops me — there is mess involved, and the dining room table is too necessary for other uses throughout any given day.

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I have one wooden dip pen, the dark one on top. You have a lovely collection by the way. Or variety.







Lovely photo, as always, Rena. I love this vignette.


etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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My dip pens (sorry, no decent camera, and no decent photographer available here):




From left to right:

- cheap Waterman with "Esterbrook 369"

- ordinary holder with "Spencerian 30"

- Lamy Safari with "Esterbrook 358" and a reservoir.

- Lamy Safari with "Grieshaber"

- Pilot Penmanship with "Leroy Fairchild"

- Calligraphy holder with, if I remember well, "Turner & Harrison 87"

- Lamy Accent with "Spencerian 1"

- Lamy Logo with "Gillott's 1"

- ordinary holder wih "Leonardt" unsuccessful copy of the above nib.

Edited by hehiheho

Pens I use very often: Lamy Accent ("EF": fine), Lamy Accent ("1.1": medium italic), Pilot Custom ("FA": extra-fine flexible).

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Why did my browser window say 'pg. 2.66666666667' when I was browsing page 1?


Got a retro first-version Pentium chip in there? ;)



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I have one wooden dip pen, the dark one on top. You have a lovely collection by the way. Or variety.







Lovely photo, as always, Rena. I love this vignette.

Ooh! I have the nib on the holder on the far right. Excellent photo, by the way! Very spiffy and pro-looking.


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I've put up a post about this separately https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php?/topic/150499-using-fountain-pens-as-dip-pen-holders/page__pid__1497045__st__0entry1497045 but you can also use old fountain pens (missing nibs or caps) as dip pen holders.



Thank you! :thumbup:

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My portable pen for quick practice sessions: Aikin Lambert No. 6 telescoping holder with a Zebra G manga nib, Bakelite travel inkwell (spill-proof) from Bulgaria.




My "dip less" pen for serious flex: Varuna Dip Pen with Gillott 303. The nib and ebonite feed can be reversed for safe transport, so the point is inside the pen body. The Leonardt EF Principal will fit as well, although it's a bit tight and can not be reversed for storage.


Every doctrine that discards doubt is a form of fanaticism and stupidity.

-- Jorge Luis Borges


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My portable pen for quick practice sessions: Aikin Lambert No. 6 telescoping holder with a Zebra G manga nib, Bakelite travel inkwell (spill-proof) from Bulgaria.


My "dip less" pen for serious flex: Varuna Dip Pen with Gillott 303. The nib and ebonite feed can be reversed for safe transport, so the point is inside the pen body. The Leonardt EF Principal will fit as well, although it's a bit tight and can not be reversed for storage.



WOW!! IMPRESSIVE!! :drool:

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My portable pen for quick practice sessions: Aikin Lambert No. 6 telescoping holder with a Zebra G manga nib, Bakelite travel inkwell (spill-proof) from Bulgaria.



WOW!! IMPRESSIVE!! :drool:


Impressive indeed! What I would do for a pen like that! Sadly, I can already tell its way outside my budget! It's a shame they don't make pens like that anymore.


EDIT: Perhaps not, there's a similar one going for only $30 on the bay

Edited by Kaych


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EDIT: Perhaps not, there's a similar one going for only $30 on the bay


Correct, similar holders show up on ebay all the time for modest sums, particularly if they are missing the original nib.

Every doctrine that discards doubt is a form of fanaticism and stupidity.

-- Jorge Luis Borges


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EDIT: Perhaps not, there's a similar one going for only $30 on the bay

Correct, similar holders show up on ebay all the time for modest sums, particularly if they are missing the original nib.


I don't know what I like the most, the pen or the ink bottle... :hmm1:

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I have only one dip pen. I do know however where in the neighborhood to get some more nibs. I bought the wrong nib....live and pay.

It is on my list of things to do.


What a fool I was some 20 years ago, when I told my wife to toss her pen-holders.

If one could read the future, one would not get out of bed.


Well my next inkwell, will have dip pen holders.

None of my five inkwells (4 double wells) have that attachment.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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